Quirky Quarantine 0.1 (Naughty Nimbus)


Game Developer
Dec 24, 2020

I'm very soon hoping to release a Renpy VN game called Quirky Quarantine.
It's going to be released on F95zone only due to the nature of certain content being forbidden on Patreon...

Yes it contains INCEST and I'm not watering down the story or making silly Renpy name changing choices because Patreon forbids it... I'm releasing it on here because it's focusing on the incest story because incest is SERIOUSLY naughty taboo business... It should be properly explained and expressed by the characters due to the nature and severity of the act of such! But it shouldn't take a year or more for a developer to get to the fucking point of a VN incest intended game to finally fuck the very thing you wanted first from the game. So the mom comes first in the game.

I was so bored during the quarantine and depressed when it started that I learned basic Renpy and cobbled together a simple VN commonly used trope intended game since march last year and worked on it on my spare time. This game is my first foray into making a simple multiple choice VN games and the program I used in the beginning to make the game was a pain in the ass to learn and deal with making everything happen.

So here's the synopsis:

Your name is (whatever you choose) living with your nearing middle-aged mother in a nice home and enjoying a quaint middle-class lifestyle. Suddenly an unexpected worldwide epidemic has occurred, it's spreading at an alarming rate and most world governments are having difficulty controlling the spreading of a *parasite*.
Such said parasite having an effect on the brain which controls one's hormonal behaviors and "id" thus their sexual proclivities are quite profound and perverse with no "super ego" to rely upon... You the protagonist will endure many challenges and have to decide if you wish to try regaining your"superego" or continue down the primal "id" path; the effects it has on your life as well as others around you will become evident as the game progresses.

Yes it's a very common trope based game requiring mental manipulation to occur. I wasn't focusing on breaking new ground with my first VN incest game.
The first release 0.1 will contain the mother only and the backstory. You'll get two sex scenes with multiple choices per release, soon implementing cause and effect for such choices.
Two other slots for scenes for re-occurring characters or for upcoming depending on what people choose.

In a few days I will post the game but here's the first post of the game in the interim to gain the three post needed.
Soon I will post the characters bio for each of them in this mini VN game.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
I like this one.
Filthy , beautifull animations and lots of hard lewdness.
Fuck the story and praise the action.
In the beginning i was kind of bothered with the drawing style.
Afraid of simslike models and a bit grainy pictures.
But i take that back and thank you for manufacturing this beauty.
And horrrny as hell!!