Seeking Question, suggestion request


Jun 12, 2017
I'm thinking of an isometric, adult varied, game. What should the setting be. Created a straw poll,

any other suggestions are welcomed.


Apr 29, 2017
Modern sounds good cuz you can relate to that more but for me personally i chose medeival cuz i like that idea of those ancient times where you just kill, dominate, and fuck free of worries lol.


Jun 28, 2017
Postapocalypse is the best scenario for pretty much everything. Allow me to elaborate:

- Modern is boring and there's too much of it. Seriously. This is why you don't let committees and democracies create art.

- What's the advantage of medieval or medieval fantasy? The middle ages were fucking brutal mang. Instead of having credit cards, people club each others heads in. You can have the same in the postapocalypse. Also, dragons and shit.

- Science fiction: Advantage: You can have some all-girl, all-horny alien species in the sci-fi genre (See: Asari from Mass effect) but otherwise you can have everything that you can have in Sci-Fi in the postapocalypse too - laser weapons, cyberpunk mindrape technologies and Sentient AI robot sex slaves.

The postapocalypse is as relateable as the modern world because in its essence, it IS the modern world with all the dull shit removed, for example, credit card debt, and literally all the cool shit from all other settings included. Need "Orcs"? Mutants. Need magic? Remnant superholography from places that survived. It's got all the medieval tropes, all the western (with shooty bang bang and injuns) tropes, all the sci-fi-tropes and all the modern world tropes that don't suck. If you like a trope, you can fit it into the postapocalypse. And you can make this shit as wild as you want. It's the postapocalypse. No one gives a damn anymore. Dragons? WE FUCKING GOT THEM.