VN - Ren'Py - Radiant [v0.6.3] [RK Studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    You can't just pull netori content on me and NOT expect me to take it. I think i like Jade more than Brooke to be honest. I have a massive weakness to crazy girls, and anyone who says not to stick your dick in crazy is a coward. So yeah great content for the update and i can't wait to knock up every freckled girl in this game.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Writing: 4/10
    Imagery: 6.5/10
    Kinks: 5.5/10
    Overall: 5/10

    First of all, remove the cringey prologue, idk what purpose does that prologue serve, more so when it doesn't elevate the story at all. Love the incest theme, that's actually one of the few good things that keeps players interested. No build-up, no story, just fucking, into my folder of generic porn games list. Anyway... that's it? Game released in 2020 and that's all you got to show for it lmao, don't get me started on the delay in updates, heh. Other than the decent renders and incest theme, this game is meh. If you remove them, this game is basically a pile of burning garbage. I usually give 1 star for this kind of trash, but added 1 due to hope that one day the dev would open their eyes, stop milking them patrons and improve their work (especially the writing, dialogue and updates). Players/readers aren't stupid bruh.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    v0.4 - Very good, though it will be nice to get more interaction with the girls as it progresses. The relationship advancement is a little abrupt, but I'm sure it's hard to avoid dragging it out and being way to wordy/boring otherwise.

    I was genuinely sad not to have more 'time' to spend with Gracie. So that was a bit of a gut punch out of the gate. (well done on that story element... not complaining ;))
    I look forward to future updates.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, I'm mesmerized by this game it's an absolute gem. The sad backstory with Gracie made me cry cause I've been through some shity years myself.
    The renders are great. The woman are sexy hot and cute. The story is on another level. I play the loving pervert route :) (y)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is in the incest category, but why does the story have to be so good?

    It's a really good game, both visually and in terms of the scenario.

    Really well written and well planned

    I was clearly very sad while playing the game, I can say that the story and graphics are already better than many games

    I never thought I'd expect something like this

    The game looks so good already

    Good luck to the developer.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Worth the time. Story and art and animation and everything is quality. Updates cold be shorter but they have several projects on the line. Maybe they shouldn't but that's up to them. I really enjoy the story it has a good emotional kick and the situations you get in are great. Really enjoy finding out what is gonna happen next. Every girl is beautiful.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    If developers of this game are reading reviews, pls for the love of all pornographic and lewd, remove the prologue!

    After seeing how it played out I almost deleted the game right away, no joke.

    It was so cringeworthy that I had a grimace the whole time playing through it.

    Worse of all it was absolutely unnecessary.

    The rest of the game had already sufficiently established MCs circumstances. There is no need to torture the players with that "fever dream of a teenage mind" of a prologue.

    If there is a need to introduce some element from it let it be in dream just like it was with Gracie or as a flashback.

    Even if we do not talk about the positives the game would receive in terms of presentation without the prologue, at the very least we as players would have better perspective on a life altering crash and subsequent memory loss.


    Otherwise, I have nothing bad to say about the game. In all honesty, I quite like it. Try it for yourself, just remember that the prologue doesn't exist and it was simply your imagination.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game should be on everyone's favorites list that love the daddy incest genre.
    Slow corruption, perfect renders, supercute girls, some extra girls on the side, nice storyline, doesn't get much better than this.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Taboo Lord

    Wow! I'm not sure I can do anything else but give this game the best recommendation and rating possible. The story, visuals, weighted choices, and multiple branches are incredibly enjoyable as well as interesting. I hope this project gets more funding and expedited completion with the same level of quality. Can't wait to see more from this game!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I just love the characters. The triplets are cute and adorable, the story is mesmerising and exciting. I'd like to have more frequents updates but I understand that such a high quality of the renders and animations take time to release. Very good job!
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Never in my life has a porn game made me cringe so hard that my face turned into a black hole the size of Louisiana. I will say the reason but since it happens at the beginning of the game I will use a spoiler tag.
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    I mean let's be real it's a free porn game on the internet, I wasn't expecting some Shakespearian writing, but holy hell. I guess it could get better but the god-awful beginning put me off.
    The readers are solid though cant lie, story? not so much.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like this game, it would be one of my favorites in this forum if it weren't for the delay in updates, and there are other things that I don't like very much like the unnecessary drama with the policeman and that I think the dev could work better on some routes but other than that this is a very good game with beautiful renders and sexy situations
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    In short, I like this game.

    The renders look nice, which comes at the cost of quite a bit of download size. There are other games with beautiful renders as well, which are not so big to be downloaded, so it might very well be that the images could probably re-encoded tobe smaller, while not loosing visible quality?

