Unity - Pure Onyx [v0.112.0] [Eromancer]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Best beat-em up H game I've seen. The animations are simply unreal. Not sure how this has 3.5 stars there's really nothing like this out there even remotely. Plays pretty smooth to for an unfished game. Lots of complex sex scenes and punching to nejoy.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a review for the November 2021 update.


    - still at a "proof of concept" level. There's still only the Test Mission level and UI is clumsy, particularly when it comes to using items mid-battle. Pleeeeease devs, just implement item shortcuts, we don't hafta live with pausing the game, going to the item menu, and choosing what healing item we want whenever we wanna heal.
    But I digress.
    Boxing with punks and sometimes insects functions alright, you can tell Onyx to punch the fuck outta someone, or kick their balls. You can do one or two combos, but that's it. It lacks variety in both enemies and actions you can do, and the bosses are just jabbing fodder. At the very least, the feedback of each action feels pretty good, they have a good punchy sound effect, and the animations for 'em are well-made. Speaking of which–

    Animations - I'll skip over the "normal" animations cuz though they are good, really, that's not what you're really interested in looking at. Yeah that's right, it's the s e x. Yeah well, you betcha they're good. Like, really good. They even have appropriate facial expressions, so you don't have to worry about the girl looking dead af as they're being plowed!
    Don't really get why we can only unlock an animation via dropped items though. Why can't we just unlock the respective animations whenever the character gets assaulted? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Sound - This is also really young. The necessary sounds are all here, but background music is repetitive, and there's no voice acting at all. I'm not expecting voice acted dialogues, just the moans, but alas.

    Lastly, lemme just talk about the graphics real quick.
    Hey, they nailed that 80s cyberpunk aesthetic they're going for so far!
    And the UI may be clumsy, but at least the menu looks stylish as fuck.

    Honestly, what really saves this package-in-progress is the really good animations. Yeah they're that good. So then you might say, this is just another glorified gallery, right?
    To an extent, I suppose. If you don't care for the immature beat-em-up gameplay, it totally is just a gallery. But personally, I had fun with punching jacked up dudes and sexy female cops. I feel that with enough updates, slight improvements in the gameplay design and a bit more to the customization, this could become a competent beat-em-up for its calibre.

    Still, I can say that people are definitely justified in feeling like this game is another one that would be stuck in development limbo. It seems that the devs started working on this in 2018, now 3 years later, closing in on 4, there's still only a meager amount of work done. The animations I praised, particularly the H-scenes, they're still really few. I understand that animating these things take time, and I highly doubt Eromancer has a robust team in them, so I'm still more than willing to give the lack of variety a pass.

    Is this worth the 5 bucks you'd spend on their Patreon? Just for the animations alone, yeah! In the first place, animations this good are worth tons more in other places. Eromancer is just giving us a game along with 'em.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    memes memer

    So this is the first time I've played this and I think a lot of the other criticisms are pretty legitimate (though maybe over lambasted in the star rating) but I'm giving this gave 5 stars solely for the excellent quality of scenes. If this game were just a porn collection of clips/animations. It'd still be excellent so I think it at least deserves 4 stars on that alone.

    Animations 9/10 - overall excellent, some frames cut to the next pretty suddenly

    Designs 10/10 - hot/attractive while having distinct looks. I'd maybe like to see Onyx with maybe her nipples and a septum piercing, or maybe a alternative skin possibly with piercings? A dangling belly button piercing could be hot too if it's not a bunch of dev time for a relatively small thing. Love her design though.

    SFX 8.5/10 - could use some polish/fine tuning but does everything well

    Visual Aesthetic 9/10- I really love the comic book-ified 3d look. It has the detail of 3d but the reliable appeal of not falling short of materials looking off (like hard plastic looking vaginas or everything looking rigid)

    Fluid 9/10 -probably some of the best I've seen in a game. They look messy (in a good way) without looking gross (in a bad way like wax for example)

    I do this these sort of die/fail to get content games are inherently flawed in that the reward and punishment is completely backwards. I'd really like to see this game as a more story based game but maybe if the dev just feels like developing an immersive/sexy story isn't their strong suit and can't hire someone who's good at that, then I'm actually fine with the game as is because the gameplay grind is relatively easy and short I got all the animations after like 1 playthrough and 1 boss. Also, there are plenty of games with really stupid or slow or just really bad stories/characters where they're just kinda in the way and honestly, I just end up skipping asap to the scenes anyway so it'd basically the same thing but at least the gameplay is short in this game instead of a potentially bloated and slow story. I do maybe some instructions on "defeat enemies to pick up their scenes or when they grab you let them win to see each scene on its own" might be welcome unless the following change on the in game camera were to be made which would be like a natural "learn as you go" type of thing.

