VN - Ren'Py - Race of Life [Act 1 v1.02] [Underground Studio]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty great story so far, and it is only chapter 1! Getting into details, if you are looking for a game with a well created pace, interesting and believable characters, nice looking girls and a great future ahead, get into this one. It truly is too early to say if the game will maintain its wuality, but it certainly deserves 5 stars.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Still think there´s too many LI. The dev should really edit the dialogue for those cheating Veronica. Also for the non cheating ones: We go from "on the fence" to "madly in love" too fast.
    Ex-wife route on par with the very best on porn games. Keep it going.
    This one is very nice. It´s gonna be about street racing and making money. The part where you´re an (almost) college professor and you do street racing is a bit iffy and also the guy is applying for grants and we never get a hint that he ever works on the research... but whatever.. the rest is ok.

    Some random thoughts about the ladies and future:

    - 4 of the women are nicely introduced to the story, they each have their place: ex-wife, co-worker- neighbour and student. Don´t know why Jasmine comes up at 2 places, Natalya´s introduction is also poor. Both these women feel forced into the story.
    - Dont know what Jasmine was doing at the races. Did i skip a part?
    - we already have 6 women that will surely be LIs, the doctor will be one too for sure... too many? Are we gonna have 30 chapters? Choose 3 or 4 and make it count, you dont need more LIs. Add 30 one night stands for the wankers. Or do 30 LIs and do a harem game, wich would be a pity because Ch1 could be the basis to something great.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    FMS such a good start. Animations are absolutely amazing. Renders are as well. Story is really good. Models are absolutely gorgeous.

    A little above my head as I don't understand mechanese. Learning new things with an AVN, who would have thought.

    Now if the creator can solve the problems that have plagued other attempts we will be golden.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4923166

    Really enjoyed this game so far. The story is intriguing, the characters are attractive and there is enough going on to keep you entertained. I never felt myself skipping dialogue because I was bored. Looking forward to the coming chapters.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Most impressive debut I've seen. Renders and animations are top-notch, the story and writing are superb (which is extremely rare in games like these), there's a right mix of humour and drama in it and all in all I can't find even a single flaw. Characters are interesting too, they behave like real characters and the game feels more authentic than your usual erotic game where porn logic is a prime directive.

    + Renders, sex scenes
    + Variety of beautiful women to play with
    + Very good writing
    + Perfect mix of humour and drama
    + Interesting premise
    + Meaningful choices
    + Interesting and believable characters
    + For a 0.1 release it's very long
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Episode 1 is quite long.
    When a good graphic designer meets a good writer a great game is bound to happen.

    Overall Rating:
    per 1000Great
    1. Graphic10%95100
    1.1 Faces3%1010Perfect (mabe the jap student looks a bit too cartoonish)
    1.2 Bodies2%910-1 point for Veronica ass during sex scene - it looked unnaturally fat and ugly
    1.3 Background, details5%1010Perfect, there are some good animations too
    2. Female characters20%90100
    2.1. Attractive girlfriend (or best option)8%1010Veronica now but probably can choose someone other later in tha game
    2.2. Attractive Female Characters (AVG)4%1010Ex-wife and neighbours 10/10; Students are less attractive (I hate tattoos) but there is a girl for every taste.
    2.3. Many female characters to choose from5%810You meet 6 love or FWB interests and some other attractive women.
    2.4. Personality of female characters3%910The women feel like a real persons with each having her own mindset.
    3. Plot20%92100
    3.1. MC personality (best option)4%910MC resembles a bit the protagonist of Californication.
    3.2. Not boring7%910Very interesting and creative non-banal story but a bit too much technic jargon & male-only dialogues
    3.3. Realistic4%910I don't believe that you can earn 5M$ on street racing and the therapy is abit too far-fetched but all the other action seems quite plausible
    3.4. Well written3%1010The dialogues are natural and the story unfolds in a good tempo, the language is very sophicticated.
    3.5. Non-sexual content2%910There's a bit of everything: college, car racing, family drama.
    4. Mechanics40%75100
    4.1. Large number of decisions5%710Quite many.
    4.2. Meaningful choices, separate story lines10%510The interaction with girls can be different but no paralell paths in the story so far
    4.3. MC Character Building6%810You can choose if you want MC to be an asshole or a nice guy but there's no any open character point system
    4.4. Can choose relationships & sex10%910In theory MC has a girlfriend but it's not anything serious and so far you can avoid her if you want
    4.5. Relations building5%710You can develop some better or worse relations with women through your choices but there's no any open relations point system
    4.6. Smooth navigation ( no sandbox, puzzles, mini-games)3%910Only the texting requires a bit of clicking.
    4.7 Point of View2%810Mainly the world is seen by MC only but unfortunately sometimes you learn the thoughs of other characters and see the scene not with MC eyes but like there was a camera.
    5. Sex10%82100
    5.1. Preferable Content6%710Nice regular sex so far.
    5.2 No Disgusting or Unwanted Content4%1010No repulsive kinks.
    See my VN games ranking on:
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game ! This game makes up for NFS's regret ! The picture quality is high and there is excellent animation . As long as the author does not do some strange manipulation for income, it is a very collectible work .
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2030943

