Daz Illusion Questions About Rendering


Apr 20, 2023
hi guys. i have some questions about rendering. the questions i will ask may sound as simple as '2+2=?' sorry for that. maybe they are easily accessible answers but my english is not good and i don't know what to look for and how to look for it. so i wanted to post. i will ask about both daz and studio neo v2.

Daz Question

I've watched videos on how to render on daz. it takes about 5-10 minutes. i'm sure if you have a bad computer like mine, it takes even longer. when i render a character or a scene, do i have to do it every time? or once you render a scene, it stays that way forever? if you have to do it again every time, it seems like something that would take a lot of time. if that's the case, then I won't be mad at producers who release new episodes late. i saw someone on this website say "i made 5 scenes in a day". how can you make a game with a few thousand pictures if it really takes that much time? that's insane. but if you render an scene and it stays that way and you can take a few screenshots of it, it seems more doable.

Studio Neo v2 Question

studio neo v2 is much easier to render with. i did an experiment with my leptop that can't even open a calculator and it only took a few seconds. but the problem is that i can't tell the difference. in the video i watched on youtube the difference was quite clear. hair, lips, everything became detailed, but for me only the tips of the hair improved a bit. what do you think?


only the size is different. the normal screenshot is 2.5mb, the render is 3.5 mb. (the one with the buttons on it is the screenshot, the other is the render) Maybe I'm wrong for expecting as much difference as in daz?

Third question

I'm one of the hundreds of people who want to make a game and I'm at the beginning of the road. I'm trying to figure out which way to go when I know almost nothing yet. The usual answer to this kind of question is: which art style do you like more or which one do you feel more comfortable using? Daz is definitely more visually beautiful, but I don't hate HS2 either. on the other hand, the fact that you can sell the games you make with Daz on platforms like steam is a huge plus.

you can't sell the games you make with hs2 but it makes it incredibly easy to make games. daz is 1 million times more difficult as far as I understand from the tutorial videos I watched. What do you think? Should I choose the hard one while I'm still at the beginning of the road? Or should I try my luck after using hs2 and saving experience and money? If you make games with hs2, there are millions of free assets you can use. There are also a lot of pirated assets for Daz but there is a license problem. You don't want to sell games this way. How would you go about it?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 2, 2017
Daz Question

I've watched videos on how to render on daz. it takes about 5-10 minutes. i'm sure if you have a bad computer like mine, it takes even longer. when i render a character or a scene, do i have to do it every time? or once you render a scene, it stays that way forever? if you have to do it again every time, it seems like something that would take a lot of time. if that's the case, then I won't be mad at producers who release new episodes late. i saw someone on this website say "i made 5 scenes in a day". how can you make a game with a few thousand pictures if it really takes that much time? that's insane. but if you render an scene and it stays that way and you can take a few screenshots of it, it seems more doable.
I'll give you some answers on Daz as its the only one I've used, so no opinion or insight into HS2 etc.

What you render is a static picture. If you want 25 images in a scene, you render 25 images. There is no "taking screenshots of scenes". There are things you can do, like render things separately then merging them in photoshop. But I don't know of many people who do things like that anymore, with higher vram gfx cards being more common.

Because in reality, final render time takes no time at all for you, because you batch render it while you sleep. What takes time in front of the computer is setting up the scenes. Posing characters, lights, camera angles, clothes, hair and so on. And doing test renders to see that it looks okay.

A slower card (within reason) isn't much of a problem for rendering as long as your scene fits in your gfx card's vram. It makes working with daz more laggy and annoying though.
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Dev FitB Games
Game Developer
Oct 1, 2018
Daz Question

I've watched videos on how to render on daz. it takes about 5-10 minutes. i'm sure if you have a bad computer like mine, it takes even longer. when i render a character or a scene, do i have to do it every time? or once you render a scene, it stays that way forever? if you have to do it again every time, it seems like something that would take a lot of time. if that's the case, then I won't be mad at producers who release new episodes late. i saw someone on this website say "i made 5 scenes in a day". how can you make a game with a few thousand pictures if it really takes that much time? that's insane. but if you render an scene and it stays that way and you can take a few screenshots of it, it seems more doable.
For Daz, you load your characters, background, etc. Pose them as you want, then render the scene. ALWAYS SAVE THE SCENE!
As stated above. You can also make your scene, save it, then use Render Queue (or something like it) to run renders at night.

After your first scene is saved, make changes to the scene. Different poses, camera movement (you can add multiple cameras to a scene also), then save this as a different scene, and render it, or save it in Render Queue for rendering later.

So as an example your first set of poses, save as Scene with a name like Charlie 1. Then make your changes to the scene, and save it as Charlie 2, etc.

Hope this helps.
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