    Part of the reason why I'd like to see it be a story based game is because these animations/scene ideas/content are so good, it's such a waste to have them be these visually small animations that are 1/10th the size of the screen. I think at minimum the scenes in the scene galley should either be zoomed in by default so the animation fills the screen or at absolute minimum have the option to zoom in. There is clearly so much excellent work put into the animations of these and it's just such a waste to not have them be "the star of the show" as they really deserve to be. I also even think in the gameplay when you get grabbed, it'd be cool and stylish (in a way that fits the style of the game) to have the camera swoop in/zoom in to kinda "fullscreen" the grab and following animation so you can have the same view as you would in the gallery mode. I think this would make a significant improvement to what's already in the game without having to do much in terms of development (whereas developing a story and character arcs or changing the game genre completely would be an overhaul).

    Besides that, something else I think that wouldn't be a complete overhaul but a nice addition would be voices for the female characters (I actually personally would prefer if the male characters stay silent) but this is also something that the game doesn't need and I'd understand if it's kinda hard to find a good voice actor that matches. I definitely think the lack of a zoomed in camera makes a way bigger difference.

    If keeping the combat/game genre, I think maybe it'd be nice to have the combat be more sexy like Onyx having some leg wrap/suffocate-her-opponent-with-her-pussy moves (similar to how the cop character uses her legs in some of her combat) or like the larva spit attack being like a cumshot on her and her clothes getting ripped as she takes damage from physical attacks so the gameplay kinda acts as a tease/build up to the gallery mode after which is what I think most/all people are really going to be looking forward to and the main point of this type of game.

    Love the scenes that are in it though and hope to see scenes with the larva, more different types of scenes with the chainer character and different creatures.

    P.S. I want to say specifically to the people who are giving this really horrible reviews like 1/2 stars but actually agree with the quality of the scenes, I'd say consider the star rating as likelihood a project will get further financial support to be developed. IF a project is in an extended development limbo then sure, review bomb it and bring down the average if you want but if you're not even giving new projects a chance even when you actually see that the scenes are good, the project might not get developed at all. That's how I see it anyway. We're literally asked on this site to review to improve the game. It's not really a review of it as a final product. This isn't meta critic or steam reviews. These are WIP releases. If you're reviewing it as though it were a final product, aren't you just gonna end up reviewing almost everything as 1 or 2 stars? Won't projects with fantastic animations like this then be in the same category of 1 and 2 stars with projects that have awful story/character/animation/visuals/etc.? Like, there's not negative star rating on this site, what do you rate games with horrible visuals and slow/stupid stories and boring characters with no animations, no sound, no music, and horrible fluid effects? The same star rating as this even though it has fantastic animations/scenes? I mean at least give it a mixed "3 star review" if you're going to review it as though it's a finished product (which it's not) if you acknowledge both its good and bad points.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Oct 2021 review

    2 stars

    Three year project.

    End result of production so far.
    -9 scenes (removing the female cop one as she is just reskin and same scene regardless.)
    -Three stages that are just more of enemy swarms, I don't even know if they end? Maybe they do. I stopped caring at around 40 mark in stage.
    -Few enemy variety and some annoying enemies that serve no purpose but to frustrate you. (Big brains with the larva spawn monster.)
    -Lack of voice over of female during sex scenes. I guess it is too much to get a voice going for her in span of three years. /shrug.
    -Lack of continue, I mean if you exit the game there goes your progress really so far. But then again, this game is lacking any playability so far.

    Putting all negatives aside.
    +MC resembles Caulifa
    +Moderately decent animations. I mean, at least they should get something right in development span.
    +Graphically looks appealing.

    +/-Interesting level system and item equips. Though in current development phase serves not much any purpose as it stands.
    +/-Combat. Could probably use some work. It isn't the best, but it isn't the worse either. Could be better.

    So lets conclude, is this worth a download?

    Gameplay wise. I will say no. No. No. No. No.

