VN - Ren'Py - Ravager [v5.2.1] [4MinuteWarning]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I love it! What else can i say. I am always down for story where i can be anything other race then H U M A N . In this game you take role of freshly hatch out dragon but the royal asshole will not like that (because he is a massive racist and if the game let me i would bite off his nuts). After the escape you will have the whole world.
    Little tips for starters:
    1.)be nice to every one who needs it (do not stats fights and don't threaten anyone)
    2.) protect fan girl at all cost (she wold literally die for you)
    Overall i like this game and i hope the developers will finish-it soon. Thanks for reading.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Good visuals. Decent voiceacting. The game crashes when you skip through stuff, so that's a bummer. Also, it may just be me, but the art style seems inconsistent throughout, with characters like the warlock not matching up with someone like Heloise.
  3. R
    3.00 star(s)


    Ravager is a Good game with an interesting premise and Great potential though for now it feels quite incomplete it's been 2 year's and we still haven't got to the part of taking back the capital and many of the girl's storylines are incomplete though i am hopeful that will change in the future and i must admit i really like the voice of dragon it gives quite an interesting flavor to the game in my personal opinion it wouldn't have affected the game much if the dev had decided to only voice the dragon i personally played it with all other voices mute except the dragon.
    Likes: Lelix
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Love it, the game has what it needs & even more. All fantasies can come true and i would love to play final version of this game, and waiting for it every day. Please please please more updates.:love::love::love::love:
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I wanted to review this game for a long time, but just didn't know how to do it justice: So many aspects are worth mentioning, that i couldn't possibly list them all. So instead i've decided to just write a bit about what this game is...

    Ravager is NOT a visual novel! Calling it a visual novel would be an insult. VNs are high grind, high noise - they make you do repetitive stuff and read through walls of flavour text that doesn't really affect the gameplay.

    Ravager instead is more like an oldschool choose-your-own-adventure game, where every little choice you make has permanent consequences, and every scene matters. There is no filler, no grinding, and no noise: Just making one fateful decision after another. And unlike oldschool CYOA's, every scene is presented with atmospheric visuals, moody background music and sfx.

    It reminds a lot of the heroquest-parts in King Of The Dragon Pass, which also were atmospheric high stakes CYOAs, where seemingly symbolic gestures had far reaching consequences.

    And that's probably the only "flaw" of this game: It's hard to play without a walkthrough, because every choice you make opens up some paths in the future, while permanently closing others - and it's impossible to anticipate them all. So basically either you accept having to play through this game many times to see everything, or you need to plan your playthrough in advance, in order to get the set of outcomes you want.

    EDIT: To clarify: This is not about unlocking some "perfect ending", because Ravager has no perfect ending: Every choice you make is a tradeoff. Problem is the game can't really tell you what those tradeoffs lead to without spoilering everything. And conversely you can't get your preferred conclusion without spoilering yourself by reading a walkthrough. I don't really blame the game for this: It's just an unavoidable drawback of creating a game where every choice matters.

    If this or the game's theme doesn't put you off, then Ravager is an absolute masterpiece that should be in every porngame collection.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the most fun games I've played on this site, no bullshit boring combat. Good writing wonderful art and some good pacing. Overall something for everybody here no matter your tastes, would recommend for sure.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I was pleasantly surprised how much I like this game. It is a lot of fun and one of the only ones recently that I am going to replay - just to see some other stuff!

    Mina is probably my favorite lady in this game, she is a handful in more than one way!
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Unreal Bober

    Noice just Noice.
    Good ol rapey and good characters what is have their personality and fun to rape, love than betray be a real Sadist and give this now usless bitch to horny horde.
    This is a game not just Visual Novel but really game with even RPG and Manager elements in it. With cool story and good MC what is do what you really want him to do. i have fun playing this for a long time i really enjoy gameplay. just thx. last time i have this fun in Old huntsman games.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I've got pretty high hopes for this game. Being rewarded for going the evil route is so refreshing. I got thrown off by the clashing art style at first, especially stuff like the body not really matching well, but that's forgiven as I know you can't always get the best resources. I do hope they all get very different body types as seeing the 10th big torpedo booba in a row can get tiring. I personally prefer the more anime-ish one as the realistic one is a bit uncanny valley for my taste. Besides that, the arrays of characters are FUN and the amount of interactions and funny scenarios you could potentially write with them in the future are endless. It also helps a lot with pleasing everybody's fetishes instead of locking in one route. It's definitely harder but ultimately much more rewarding if pulled off correctly. Something about forcefully breeding a powerful mage to then birth and raise the literal anti-christ that could potentially end the world is pretty fukken metal. Can't wait to see the chaos that will unfold. Or if that's too heavy of a plot line for your tastes, you can go with a simple farm girl. Naho's pet-slave route is also neat. Also, I completely appreciate the amount of fetishes they're trying to put into the game. It can get boring if it's the same similar stuff with everyone. But I don't think that'll be the case considering they're even going for a futanari option, of which by the way I hope they don't forget about adding a vagina on it. Too many western artists think that futanari means only having tiddies. That's a dude.

    Even at this stage, I feel pretty bad not being able to pay for it.
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Shotgun Senpai

    Game is still in development but has already impressed me. The fact that this game doesn't penalize you for being evil is a refreshing touch. The fact that you can murder-hobo and still finish the game is priceless. This is a true do as you wish experience. I'll be waiting very impatiently for the final release.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Sense of freedom and awesome characters. One of the most fun impregnation narrative involved in any game. Constant crashes in some scenes, but still worth a play. Truly something of a gem. I am eagerly awaiting how this one grows!

