RPGM - Completed - QOS MILF [v2024-01-23] [ntrworld]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    honestly good sprite animations and character designs and now the dialogue is actually read-able; but the story still rushed way too fast, the sound effects are janky af, writing sucks, and even game doesnt seem stable
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    In its current form it feels very unpolished, the game jumps between characters in a way that is very unsatisfying while the dialogue chugs along so slowly you can't even skip through it to just "get to the good part"

    The ideas have promise and with time could be developed into a competent game however as is it's a firm Do not Recommend.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Full disclosure: I downloaded this expecting it to be bad. I feel like there's certain genres and fetishes that - for whatever reason - are known for being notorious for producing bad games. Saw this one, was in the mood to laugh, and decided to test my own prejudice and see if I was wrong to think this way. I was not.

    To try and sum up the problems:

    -Too fast. It really is just another "wow I saw his dick and now I'm a slut" type of story.

    -Design is...odd. It acts like it's free roam, but constantly "teleports" you to new characters and puts you in linear hallways where you lack choice of where to go. This means the game would be better without RPGM, but instead it periodically demands you hold the down button for 2 seconds to advance the story.

    -It presents stats and choices, which was the first point where I thought maybe I was wrong to doubt the game. However, it quickly becomes apparent that your choice is to experience content or not experience content.

    -Bad grammar and writing. It's nothing awful or anything that makes the game difficult to understand, but it's enough that it kills whatever mood the game was trying to set. I think my favorite example of the tone of the writing and grammar style being bad was when the black kid casually broke into the mom's bedroom to molest her (as one does, apparently) and basically asked to molest her, at which point she responded with: (y) Yes, she responded with this emoji above her head. Hard as a rock yet thinking about this HOT writing this game is producing?

    -If you read all this and say "okay but how are the sex scenes?" It's pixel art. Pixel art and maaaaaaaybe one image per scene if you're lucky. The proportions often feel slightly off for the images.

    -Story is just unrealistic and stupid. This is a consequence of the game being too fast, but basically there's a black kid staying over at his friend's house for the summer. (or whatever) He is unrealistically bold to the point he'll just casually walk in on her when she's in the bathroom and request blowjobs and stuff. She then says (y). Because reasons. The son of the MILF also sees all of this and decides "hey I will allow you to do this to my mom as long as you get me a picture of her pussy and let me have sex with her," to which the black kid responds: (y)

    I have no idea why this type of genre and game is so cursed to be bad, but it is. It seems like every game dev with this kink cannot handle having characters that do not start fucking like rabbits within the first 5 minutes of the game, and it always results in nonsensical characters, non-existent stories, terrible writing and even lackluster sex scenes.

    So to this game, I'm afraid I have to say: (n)