    Though there are some introduced aspects might be good to be piked up again at some point, like the sleepwalking, to improve the story a bit.
    The game is not yet complete as a few choices do not seem to have a real impact yet, but I just looked at 0.4 so there is probably still something coming for 1.0.

    Waiting for the remaining chapters ...
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is coming along nicely! Exhalent content so far and I hope more comes soon. Very Good job on the characters and graphics. Some of the music is not the best choice though. Maybe " leaning on his everlasting arms" isn't too appropriate for a sex game? Or is it just me?
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for Radiant v0.5.2:

    I've played Radiant since the initial release. Like almost everyone else, I was impressed by the artwork, and it's truly outstanding.

    Story: 4/5 - I don't play with any mods or patches, and the story and backstory has some awkward holes without an incest patch, but overall, it's entertaining. The initial backstory was very compelling, but after that, much less so. The story is a slow-burn for the triplets and so it introduces other characters to satisfy players' desires for lewd content. The release pace is already extremely slow, so slowing down the story progression is just turning the main storyline into a snoozefest.

    Visuals: 5/5 - The most beautiful models I've seen in any adult games. Great animations, too, although they are infrequent.

    Writing: 5/5 - The writing is great. It's so unusual to have a game with great visuals and good English.

    Content: 1/5 - The content in the game is great, and the game has the right amount of content for the number of updates, but it doesn't have the right amount of content for the amount of development time. We don't know how long the initial release was in development, but the next 4 chapters averaged over 10 months each and the average time between updates has also been increasing. As of 0.4, I said this game is around 20% complete, but it looks the pace with the triplets is increasing with 0.5, so maybe it's closer to 30% (although more new love-interests keep appearing, so that's optimistic). At the current development pace, this game will be complete in 2033, at best. That's not an exaggeration or a joke, it's simple addition... and it assumes that no major catastrophe or life-changing event occurs in the lives of any of the developers before then. A game that trends toward 13+ years of development time has no chance of reaching completion.

    Overall, the game is quite good, but I can't, in good conscience, give a high recommendation for something I know will eventually be either abandoned or rushed to a disappointing end.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Can only give this one a 4 out of 5 unfortunately due to the game receiving updates every time the developer comes out of hibernation..

    Writing is not excelent but its fun and has some level of chemistry and its not just 2 rocks hubbing against each other.
    Many options and possibilities of who to get, fetishes and etc.
    And many virgins to deflower.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    This is boring, typical VN that has an update every 9 months hopefully, full of slow burn to be able to get every penny out of their patreons and never reach a conclusion, or climax, ever, with the sole purpose of getting the maximum possible money from the same project, We already know of another VN famous for doing this and that coincidentally is on the same theme of incest and the promise that one day something will happen.

    the story is boring, it is a wall of text without inspiration, the updates are every 7 or 10 months per chapter, there are no excuses, I have seen more ambitious projects that take 4 months to launch a chapter, this VN is always in the same scenarios, with the same 4 or 5 characters.

    P.D: In the end, it's always the same boring thing, with the same people doing this, one day those who donate will realize that they are only taking money from them, "Spoiler alert": You're never going to see the MC having sex with any of his daughters, and the day he does, he's out of business.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Ass Fan

    I was already a big fan of the game But now I'm putting it in my top { 1 }
    I managed to fall in love with the game more after the little daughter of Brooke it's amazing reminds me a lot of the game Lexi This game doesn't even need bitching like I see in many games to be the most downloaded I've surrendered to the game it's simply one of the best games of your gender I don't really care about the sex scenes in these specific types of games I will go the Brooke path to the end of the game to be a great father to her little girl then I will go the other paths with my other three favorite girls this game has that being recommended to everyone is a great novel one of the best stories written that i have ever seen in a game i hope it stays that way now you who are reading my comment and several others don't waste time download and play you will not regret this game yes deserved even more than five stars oh Dev is to be congratulated ;):coffee:
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Hands down one of the best intros to a porn VN I have ever had the pleasure of viewing.
    After that it just turns into your typical run of the mill type of VN with decent renders and girls to drool over.
    No problem, time to channel my inner daddy-daughter incest kink and... end of content.
    Not a lot there at the moment and normally I only review a game when it's a bit further down the line, but this ones development moves so slow, I've seen glaciers move faster. Will it ever come close to completion? The phrase "when pigs fly" comes to mind.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful looking girls, and the story line got me in the feels, nice music choices too, fits pretty well, kept me engaged and wanting to see more of what was going to happen next. Color me impressed so far, did not feel disappointed or bored.