Developer sent me a free patreon version..."No strings attached" as developer said...So I making this review to prevent him from coming to my place one day and making me an offer I cant refuse...
TLDR: simple but fun game with a little roughness here and there. "joke about albedo, metallic and normal goes here"
So game is how azula from "avatar: the air bender" makes her own brothel. Well, not really her, but she reminds me her for some reason.
And thats it. Yes, really...
There are also a plot line about a mage who magically enchant his dick to the size of very big, that no woman can handle it. Buuuuut it....just there??? So you can say there are no plot at all. Just a progress from "smol brothel" to "big brothel".
As game progresses you get more whores in you brothel. Its, besides you, schoolgirl with no breaks, goblin (read as total slut), and princess (too proud, in a literal sense, whore).
The brothel part of a game works not very popular game mechanics. Its real time turn based rpg. Sound weird, yes, but it is the only way to describe it.
You pick girl which you want to use and she fucks with 'enemies' dealing/receiving damage after each constant time interval. You can also use skills in 'fights', each girl have different skill set. In terms of skills set each girl can be describes as "all round fighter", "glass cannon", "AoE build" and "crit build".
Game is not hard but its weird sometimes. Like, each major plot point goes hand to hand with a waste some moneys on _something_. Clothes, building, didnt just require relatively big amount of moneys. Which is not that hard to grind in brothel minigame, but game implies that brothel works each day...and you didnt receive moneys from it. Which is at first glance is okay, since there are no any kind of debt that you should pay each week, or some kind of food requirements, or that kind of crap. But on the second...why is it even there?
In terms of graphics its a little bit inconsistent. There mainly are three types of images, static images (used for standing image of a character), CG (highly detailed 'whats goings on' illustrations) and animated in fight (brothel) loops. And each type of images drawn in similar, but clearly slightly different design. And I dont mean amount of details. It feels like images, by type, was drawn by three different hands. Or same hand but with great time interval between each image, i.e. artist get some experience somewhere between each. Its still good, just creates a small dissonance when image type changes.
From the porn perspective its good. Four girls, each have animated scene for oral, anal, vaginal and tits sex in brothel/battle part and various CGs with text description. Objectively its 4/5, but subjectively there are no my fetishes so only 3/5 for/from me personally.
So in conclusion it simple and fun. You can click you way through it in like two hours, if you not touch you dick at all in that time. Still, too 'vanilla', as for me. I like ice cream with a 'cherry'.
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TLDR: simple but fun game with a little roughness here and there. "joke about albedo, metallic and normal goes here"
So game is how azula from "avatar: the air bender" makes her own brothel. Well, not really her, but she reminds me her for some reason.
And thats it. Yes, really...
There are also a plot line about a mage who magically enchant his dick to the size of very big, that no woman can handle it. Buuuuut it....just there??? So you can say there are no plot at all. Just a progress from "smol brothel" to "big brothel".
As game progresses you get more whores in you brothel. Its, besides you, schoolgirl with no breaks, goblin (read as total slut), and princess (too proud, in a literal sense, whore).
The brothel part of a game works not very popular game mechanics. Its real time turn based rpg. Sound weird, yes, but it is the only way to describe it.
You pick girl which you want to use and she fucks with 'enemies' dealing/receiving damage after each constant time interval. You can also use skills in 'fights', each girl have different skill set. In terms of skills set each girl can be describes as "all round fighter", "glass cannon", "AoE build" and "crit build".
Game is not hard but its weird sometimes. Like, each major plot point goes hand to hand with a waste some moneys on _something_. Clothes, building, didnt just require relatively big amount of moneys. Which is not that hard to grind in brothel minigame, but game implies that brothel works each day...and you didnt receive moneys from it. Which is at first glance is okay, since there are no any kind of debt that you should pay each week, or some kind of food requirements, or that kind of crap. But on the second...why is it even there?
In terms of graphics its a little bit inconsistent. There mainly are three types of images, static images (used for standing image of a character), CG (highly detailed 'whats goings on' illustrations) and animated in fight (brothel) loops. And each type of images drawn in similar, but clearly slightly different design. And I dont mean amount of details. It feels like images, by type, was drawn by three different hands. Or same hand but with great time interval between each image, i.e. artist get some experience somewhere between each. Its still good, just creates a small dissonance when image type changes.
From the porn perspective its good. Four girls, each have animated scene for oral, anal, vaginal and tits sex in brothel/battle part and various CGs with text description. Objectively its 4/5, but subjectively there are no my fetishes so only 3/5 for/from me personally.
So in conclusion it simple and fun. You can click you way through it in like two hours, if you not touch you dick at all in that time. Still, too 'vanilla', as for me. I like ice cream with a 'cherry'.
Thank you for watching my review, like, subscribe, comment, watch my other videos!!