Unity - Completed - Rampant Pervert vs the Public Discipline Committee [Final] [ZOOCROS]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Needs transitions (and not just climax which I agree it should of course have)

    But it works and is decent enough.
    Also has plenty of lesbian bits which are rare and tongue usage.
    And decent amount of animation and work clearly put in since it not just same assets you seen 1000xs.
    Likes: Grime
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Played it, i liked the game, it even made me laugh when i filled the special bar(R) and used the ultimate, which is your character yelling 'avengers assemble!' And every girl at the map gets raped, he even has an animation for that. Since its like a stealth game, like mgs, i kinda adaped quickly playing it, and could alert one girl to some quiet place and just counter grab her. Once you get it, the game gets really easy, since most often the girls get to be only at one part of the map.
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 229118

    It is a simple game that delivers exactly what was promissed. An easy chace and rape game with a point system that makes it easier and a game over when you get beaten enough.

    Dont expect anything more then a simple but fun game.
    Definilty worth a playthrought if your bored and dont have something better to do.