Updated review. Feb 25, 2024
Still an average VN as of v0.5.2
Inner monologue is such an over kill. Do we really care about the constant back and forth with feelings? A little bit is ok, but consecutive never ending monologue is to much. IMO
At this point it's way to late into development to actually say that the pure, lust, and dark choices are garbage. Not to mention choices don't really seem to make a difference with them. I guess the actual relationship choices are important, maybe?
RENDERS are ok
LIs are ok
Story is actually good.
I made it to the swimming day at the lake and just couldn't go further. It made my brain hurt. Wishy-washy, back and forth with the horn dog MC kills my brain cells.
The story is actually interesting, but tossing in the "hormonal teenager" 30 yr old MC chasing every skirt kills it. Oh, I'm spending the day with my "wards" at the lake, let me just go over here and try to pick up that cashier I met for like 30 seconds. LOL
Look, don't let my opinion ruin it. If you're interested then try it out. It might be good for you. For me, I'm going to go back to not paying attention to this VN.