    I'll keep this simple as to why I think this deserves 5 stars so far:
    1. Good story with well thought out plot.
    2. Writing and grammar is good.
    3. Excellent render quality.
    4. Nice animated sex scenes.
    5. Good looking cast of characters.
    Bonus for having some naughty girls, but maybe that's subjective. One thing I'm not a fan of is one of the planned tags "blackmail" but we'll see how that goes. I haven't seen very many AVN's where the blackmail didn't make me eye-roll.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I beta-tested this game and even before it was refined it was incredibly well-made. The renders are high-quality, the concept is unique, and the story (apart from slight grammatical errors) is incredibly well-written. I can't wait to see the finished product.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A very strong start. Excellent models and animations. The stories of the characters and the story of the game are tremendous. I can already sense that the story will go much deeper in the future.

    It's a pretty long first chapter. It far exceeded my expectations. I will be looking forward to the updates of the game.

    Good luck to the producers...
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This might be the best first episode to a game I've ever played, recency bias aside I am really excited for the future of this project. I cannot wait to play more and get into the meat of the game, and explore what looked like a time jump at the end of chapter 1.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Strong start. Graphics look good, UI is good, models of the girls is good. No Spelling mistakes and no engrish. Plot makes sense or doesnt break my suspension of disbelief has emotional momments and a likeable mc. Gives me the same feelings as artemis had from the first release. Which is to say has the potential to be one of the greats! Giving it 5 stars for now to encourage others to try it and for the dev to not abandon the project
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Renders are good and the story is good too, there is that time skip on how to get money to save the daughter to the race with jasmine there (i dont know if chapter 2 the dev will tell how jasmine know about the race and to help to get money). Hope the future updates we get more choices for story and for races, hope more choices matter and have impact on the story and the relations with the girls,hope to see more girls,hope not all girls arent slutty. The game has potential to be a good game but the dev needs to know what story he want to tell and not get lost and always remember the choices with impact in everything.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Ashley young

    Story - 4/5
    Renders - 5/5
    Lewd Content - 5/5

    Excellent start to the VN. I am honestly surprised by the amount of content, current version has around 1.5 - 2 hours of content. The story flows well and I did not really notice any spelling or grammatical mistakes or any errors in general.
    The characters are also well written and look hot. And most important of all, the MC is likeable and acts like an adult.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has the chance to be one of the top 3DCG games out there.

    Gorgeous women, hot animated sex scenes, and an interesting and unique story in a lot of aspects. Looking forward to this games development!

    Also cars go Vroommmmmm.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    First episode was a straight banger. Very nice story in the game which also makes sense, renders look really nice and the characters are perfect. Looking forward to the updates that will come after this.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy SHIT what a good first episode. Lot's of content really showing what you're made of right out the gate! Will definitely be keeping an eye on this. Great damn job on amazing high quality renders, animations, writing, interface the characters are charming and interesting the woman are SMOKING hot and MC is actually likeable and relatable for once. keep up the good work!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved this work of Underground studios. The story is pretty interesting and I look forward to this game. The graphics were 8/10 and the animations were 9/10. The only thing that I noticed was the details. Some textures looked blurry but thats's just me being picky...
    Great job and can't wait for Episode 2!!!!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    When you open the game, the opening of the game is cool, and the music of the main menu is also nice. The music and sound effects are also suitable for the game.

    The storyline is very engrossing and interesting, the characters are very attractive, the renders and animations are really awesome, the racing animations are super cool, and there are a lot of dialogue options.

    There are also a lot of options for the message feature, and I've selected almost every option in the messages to see different texts, so if you select the wrong message, you might miss some scenes.

    When you are racing, there are many options for you to choose, and there is a time limit. After all, you are racing. So how you want to drive is up to you!

    Of course the most important thing is how do you want to treat the women around you? To be a good guy or an asshole? Your own story to decide for yourself!

    I spent about three hours playing this game, maybe because I'm a slow reader, but this is just Episode 1, and there is so much game content.

    The beginning of this game is definitely one of the best games I have played recently. Trust me, this game is definitely worth a try.

    Underground Studio definitely deserve more attention and support!