Some things first: I am not a fan of cars. I don't really like redheads. Married women with children gross me out. Why writing this? Because in this game all these simply do not apply.
The driving mini games are masterfully done combining QTE and choice based gameplay in a very meaningful way.
The ex-wife is a one of a kind perfect woman in every aspect. She has the second best looks, she is smart and one can really sympathize with her situation. One hell of a woman, really not found in other games.
The title girl, the readhead is "built to sin" , yet she is really smart, feisty and has a very attractive cheerful and honest personality.
All other LI s are all well done both in renders and personality, just they somehow seem to be more stereotypes, more generic or simply annoyingly clingy(yes V. I am talking about you)
Worth mentioning is the more than hillarious dialogues betwen the MC and his best friend. They could have a stand up comedy of their own. So yeah, the writing is really top notch. The tech talk part is on anothe rlevel, unfortunately I cannot appreciate it, due to not being a real car fan. Still I can tell by obejctively looking at it, that it is really well done in the smallest detail. (you know, like one can objectively tell of a woman that she is beautiful, eventhough she is not one's type)
Updates are huge, this game has with two updates more content than many after ten don't have. And I mean real content, not just continuous blue balling, still the scenes are not overdone gangbangs like in some copy paste rpgm games. This game really sets a new standard for many games to come and even already established best rated ones could learn a thing or two from it. I really hope the dev keeps up the great work and this project will get a worthy finish.