Unity - Pure Onyx [v0.112.0] [Eromancer]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The actual rating I give is 4 stars, but due to the amount of hate this game has recieved I felt inclined to give it 5.

    The game itself is very lacking in terms of content, but the art, animations and gameplay is good. It even features some actual game mechanics, with health items and gear/weapon upgrades/shop.

    Will follow this hoping Eromancer actually finishes it.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice beat'm'up, good quality of animations, early stage of development, only one playable character.
    Not some cheap game.
    Will try it once more after new update.

    5 animations so far((
    No changing of gear( can not undress main character)
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Great art and nice gameplay...
    to short, to little and no hope that anything will be ever done future because this devs never finished any projekt even half way...
    no srsly if they would finish some projekts they would produce the best games but its never happening
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The only good part about this game is probably the few sex animations it has. Other than that, it's a terrible fighting game. It's completely frustrating to play and you can clearly tell that the dev has no idea how to make a fighting game. If you're going to make a sex fighting game, it needs to be a good fighting game first. I get that it's an early release, but the dev shouldn't be focusing at all on the sex part of the game until they have solid fighting mechanics.

    One of the most frustrating parts of this game is the repetitive knockdowns, because there's no get up invincibility that is so common in platformers. The player is knocked down MUCH too easily. The insects? Forget about killing them. You'll just be on your ass the hole time because the volleys seem almost intentionally timed with the knock down recovery time. The two biggest things this game needs right now to make it not a garbage experieince is a 2 second recovery invincibility and some kind of sprint charge attack.

    Oh, did I mention that you can't block ranged attacks? Yea. Fuck that.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, a lot of the 2 star rating is just due to the developer.

    I had seen this some time ago and didn't notice that it was from the Malaise in Machine developer at that time, but did see it was a beat um up game at release 1/2 at the time so i waited. on it.

    Downloading it now and looking at the changelog, and knowing the history of the developer's other game, there seems to be way to little progress for the development time on a patreon project. I get that they've got multiple games in "development" but still, between Oct 2019 (thread posted here) and the most recent update there have been 4 released versions (initial and 3 updates) in 16 months.

    For the development time the only thing really going for the game is that there are some really good character models and animations, and that's it.

    The game play is really quite bad. The combos are simple, and it's easy to kill the standard human enemies but the insect enemies are just annoying. You can't sprint into an attack, so I found that I was constantly overshooting the enemy group. The insects have a ranged attack, which you cannot block.

    The 2 bosses have attacks that are difficult to dodge, cannot be blocked, and (in the case of the charger) can easily stunlock you.

    There are 2 stages, which only affect the scenery and there's no story in the game at all yet (not really an issue since they seem to be getting mechanics implemented first).

    I was only able to find 2 animations, though the changelogs indicate there should be at least third one. Your options of scenes are standing into doggy by the standard human enemies, and spitroast between the standard and midget humans. Both initiated by the standard enemy grab attacks. The human boss supposedly has an animation, but he never triggered a grab attack in my 3 fights against him (probably because he got stuck partway through each fight).

    If the game was more developed, with more scenes and a story mode it'd honestly rate at a 4-5, but the current state of it isn't really worth it. Just look up the animations (someone posted a video of the spitroast in the thread)
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    The Action part is really not that good, Some time will get gangbanged and can not recover from it, So i think a doge botton are needed. But the H Scene is Really good, Not much in there right now tho hope this will update more content.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    For a game that was created to be "Quick" in order to support the "older project" the progression keeps stalling and stalling.

    The only good thing this game has is style and art.
    It is still badly optimized, the new level has significantly lower FPS than the Test one.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Usually these types of games look like dogshit. This one has very a polished and sharp art style that looks good even zoomed in. Great character design and I didn't notice any problems with the combat.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Game looks really really amazing and that an understatement.5 stars for that.
    The real review:
    The game is actually 0/5, not kidding it doesn't even manage to get 1 point out of the 5. It has been developed for years and the content is like 2 minutes (only if you consider checking whats in the settings of the game content).

    Also the dev have this fetish to make games 2d first, then decide to change it to 3d wasting enormous amounts of time. Planned delay to milk the patrons?
    The previous game Malise and the machine had this fate, the game wasn't quite finished, was pretty short and definitely could have used more content, and then dev drops the 3d demo rework bomb.
    I am going to bet, that this game is going to have the same fate and the end product will be so shallow that the game will be forgotten completely despite its huge potential.
    Edit: its a beat em up game and now they decide to lign things up with patreons guidelines which drastically changes the content in my opinion
    Of course after years of milking fans... why am i not surprised, i guess they think that most people subscribed forgot about it and the sub still going on.
    the game still looks 5 star tho
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Game is too barebones .

    The positives is the gear system and that is about it, although the stamina system does have potential to allow for super attacks and escaping groups of enemies.

    Honestly, I'd say that it's better to wait for the game to have more content before testing it.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    graffics and animations: amazing.

    music and sounds: very good.

    conclussion: the demo is a promise of amazing scenes and high quiality graffics.
    and i cant wait to see how it developes.

    this game deserve your time.
  12. 1.00 star(s)

    Innocent Chloe

    *review edited as the dev has missed every target and has not communicated anything since April on Twitter this would be acceptable for a free product but with the amount of supporters Ero has on Patreon this is just very scammy behaviour --- Below is original 5 star review --- will edit this again if dev improves behaviour and communication*

    Easily the highest quality beat-em-up sidescroller that has been on these forums so far.