    There's enough fun narrative content to give it a try, I highly suggest if you like well written stories with choice, you will give Ravager a try.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I was absolutely surprised by how insanely good this game is. The painted art is gorgeous and the chibi-ish avatar art is cute as hell. The writing is spectacular and the prose is beautiful. There is just enough gameplay to clearly be a game, just enough open-ended-ness to let you forge your own path and play the character that you want to be. But at the same time, none of this is grindy or repetitive.

    This is easily one of my top 10 favorite adult games.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    What I really like in this game is the voice actress are really good , yes highly recommend because not all game has voice actress it is highly addictive hopefully it gets a lot of content , for the art they are also good same to the sex script.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a really well done game that offers something that very few games, even those done by AAA studios, offer: Tons of meaningful choices and decisions. At every moment in the game you have many choices you can make, some minor and some major. All of them have consequences, some immediate and some much later on. You need multiple playthroughs to even come close to seeing everything on offer. The freedom you feel while playing this game is its strongest asset.

    Another strong asset is its characters. They all have different personalities, and some of them are really awesome to interact with *Cough Marie-Anne Cough*. The major ones are voiced too (and the voice actors do a pretty good job), which isn't common in western VNs. There are also multiple factions that could be recruited, each doing things their own way.

    As for the art style, there are two artists. One does the CGs and the other does the sprites. As a result of that, you will notice that characters look a little different in their CGs than they do in their sprites. While I personally prefer the work of the sprite artist, both artists are good, and one does get used to it after a bit. Also, all the sprites are animated in a nice way.

    The story is compelling, and the enjoyable music sprinkled throughout the game strengthens its impact as well.

    There is only one notably negative thing, which is that the game frequently crashes, especially when are fast forwarding through the scenes that you have already seen. Hopefully that issue gets resolved soon.

    Overall, I recommend it to anyone who likes to have tons of choices in his games :).
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I played more than 100 games from F95 (a lot of them really good) and this is one of my favourite games in the forum.

    Pros: The music, the fetishes, the sex scenes, the art, decisions... everything is amazing for me.

    Cons: Personally i don't like the dragon dick, i would prefer the MC be a vampire or can transform in human or something like that, but it's ok anyway.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    First off, amazing game -- no offense intended for what I'm about to say.
    The only issue I have with this game is that as of 4.1.6 the sex scene art is sometimes different from the character Art. And no I don't mean one looks like it was made in adobe illustrator and the other in Photoshop, I mean some characters have different details on them, different bodies, what have you. I wonder if two different Artists made them but either way, I wouldn't mind the 2d art for the sex scenes.

    And now for the good parts about this game. This is possibly the first game that fit my fetishes this stunningly. For example, some games force you to rape someone, Some games don't let you, Some games make it a realistic rape and make it sad. In this game, Rape is more of a fetish than it is a lifestyle and if you don't enjoy rape, good for you being a good person... you can disable that, but if you do, I think you'll enjoy being the anti-hero for a change. As another reviewer noted, it was tasteful. I also particularly enjoyed the pregnancy, the anal, hint of incest. I LOVED the fact that the big dick dynamic is at play and is portrayed without plot holes, although it tears a different kind of hole.

    You'll probably have stopped reading this review after vomiting at what I said about the rape, but if you're still reading then I think the demographic I'm reaching right now ought to hear this. The maker(s) of this game put a lot of effort into this and it clearly shows. I've been playing this game for 3 hours and just finished, yet the makers still plan to add more! At the end of their game, they have a witty little part about the characters being asked questions from the audience. Maybe someone could argue that they could've spent that time actually making the game, but I think that segment just shows that the game dev(s) kind of enjoys making this. Another thing, I loved the voice actors, they might not have studios but their inflections were not immersion breaking, they were immersion making. All in all 5 out of 5, I have so much more to say about this game but I think I'm gonna make some food.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellently written and presented. The newer art style (that I assume the finished game will have) is absolutely gorgeous. The style of the writing is very eloquent, and it does not shy away from making you feel the consequences of your actions. Even as a power fantasy, a featured mode that makes you succeed in everything, the choices you make are meaningful.

    The characters are well-written and characterized, their arcs are compelling, and easy to relate to, despite the fantasy setting.

    The design of the game itself is wonderful. Whether it is difficult or not is up to the player to decide, and instead stupid pixelhunting or grinding, it comes from having to make difficult decisions.

    The featured fetishes are featured in a tasteful and plausible manner, all optional, and it is part of the decisions that you'll have to make.

    Game is a must play.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed this one, great art style with a lot fun options to do. The art style is amazing, very easy to opt in/ out of kinks, lots of voice acting and steady scenes been added. Will be replaying soon!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Voice acting is awesome and the abundance of choice makes the game immersive. Also the ability to choose the kinks you want to see in the game is a really nice add. Can't wait to see more of it, Good job!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've played here and I have almost 500 GB of h-games. Love the beastie stuff and all of the content so much that I replay the game with each update.
    The art is the strongest point of this game for me as the western artstyle coupled with the pure gold that is this beastiality heaven I don't really know what to expect from other similar games.
    I just wish there was more, as the quality beastiality and power fantasy is something very rare when it comes to h-games sadly.
    There needs to be more focused beastiality in h-games, it's just a shame that patreon scuffs at beastiality even in h-games from what I've heard.
    Anyway just wanna say that If you wanna play a good game play this.