Ren'Py - Queendoms [v0.10.9] [Hide&Play]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm a big fan of these types of games. The medieval simulator, where you have to manage your kingdom after some sort of succession crisis. This game is still early in production so I don't want to be overly negative considering a lot can still change. I like the artwork but comparing this to other games there's some things to improve on. The management (gameplay), plot and characters are all lacking. To summarize what you'll see in this game, for the gameplay, you're basically enabling skip mode and just going to your advisor to run different events to balance out some numbers. Plot is inconsistent with what I've been reading, and the characters aren't anything special. I know it's a sex game so my standards of the last two aren't especially harsh, but I would like to see something more interesting.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Review for current version V0.7.9
    I was intrigued by the overview and perspective on playing in a predominantly female-dominated world and based on the art style,I thought it would be an enjoyable read,but oh was i wrong.

    In order to understand why this game is a one-star in my book, let's start with the main character. He irritates me the most because he alternates between being an annoying horny bastard and whining about girls making advances on him in a literal sex game,and somehow having a personality of a 12 year old boy who just discovered women.0/10

    Next up the story,the story as it goes on becomes jumbled and senseless, one moment the MC is talking to his teacher and the next she wants to have sex with him, then literally 5 minutes later while the MC is working on his sword fighting he somehow ends up in a situation similar to what I just described, and all of this occurs in the first ten minutes of the game; there is no build-up; it just happens as if it were a cheap porn parody. and it does not get any better.0/10

    The love interests are up next. They all have distinctive designs, so kudos for that, but that's about it. Their personalities are so one-dimensional that I might as well be speaking to a robot,they are all there to be the mc sex objects. The little personality they had at the beginning just goes out the window as you read on. Hell, I'm sure I could have a better conversation with chatgpt than these women. -100/10

    Last up is the artwork,it is the sole aspect of the game that is nice. The artists did a wonderful job of creating the atmosphere of the medieval times, and the females also looks good, as I've already mentioned.5/10

    Take my advice,if you want something to pass the time to,then this passes just barely.however, for your sanity I suggest you just skip most of the dialogue. After wasting my time playing this, I came out feeling empty. I had so many opportunities to just delete the game and move on but i didnt so now i pass along my knowledge. Maybe this game will get better in the next updates, but I've already lost interest in the plot. This game would be among the first ones I would have given a rating of 0 stars if we could have.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I guess I'd describe it as intensely tedious? That's the word that springs to mind first, thinking about the fact I had to go back and forth from one character to another 4 times each for anything to actually progress.

    The art is good, although seems to change styles depending on what you're viewing? If each character had a different style or aesthetic that would be interesting, but that's not the case here.

    The protagonist is kinda boring, which leads to the entire story being kinda boring. I don't care enough about him to find out more, and that's never a good sign. I'd argue basically everyone else fits the bill of boring too unfortunately, serving one purpose and doing it to a passing grade and nothing more.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Early review of Queendoms

    There's not much to review on given how much content this game actually has.
    But im here to be objective. As of now it is pretty disppointing.

    For starters the writing is very bad and all over the place, what I mean specifically is how out of the blue the plot progresses in just 5 mins of clicking. Literally the game tells you about the first lady you meet and she's frothing for your dick.

    I don't get this. MC is built like a wimp and we're suppose to just go along with the whole royal court wants to fuck him. At least it didn't write in some in some mind control plot, that's even worse.

    The art is decent at best. Honestly if you've played games like Something unlimited or What a legend you'd be expecting too much from this game. One common issue is how characters are drawn when it comes to different angles. Its a good gauge of an artist's ability when they can keep a character looking the same in any angle. Without having different eye sizes and what not.

    It needs alot of improvement.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Still not a huge amount of content but this is a great game with a surprisingly good story and amazing "plot". All the love interests are awesome, the gameplay is simple and fun - not too grindy but also a fun side story while you progress along the stuff you're here for. Long story short, if you are a fan of the tags mentioned then you will like this game.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    First Impression Review by Xbob1
    Reviewed on version:

    Notice: As the game is very bare bones and early I do not see it fit to properly review the game yet. If it continues to be developed then I will attempt to update to a proper review when it seems fair to do so. For this reason I will simply be listing what the game is and then the pros and cons I got from playing it.

    Additionally I would like to point towards the fact that I think the fetishes of this game are meant to be mixed. While there are too few scenes to truly tell, the title of the game and the female domination tag made a few believe it was to be a femdom focused game but I do not believe this to be the case so keep that in mind when playing.