    The game has evolved a lot since its initial demo release and recent progress has been quite fast with new updates possibly coming out now more consistently each month.

    Very excited to see where this game is headed and especially looking forward to the next months of updates.

    Yes, Malise and Machine was never finished but the scope of that project was unrealistic. Pure Onyx is a much more realistic scope and should be achievable by eromancer. So I quite doubt this one will be abandoned. Thus my positive review.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Reviewing this to warn people not to support this developer as he is a known scammer.

    The "game" itself is barely a proof of concept and will never be finished.

    Please do not give him your money. There are so many developers and artists working hard putting their hours into labours of love that would put that money to better use.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    This "game" will never be completed. Just like it's predecessor Malice and the Machine. BOTH of these games are great concepts and could be exceptional. Unfortunately, Eromancer is a scam artist and I'm truly amazed they still rake in the cash from poor saps like they do. Stay away from their Patreon, stay FAR away. This game...is mediocre right now, it only gets 1 star because of Eromancer, period.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    I'll give it 1 star because the few fighting animations are decent and the main menu is nice to look at but other than that it feels like a game that's been in the making for a few weeks, not a few years. Absolutely no content.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    very good game. despite the fact that it is in test access, there are a number of advantages. in order: the Animation is great, the facial and body animation are at a high level .
    adaptation to the player - convenient management.
    unfortunately, there is very little content yet , but personally I will be very much looking forward to new updates
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    This looks and plays great. It's a cyberpunk sidescrolling fighter, and for a test demo it looks really good. The protagonist looks amazing, even though huge pointy hair isn't my thing. The fighting is fluid and even tho there's not much moves (or anything yet) it feels good.

    The transition from 2D to fully 3D rendered models in-game looks amazing, with almost no difference between the two. It may make it harder or easier for the dev, depending on what they do better.

    The sex scene is great and hopefully we'll see more of them soon.

    I feel the concerns that people have and understand them, Eromancer is well known for abandoning their games. Let's hope it won't be the case here. Both for the sake of the game and for the sake of their patrons.

    3 stars because I want to see this game make progress just like a lot of others
  18. 1.00 star(s)

    Fake Count

    There's no content. There's no polish. There's no progress. As of this review, there is 2 enemies, 1 which has 2 battle-interrupting H animations. This has been in development for more than 6 months.

    It's a side scroll fighting game with some 3D depth. You have punch (Z), knee/kick (X), block (C), jump (Space), Move (Arrow Keys), Menu (Esc), Zoom In (Shift), and Zoom Out (Ctrl). Your attacks hit very little depth wise, you can't low attack or crouch, no dash, no grabs, no throws, no healing, and no special moves despite what appears to be a 'mana/ki/power' bar. The one enemy with H-moves has no animation for grabbing. You can't hit enemies while they are on the ground and the air attacks are incredibly lackluster as they always knockdown. The current gameplay is an unlimited amount of increasingly more mob-like waves that appear when beating the previous until your character dies. There is no death H-scene and you are either given the option to restart or (not really) return to the start screen. If you actually want to head to the start screen at that point, you need to hit 'Esc' to go to the menu and then you will be able to work around this bug. The gallery only has concept art and does not give you the ability to zoom in on or enlarge the art work icons.

    Ultimately, the art is the only thing that is decent in this game at all. However, that doesn't help the game as someone could just look up the art or animations instead of spending time trying to download this game.

    Edit: It does appear that there is a way to attack enemies on the ground (down arrow + kick), but it really sucks in practice and should be at least given its own keybind and given a wider hit depth.

    The above is my original review done on June 9th, 2019.

    As of February 4th, 2022, I have tried this game again to see if any of the issues I found have been resolved in its time in development. And I found myself underwhelmed even with my low expectations. There is h-animations now, but the gameplay still has the same issues as it did almost 3 years ago and now more added on top.

    Items would be neat if they weren't totally static. They also seem to drop quite randomly. I got a Cat's ears to drop from the first enemy in a mission once. A supposedly top tier item . . . and the non-main stats become functionally irrelevant once you level up a few times. Biggest impact is +health as healing is by %health.

    Which is related to probably the biggest change I noticed for the positive. Healing, God-mode, & OHKO mode. They let you now actually explore the content some. Granted, that isn't much, but you can now reduce the tedium and annoyance of getting stunlocked.

    There isn't a way to manipulate the camera position directly outside of the gallery. If this was implemented, then you could center the camera yourself instead of running to the side of the map to push the camera back towards the center.

    Hit depth still sucks just as bad as I remember it. There hasn't been any new moves added and using movement direction input for attack options still isn't something I like. While you can "dash" now, it isn't a dodge at all. Aerials are still the same one attack and the stomp is still the only thing that can really hit enemies knocked down.

    Not that I really care, but story still doesn't exist.

    I could go on for longer, but unfortunately my verdict is still the same. You could get about the same amount of enjoyment from just the gallery as you could from the entire rest of the game. It's a hentai gallery with a game attached.