Mod - Ren'Py - Pytfall 0.70 Beta Cheat Mod (Drag'n'Drop Edition)

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I was having problems with turning on the console commands because every time I've tried to edit any of the beta version at all I would get a script error that couldn't be ignored. And to add insult to injury, if I fixed it by re-editing it back to what it was I still got the same errors. So I was looking around and found this, and it worked. I guess you got tired and added to it rather than editing. Thank you so much for this

    I have two problems though, sometimes when I "Revitalize" and I go to the heroes stat screen if I try to leave by right clicking or clicking the back button it goes to the main menu. Thus ending the game I was playing. And the second on is when I try adding the Breast trait if I select one it goes into some endless loop.

    But everything else is great, thanks for making this MOD