    Game introduction:
    The game is a mix of visual novel/management set in a matriarchal land where women rule and men are second class citizens. One of the queendoms ruled by a sadistic ruler is overthrown by a man and thus stands as the only kingdom in the known realm. You play as this kings male heir with a name of your choosing and ultimately take over after the successful killing of your father by unknown culprits. Now you rule a terrified and revolting population.

    1. The game has a interesting setting, where you as a male have to fight against the established norm of female supremacy and prove your worth as a ruler. A rather unexplored setting with a great deal of potential.

    2. Art is alright, nothing amazing but its enough.

    3. One thing that caught my attention was the dynamic of the protagonist's sister being the daughter of the previous queen and you the son of the current king and I see a potentially interesting plotline with you and her.

    1. Forced or out of place scenes that really destroy my interest. "Ah we are practicing sword fighting and now I have slipped and my face has fallen onto your crotch." Or the random Janet ass grabbing scene the first time we see her. If Queendoms is to be a generic porn novel game then fine, but it really feels lazy to just toss these scenes about.

    2. Scenes are quick and ultimately uninteresting such as the maid handjob and then it gives you a choice of what to think about and I got like +2 love for the people and I was like "ok"

    3. Generic/Lazy writing, too much internal monologuing and overall just unbelievable consequences. I refuse to believe that every person in your city is now actively murdering their neighbours simply because they loved the previous king.

    4. Management means nothing. If they plan to add more features later on then that's fine but as of right now basically nothing you pick means anything. You picked an option that gives you 2+ love of the people even though its a private scene between you and your maid but it does not matter anyway because -60 love of people when you become king. What's that? You gave an inspiring speech to your court and got +10 court loyalty? Well I hear maybe 1 or 2 people want you dead so -50 :FacePalm:

    5. Grammar is all over the place, feels like someone just had an idea one afternoon and not wanting to forget the idea, wrote out an entire first draft script in the span of 2-3 hours and just shoved it into a game introduction which might honestly explain the crude writing. If English isn't the first language of the developer then I highly recommend getting a proofreader.

    This game has potential and a interesting foundation for what could be a good game and with it being so early in development there is plenty of room to revamp and improve current and planned content. However, I would argue that first impressions are some of the most important parts of grabbing attention and I could barely get myself pass the introduction without the temptation to just skip the text. But we will see how things go from here.

    Final Score: 3/5
    Too much wrong to be good, too early to be bad.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    The Rogue Trader

    Generally a nice game with a very original and interesting setting, a classic story (I get some very strong Mistborn and A Song of Ice and Fire vibes) and some pretty art.
    A prince heirs the throne against the setting's expectation that women should rule men. The Kingdom is in peace and his subjects support the heretic royal line, but enemies lurk in the shadows. Will his shady spymaster be able to prevent all the assassination attempts? Will our prince be ready to take the mantle if they fail? And most importantly, how many of the attractive female leads will he be able to fuck?

    Unfortunately, I foresee issues as I'm afraid the game title and presentation will attract the femdom audience that will try it and leave unsatisfied, and not the ones that would enjoy it.
    To help clear the field: this isn't a femdom game. I guess you could call it a parody of a femdom setting (but not one that aims at being funny), but the MC isn't in any way dominated by women (not for lack of trying from some of them) and the people around him are very supportive of his not-dominated attitude. Maybe this will change in future and the dev is planning to add a femdom path where the MC becomes submissive (and I'm looking at that raven-haired fanatical preachess), but I see no hints in the current release.

    It's a linear prologue with very scant choices so far. Sexing up or not with a girl isn't among those choices, as sex scenes happen automatically. I'm not particularly disturbed by this, but there are many players that are very vocal about their dislike of "forced sex".

    In general, the game is promising, but we don't get to see any of the Kingdom Management aspect that is obviously going to be a part of the future gameplay.

    For those that hope for b/s incest: the stepsister can't be patched to blood sister, as the story wouldn't make any sense. She is the daughter of the previous queen, whom the MC's father overthrew and killed. After getting the throne, in some ill-advised fit of irredeemable stupidity (or as a result of some untold negotiation?), he adopted the former's queen daughter and never made clear the succession line until the game's events.

    I'm giving 5 stars as there isn't any single strong aspect I didn't like. It's more a 4,5, for a sum of several minor issues, but I like the originality enough to round it up.