Question. Again.


Compulsive Gambler
Jun 2, 2017
Yeah, I'm not so smart when it comes to title for the threads that I made (but when I'm smart? Mystery) - when those aren't of a specific game or such - but.. bear ( :test: ) with me for a moment here.
Talking about what I wanted to ask before giving you a reason to GTFO or do a facepalm right away, I was wondering something: by any chance, any of you knows where I can find some.. good Sfm animations out there? The main topic? Bestiality, without a doubt. Since I don't know where to find except for pornhub and naughtymachinima, there is again, a site where you can easily find stuff like this? Because personally speaking... I'm too lazy to go and search on tumblr for every single Sfm artist out there - given even the fact that there are so many post that they've made, in the end it will take me years to find what I'm looking for.
Oh, and by the way, I'm looking for actual videos that can range from six minutes to ten or even more, not some shitty "test" video or something like that.

Thank you so much for your help :FeelsBadMan:


Oct 3, 2017
I mostly search the regular picture boards, for example for sfm artist, which then leads me to, who would have guessed, their tumblr. I know there was a tumblr that pooled all the beasty works together, I just forgot what its called.

While it was still a tumblr it at least had download links and all. It was something like subversive.. subservice?

Also: Fictional bestiality, oh noes. Thats totally forbidden and stuff and I would never dabble into those themes. Hah, two lies in one sentence.

Edit: Alright just after I finished writing I found the tumblr I meant, but it apparently has a password now? It was called subversive-creativity

Well of course he has a Patreon now and has the password as a reward for the lowest tier, which is sold out though. That means only the 5 dollar tier is available. And the way its phrased its apparently a user generated, timed password for limited access to the archives.

There was a time when Patreon wasnt a paywall service. Or do I remember that wrong?

Just to not disappoint, heres a reddit where I actually found things I had not seen before, maybe thats at least something.
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