    Quick flap? Sure, go ahead, grab a save file and have a wank at it. Otherwise it is just boring if you looking for beat em up in its current state. Check on it again in another three years and maybe it will be something worthwhile.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Great action and grapic but the control is a bit stiff. The sliding after sprinting is totally unnecessary. Quite annoying to line up with the enemy. You have to stay close and the same axis with the enemy, while some of the enemis can hit you across two axes. The small crawlers are too damn annoying, and without an efficient way to clear them, down kick is a way but too slow and inefficient.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The beat em' genre is not terribly common within lewd games, and this one looks great and plays not-so-great (for now).
    Pure Onyx is a contender for best looking lewd game. Sure, some visual novels look great, but everything here moves in real time. The animations look great during both gameplay and sex animations. It feels like a professional-level game which is rare for lewd games.
    On a technical level it's extremely sound. I didn't run into any problems. And for those of us who prefer fighting with controllers, Pure Onyx already has controller support. As soon as I plugged in my PS4 controller it worked without error.
    The gameplay, currently, is what drags the game down. Right now it feels like a tech demo or a proof-of-concept. Fighting can feel stiff or frustrating, as it only has two "combos" where you either mash kick or mash punch. It's hard to move, it's not really satisfying to beat up goons, and it can be annoying to try to fight mobs of enemies. Too much time is spent trying to figure out where *exactly* on the Z-axis an enemy is just so you can punch them, or trying to stomp a larva while kiting other enemies around. I am weighing gameplay the most for this review: even if your game is beautiful and glitch-free, it won't matter if it's not fun to play. People will quit or look up vidoes of the H-scenes on porn sites.
    I don't believe in giving games early in development high scores for "potential", so I'm giving Pure Onyx a low score for now as I feel this is an accurate rating for it's current state (the October 18th release). HOWEVER, I do recommend that you give this game a try. The sex animations are a treat. It's easy to collect and experience them all. I'll be keeping an eye on this one; Eromancer has potential to make something great if they can create a genuinely fun and erotic beat 'em up.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great animations, great artwork, respectable gameplay. It's still early in its development, but this side-scrolling beat-em-up then fuck-the-girl-down shows much promise.

    Definitely keeping an eye on this one.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Review update 15 July 2022:
    I'm changing my rating from 4 to 1, since the game is really a scam. My last review is almost a year old and nothing really changed. One or two animations were added, no real content update. At this point the developer is just farming his over 3000 patreons and the game isn't really worth playing it.

    Review for the September 30 2021 version.

    The project is just in its early stage, so I’m writing the review for the current stage in hope that it becomes even better.

    Negative first:
    The only negative things are currently gameplay and luck of story. Well, there is no story at all and I think it’s actually alright for a beat 'em up game, but it could be a huge plus for the game.

    The game currently it lucks on progress. There is not much to do and only few opponents.

    Positive points:
    I don’t know exactly why, but I find the animations in this game perfect. It suits exactly my taste. The graphics, the quality and the sound effects of sex scenes.

    Since the animations have already satisfied me several times and the quality of the engine is already very good, I see a very high potential in this game.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Terrible game and people padding the rating by giving it 5 should be ashamed.
    The art style is great and that's all there is to it.
    Not much to play although it's been in 'development' for years. Some attacks are unblockable which ruin the game element.
    The porn element is even worse as the low amount of scenes are basically small sprite animations and there isn't much to see.
    Despite all of that you still need a top notch laptop to run this tech demo as it is poorly optimised and would run like a hot potato on anything but top of the line. Likely a conscious decision for smooth animations but it means it's not for everyone.
    I'd have skipped if I had known all of that.
  10. 1.00 star(s)

    Eiran Dragutin

    Basically a 10 minute tech-demo, nothing more.
    Don't get me wrong the female character models look amazing and the h-scenes are top notch, but that is all and it doesn't look like this is going to change soon
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    September 15th 2021 - Day of the test

    A good "Cyberpunk" themed game, i never expected myself to say that but this is is good

    1. Insane smooth graphic, i never seen any 3d side scrolling game that are this smooth. I know some of the 3d games are good, but this is different. You can really see the difference between "Shitty 3D game that used Skyrim mods or Honey Select character with the goal of Free Sex" and this game.

    2. The smoothness is unreal for a normal 3d porn game. the switch between sex scenes, the fluid movement of body and the fluidity of fighting movement. A gem I've never expected to see

    1. Unlocking Gallery is a bit long. not to mention it's a drop style. I do like this kind of drops, but it's pretty annoying

    2. FPS Drops during several maps, but i do believe this will be fixed
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    May 31 test release

    Pros: out of all the adult games I've played this one seems to be the most promising in terms of gameplay (not comparing to sandbox/simulation games)
    Good looking graphics
    Smooth sex scene transition

    Cons: the gameplay is okay but I really wish the character would run on default so you don't have to tap twice to run each time.
    zoom in/out feature should also have the option to move the camera up/down and left/right since depending on where the sex scene starts the position of the character can be at the edge of the screen.

    What I personally think would make the game better:

    Have some character customization like hair/clothes that way at least it shouldn't be such a pain in the ass to add since it won't affect the animation much unlike body customization like height/boob size etc

    You should be able to watch all the scenes in the sandbox mode because some people don't want to take the extra work to unlock them

    having a variation of enemies would be nice for example: Same enemy but different clothes/skin color/mask would make them more unique (you won't have to add a completely different character but just change some of the appearance)

    After each sex scene the semen on the floor should stay there. it's weird to see the semen disappear out of nowhere but the character has stain on her body.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    29 april test release

    Looks and animation 5 stars
    Nothing to say apart how greats it's feel, and it's what let me play for an hours before having enough of the bad point, this so satisfying to see cleen smooth art and well animated frame!

