VN - Ren'Py - Radiant [v0.6.3] [RK Studios]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Update: After playing the second release which includes the addition of a farcical antagonist and is much shorter than the development time that was taken I've decided to lower my rating. It is doubtful that anything could live up to the first release but, even acknowledging that fact, this is still a disappointment in terms of plot advancement (is there a plot beyond the fact that women all appear in the MC's life so he can lust after, and perhaps, fuck them?).

    By far one of the best games I've seen this year, the renders and storyline are excellent overall. My only hesitation is some issues with the story but it is too early to know if they will be a problem going forward. I am tired of the "one of each flavor" (blonde/brunette/redhead) type of game, I'd much rather see the characters resemble their parentage instead of trying to appeal to everyone.

    Pros: Renders and animations are great, beautiful characters all around. Long first release that impresses with it's character background and story building.

    Cons: Storyline is generic and has some plotholes that could be explained later. Triplets that are blonde/brunette/redhead is far fetched (admittedly that is somewhat standard for this genre).
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I honestly loving this game so far.

    Lots of potential for the possible routes that the devs have planned out. The renders are beautiful and the models used are appealing AF. What I love so far is the customization that youre able to do.

    other than that, so far its your typical VN with basic choices. Though I'm sure that will change with time.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game if u are even the guy who skipped mostly but sometimes

    read a few line the story of Radiant gonna make u read it probley the story

    is really "Unique" the models are nice ,renders oh u gonna love those

    beautiful renders and ur action can make small or huge impacts and u can

    have several root dat make it even more HOT ,

    but it lack of something

    a gallery would be nice and more about past of daughters
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Gabriel Knight

    So far so good.
    As others mentioned, sometimes the writing is a little questionable, in my case it's right in the beginning when you're at home with gracie. I don't care too much, it's just the beginning. And i hope it's more like a deep story driven adventure than just in your face sexuality.

    i like the models very much, but for me it is already at the limit when it comes to breast size. I don't play a lot of these games because the breasts of the women in them weigh at least 20 pounds per side, I just hate this kind of thing. it's unnatural and for me it's completely exaggerated, not even nice to look at.

    Like I said, I wish they were a little smaller, but it's still ok.

    The renders themselves are not in the top 10, but they don't have to be. They're totally fine and pleasant. It's still very early in development and I'm waiting for one or two newer releases before I think about supporting it on patreon, but it stands very high on my list of interests at the moment.

    The cliffhanger felt a bit too much for me (story wise) but i guess it's also a demo which wants to present a certain "this is what you can expect" kind of thing. Up tp this point i like where this is going and i'm happy to follow it's development.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    So far so good but a lot of hype at the moment for it. I would wait a few months for the content to get a bit chunkier before committing to follow this game. But good so far. Didn't notice much of a difference in the choices besides the dialogue, but outcomes seem predefined.
  6. 3.00 star(s)

    Harem Route

    Review as of v.0.1.2

    + Potential?

    ~ Visuals are decent, but nothing more
    ~ Character personalities are inconsistent (if not explained later in the story, may consider this a serious minus, otherwise the little psychos may be a plus)

    - Sound design
    - Surprisingly weak writing
    - Working on multiple projects at once is always a worrying thing

    I'm trying not to be too harsh on this game, because it's an early release, but still, can't help but fill a little disappointed.

    The models are alright, although a bit generic. Not a fan of the very basic body types, stretchy textures and super generic hair choices.
    I like the backgrounds though. They have some weird bugs, for example, the kitchen stretches as the character emotions change. But that's more hilarious than anything. Also, that was the second tiniest pizza I've seen in my life.
    Nevertheless, overall the backgrounds look good.

    The animations are short and a little awkward looking. Not the worst I've seen, and at least they try to play with facial expressions a little, but still, not great.

    The gameplay has a lot of potential, if they manage to make their current system work. I'm genuinely intrigued by how different the routes may play. But that's for a far, far later release, I'm afraid. At this moment it's all just empty promises. We'll just have to see what becomes of them.

    The writing is surprisingly weak, considering the author's previous work. It's especially noticeable during the sex scenes, they are incredibly dull and uninspired. Well... by "they" I mean the only one we've had so far, so there's not much to go by. But it is what it is.
    The everyday scenes are also far from great, or even good. Many dialogues are cringy at best, the annoying "narrator" strikes back and since you can hear other characters' thoughts (you as a player, not as a protagonist), it takes away all the possible tension.
    That said, the story itself seems nice so far. So maybe it's not all hopeless.