    Gameplay 1 stars
    The bad point of this game, surely because they want an old school system or maybe they just don't have a game designer, don't know.
    What I know is the following: the command and movement, the combo and the enemy combine to make a frustrating game.
    It's not quick enough, it take time to get up with no reason, the movement pattern are weird you simply punch and the enemy is pushed so you can't reach it... Well...
    No dash, no follow up kick, bad aiming system, weird command with the down arrow and kick button (never found the use of it).
    Pretty but boring experience so far.

    Game leveling 3 stars
    So 2 level, one is a testing one, the other is . . . don't know a sewer quest? We don't know where and why we are fighting so for the moment no fucking way to know where are we going and if we are going somewhere!

    Potential 3 stars
    The potential is huge, just need to correct the gameplay, create a more fluid and responsive experience (lot of exemple on the internet...)

    The quality is what put the potential so high, just that.

    Then i look to the first post and see 2018 and now i'm sure that even the dev don't have a precise idea, red line of where Onyx is going and it's the most important things, doing a game without a goal is useless, cause it will suck the motivation little by little, and we feel it in this game!

    But with a precise Idea, is potential is limitless, just need to clarify it and hold on it and this game will be of the few i will buy without hesitating!

  14. 3.00 star(s)

    Das Ras

    A solid foundation but with no actual progress in a long time. The animations are great and the character models are good, but the lack of content as it is scares me and makes the game not really worth a download. It's truly just a small demo that has nothing worth paying for. If it's ever completed though, I'll be interested in seeing how far it progresses.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    For the [April 29th 2021 Test Release] version.
    (I do not rate games based on "Potential", I rate them for what they currently have = so no fake rating bullcrap just to 'bump' stars)
    I've never been one for fighting games simply because I always lose at them and they're very quickly repetitive.
    So what made me download this you may ask?... Because the Dev added the Command Console (which I love - love cheating.. makes games a whole lotta fun).

    Looks: Are awesome. Perfect. Although the 1980's hairstyle isn't really necessary.. imagine how many hours they spend every morning mousing and hair spraying to look ridiculous just for a street fight :D lol

    Gameplay: (when punching and kicking) Feels very much like the ol' Nintendo games where you have to wait for the animation(s) to stop before the next command registers.. so in the meantime, enemy gets a punch/kick in and you can't do anything about it, but, meh, such as life typical fighting games.

    Only 1 playing field.
    Only 8 H animations.

    I played for about an hour because that's where I had seen everything this gem has to offer in current build, then, game got repetitive.

    There's a lot more great little details I could mention but I won't bother because; for under 1GB, you can check them out for yourself after you download it :)

    Yes, highly recommended even if you're not into punch'n'kick games just for the H-scenes.
    Edit: Oh! And don't forget to use the Command Console while ingame - cheats are found on OP#1 in the Spoiler of 'Console Commands', located under 'Changelog'.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I dig it. Beat-em-up gameplay and animations are pretty smooth, could use a bit more work as there's still a bit of clunkiness, but pretty good so far. Only a few enemies and animations at this time, but the designs are cool, there are new enemies in the works, and the animations are top notch as you get to see Onyx's stomach bulging and deforming with every thrust from Wraxe's massive dong. All the characters are nicely rendered in 3D with a cool 2.5D cel-shaded style. I'm excited for more.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Nosorog Balrog

    Good game for release! I did not like that there is no transition through the levels, to different locations. There is also no auto-cleaning function for the main character. The control is also flawed, namely, switching to the running function. It would be much easier to make a separate key, like "key"+"↕ ️ ↔ ️".
    This is Google translate.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    1. We have the makings of a game (love when there are actual game mechanics)
    2. Character art is, so far, excellent and unique.
    3. Animations are both fluid and realistic

    I'm very interested to see where this project goes!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredibly promising start! It was always clear that Eromancer was talented, but it was unfortunate that he invested so much time into an abysmal platform like RPGMaker with Malise and the Machine. Unity has massive potential, and Eromancer is just the dev to make full use of it. The game is already fun...got an hour of entertainment from just the first level. The animations are TOP NOTCH, longer and more detailed than most, and unique. Keep up the amazing work!
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    At first glance you might think "wow, this is quite a nice example of how the game functions, its mechanics work etc" but then you'd realize that this game is getting close to 3 YEARS IN DEVELOPMENT ! Its not even close to being done and the current demo, or whatever you want to call it, is very bare bones. Also the purpose of Pure Onyx is to merely create funding for their main game and with the current dev pace that will probably mean it'll come out in the 2030s (to put the dev speed into perspective, we'll probably have people on Mars before the main project gets released).

    In short, it would be a stretch to call the current version a "game" and I don't see this changing any time soon with the current development speeds.

    P.S It is sad that this game is the way it is because it is clear that, If ever finished, this might be really good.