    The characters, as in, their personalities, are a bit... odd? Creepy? Except for Maddie, she's great, love her. But Allie is definitely creepy, and Olivia is surprisingly bitchy. Hopefully, it will either get better, or be explained better later on. Buf for now, they are somewhat unlikeable. Again, except for Maddie.

    The sound design is also pretty bad. The music is fine, albeit a bit (scratch that, A LOT) cheesy (couldn't help but roll my eyes when that generic sobby melody started playing during your talk with Olivia in the kitchen), but the sound itself, I'd definitely recommend turning off. It's sloppy, bad quality and mostly just ruins any moment.

    The UI is nonexistent. On one hand, it's good, because the less stuff clutters your screen - the better. On the other hand, if the game has stats, I want to be able to track them. Still, can't say it bothers me either way.

    The game is also extremely short right now. Again, you could say that it's the initial release, so no big deal. And I kinda agree. Plus it ended on a decent cliffhanger, so if the updates will be at least this wholesome, it's a good thing. But it also says a lot about the developer's impatience, if he couldn't even wait to get some content into the game before starting to monetize it. Just saying. We'll see what future updates will bring.

    In all honesty, I would usually give a game like this a lower score. But I see some potential in it, plus there is some credit in the author's previous work (that is also ongoing and in an early stage, mind you, but that's a whole other can of worms), so... I'm cautiously optimistic. Hopefully, they will give me a reason to update this score soon enough. And hopefully, for the better.
    Meanwhile, in its current state, this is not a game I would recommend to anyone.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow. Short (0.1.x), but powerful.

    Stunning models (10/10). Very well made and eye for detail. Of course, these are typical very well made renpy models. But you can see the difference in the eyes. In this game, those eyes, are beautiful. No lifeless models. Very well done.

    Story (9/10). You made me cry with a 0.1 version. Well done. I have my doubts about the years, skipping and how old everyone is (and looks). But I will go with the flow. Cause quality. This seems your typical sad story, here are some beautiful girls and good luck with your alignment. I am wondering what the creators have in store for it. Creativity wise.

    Immersion (10/10). Important part of the game. Do the choices make sense, does it feel like rl. Well, I think it does. 3 types of "alignments" that you can choose from. From horny, kind and evil choices. Personally I leave the dark choices for when the game is finished. For 100% purposes. Whoever picks that at the start, wow, I couldnt.

    Keep it up creators!

    Of course you know best what you can and cannot do. But please do not make the mistake as so many creators. Throw a lot of beautiful models our way, but by doing so, limiting yourself with story. Characters with story is better than 10 girls with weird or limited backgrounds. I am talking about the cliffhanger. That could have happened at the end of 0.2 imo.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I've just finished the first release, but I'm already sure this game has the potential to be one of the top 5 games in the site..
    Story seems amazing, the gameplay is amazin (Life is Strange style, no grinding bullshit).
    The renders are top notch and the girls are gorgeous.
    I have nothing to complain, I'm looking forward to the next releases.

  9. 5.00 star(s)


    So far i am loving it , the story is good and has a lot of potential , sometimes the dark choices don't make sense cause they seem very different from the flow of the game and the MC himself , only things bugging me are , the fact 2/3 of the girls are already calling him daddy , not dad or by name even , which seems pretty weird for knowing him only for a day , Maddi seems pretty angry and yet after a day she is relaxing by the pool with a very sexy bikini , for triplets that only had each other growing up they sure seem very independent and relaxed to sleep in separate rooms after only meeting the dad for couple of hours and ... but overall this game has a lot of potential as i said and i hope the developers keep up the good work
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty damn good, near perfect even. The writing is great, apart from the beginning which had some rather awkward dialogue with the MC trying to be a tough guy.
    The characters come across as interesting and real, even the comic relief workmate.

    One thing that does come across as ham-fisted is the personality choices. The 3 defining points of lust, purity and darkness seem like random choices, especially in a scene where you're having a friendly chat with your coworker you can suddenly start threatening him with bodily harm, this really takes you out of it.

    The renders themselves are absolutely gorgeous, woman are extremely attractive but in a natural way. One thing I could do without is the extreme closeups of some characters. It doesn't work well.
    The backgrounds make sense, nothing is out of place, although it's questionable how a teenager managed to get such a sweet ride.

    The music is good too, although it cuts out after awhile.

    And praise the norse gods, the developer added a transparency option for the text box. God damn do you know how hard that is too find?

    Overall a pretty good game.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Will try to update the review as per new updates.

    I have played a few first releases before and pretty much all of them hardly ever impress but this one on the other hand is quite impressive. It has really amazing renders, amazing models, a moving storyline and majorly a good amount of content fora first release. Hadn't expected much sexual content in the first release but whatever is there currently is great and helps build the future debauchery (hopefully).

    The storyline buildup is pretty great and some really good emotional connect is being build up between the characters as well as us viewers/players. This one can turn out to be a masterpiece if the creators continue their good work. Maybe can also become one of those legendary games that leave their mark. It is already trendig and getting rave reviews so we will need to wait and watch. Can't wait for the next update.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    This has the potential to become a wonderful Visual Novel.
    The renders are nice and the models look quite good, it has some animations as well.
    The writing seems off at places but overall it's a really great start and the story could become something fantastic, it certainly has potential.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    It's still very early to judge this game and there's not a lot of content, but so far i'm far away from impressed. I don't know what all those reviewers are seeing in this game, but i'm missing it.

    The game although it has an interesting premise, fails to deliver a solid stoyrline so far and most of the writing is cringe-worthy. The models although beautiful, look completely underage and their busty figures look almost comical on them and makes you feel uncomfortable.
    Also the choices so far make zero sense sometimes. They need to work on that asap!
    It also ask you to name the girls or use the default names and a little later they ask you again to give them nicknames! Why asking me to name characters in the first place if i'm gonna call them with their "nicknames" eventually?
    And finally, we can see what other characters are thinking which is such a turnoff! There's a reason that books or games are only on 1st person pov or narration. We're the MC, we're not supposed to know what other people think! What's the point of playing the game when there's zero mystery about the other characters?

    Overall, it's average at best. I'll probably wait to see it finished to give it another try, but for now it definitely don't justify the high rating.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the game!

    The story is interesting and the characters feel unique, also i like where the game will be going and it will be nice to persue the different routes. ( I am especially looking forward the dark route)

    Looking forward to all future updates.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Art is ok 5/10. Mediocre. No way the art hits the top 10 criteria.

    1/10 for asset spam avoidance. Still those same daz asset flip models we've seen elsewhere.

    Story 3/10. Not the worst.

    Characters seem a little too young. Works for people with that fetish.
    Warning: Don't let the cops find this one on your drives.

    Hype adjusted score: 2/10

    There is no way this game meets the hype. Painfully average.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I want to Preface this with I absolutly love this game.

    First the story. Its not completely original but it is a new spin on the coma story as well as the unknown kids. So far it has been extremely well told with a fair amount of choices for a first chapter.

    The Graphics/Renders are phenomenal. The lighting seems well done and the animations appear to be top notch.

    Mechanic wise. I like the explanation the prefaces the choices, as well as the narrator (something you almost never see) but can differently see that they are not for everyone.

    For me there is not really any Cons (other then having to wait for an update) but as mentioned above I can see some people being annoyed with a couple of the game mechanics.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Well that was intense, what a powerful story! Being an old fool I went threw many emotions which has to be the hallmark of great story. All the girls look really good and the renders are just awesome. Feel like I have been left on the edge of seat and anxious for more, just hope we don't have to wait long for it. To be very honest I can't think of anything negative to say about it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games of this genre I've ever played. Strong story, after long time its game where make sense for me to play love path instead of other two possible paths (corruption or obedience). Its still first early version, but I hope that author will be able to keep such a high quality even in future releases.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Good start for a match that promises to be ambitious. It offers gameplay, certainly, not original, but sufficiently enriched to offer us a certain impression of mastery of the history and the relationships between the characters. The story is clear and well written, which allows you to immerse yourself immediately in the game world. The graphics and animations have nothing to envy to the references of the genre. We think DAZ3D is under control. Sir Dammed & Alorth offers us an alliance which could lead to a game which, while remaining in what we know, gives us a VN which could become a reference of the genre.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Radiant is one of the few games that I put money towards on Patreon. I really enjoy the characterizations and the art is impressive in it's subtlety. The three main girls are all supposed to look exactly like their mom, but different, and the artist pulls it off well. I'm interested to see where the three themed system of choices goes, and wonder how in-depth it'll get. If you're looking for a game that seems like it'll have more thought to it, while keeping in mind that it's indeed a lewd game, this one's worth a look.