VN - Ren'Py - Ravager [v5.2.2] [4MinuteWarning]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoy this game and anticipate seeing its fandom really ... spread its wings.

    The art is solid and I like the setting quite a bit where the game is a dark fantasy and actually lives in that world and lets you make decisions appropriate to such a setting.

    I'm a sucker for fantasy games but too many are quaint games where you play as another average , boring white guy peasant who gets magic powers or something.

    If your in a fantasy setting let me play as an orc, demon, dragon, or dark elf and make it feel different. This game does do that and i think does it well.

    The story will keep you interested but not in a ponderous way that is over flowing with florid prose , plus .... it gets down to fucking pretty quick and doesn't jerk you around by not letting you jerk around for dozens of hours.

    Theres a bit of open world but not overwhelming or feel like your missing too much but still might have good replay-ability once its over due to a variety of choices you make.

    What I enjoy most is the wanton feel of the world and the amorality that REALLY lets you play as a bad guy and revel in it. Many games have creep main characters or fake nice guys but few let you actually play the bad guy in a dark power fantasy and the ones that do are often some of the sloppiest worst written games on the site.

    Keep up the good work I eagerly await updates on this title,
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game! Art work, voice acting and scenes are all very well made. Hope it was longer though. Need more written paths and plots to be truly immersive. Hope the creator will continue the project and get more funding!
    Likes: 4MW
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Hi, played this game and made account especially for reviewing this game. Hopefully game developer reads this.

    First of, this game has tremendous potential. I am not saying this is new vampire: bloodlines but games where player is monster are rare. This game at now is definitely playable and you should definitely try it out.

    What is good:

    Dialogues are well written and interesting. Fangirl is a good example how to write a good character.
    Theme generally is interesting.
    A lot of to explore.

    What is bad:

    No autosave!
    Simply to put is porn could be better. The art style between characters and porn is completely different. If I were the developer I would pay the same person do porn who does characters.
    Forced fetishes. Monastery scene was pretty railroaded. Also being able to fuck constantly everybody kind of makes game uneventful. In short you fuck more than you kill which is kind of undragonic...
    Sudden unexpected deaths are common.
    Likes: 4MW
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Obviously unfinished but it's pretty great and shows great promise.

    I really like the theme of it, go around eating people to gain strength, fucking them to gain potency, persuading them to gain charm, and tallying up mercy/cruelty as you go.

    I didn't think I was into non-human stuff, but it turns out as long as all the girls look human (and they do even if they're an elf or whatever) then I'm down, especially as your dick seems to be big enough to straight up murder people (I really pushed (pun intended) for anal with one unwilling woman and it ended up killing her).

    On the downsides, the art is great a lot of the time, but inconsistent (I guess maybe placeholder) as when you get down to business sometimes a character will suddenly look completely different sometimes. I also wasn't super into the countdown mechanic but hopefully once you've conquered the world or whatever that'll go away... also I didn't like losing captives, I'd like it more if when you handed one over to the lair npc then they'd maybe just get changed but you can still do stuff with them (like the elf lady you give up to the mines would change into that red demon version but you'd still be able to rail her as and when you please and maybe it'd open up more options), and maybe have it so you could assign certain captives to pleasing the different armies you amass but without losing them if you want to interact and do stuff.

    I'd give it a 4.5/5 if I could, but I'll be hopefully that the completed thing is amazing and round up to 5.
    Likes: 4MW
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good art, AMAZING voice-acting but very violent/rapey. I suppose this is to be expected from a game where the protagonist is a dragon.

    Also, the game is a little short on content right now. Expect 5-8 hours of gameplay as of 2020.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed playing the game! It was a wonderful experience :giggle:(y)
    I love the amount of freedom this game has, the writing is also a huge plus.

    The developer is also very considerate when it comes to fetishes. I like how he gave us the option to enable/disable some of the content.

    The artwork is pretty decent, although lacking. But, that's understandable since this game is still in development.

    I'm looking forward to more updates.! This game definitely made its way to my top 10 favorites on this site. <3

    Best of luck to the developer.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is alright. There's a tidy amount of obvious placeholder art, but the intended art is of good quality, the writing is quick and snappy with good grammar. All in all, it's a fun experience of being a heckin' dragon, if from a porn-game point of view, but. But!

    For some reason the developer has it in their head that it needs to be playable, with branching paths. Which is usually okay, but to do this they decided to certain choices and routes gated behind strength, which can almost only be raised by killing characters. Nevermind the any moral implications, these characters come with content and events all themselves, so to access routes behind strength you need to delete two or three other routes from the game, denying you content altogether. For... some reason. It is an extremely weird design choice that doesn't give me a lot of faith for continued development with that mentality.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I am very picky and only like a small handful of games on this site (and in general) despite having tried so many, yet I really enjoyed this game, it is very well made.

    There are multiple paths and attribute paths to focus in giving you a lot of flexibility on catering to what you want to be/what you enjoy, though since you are a dragon, yes, if their willing or not, you're still a fucking dragon. While the there is a snowflake compassionate and loving path, expect some rape-y-ness. Though, personally, that's a huge bonus for me.

    The content currently is enough to get a very good feel for the game and even replay what's there to see the other paths, I spent about 40-60 mins on it doing the agressive rape-y path, though I did go back a fair bit to check out other choice results, even so, many were gated off due to me not focusing in stuff like charisma or not having high enough stats, I think this is a great design choice, it made me curious for 'what could have been' - and it does this quite a lot, even in giving you the choice to keep your victims as personal property or to pawn them off to your minnions (eg, you get entire tribes/packs of followers, not a singular entity) for some sweet respect gains, and that warm, fuzzy feeling that is knowing my captured farm girl will be banged day and night by a pack of wolf people. Becuase multi-layered irony is best irony. As a result, though, you'd not get to see their next day follow up scenes for what happens after -you- fuck them and would instead see scenes from the followers you gifted them to. It's a cost, but it's one that adds some value and meaning to your choices.

    You are also given the option to turn off some themes you're not comfortable with, like futa/gay/incest/bestiality etc etc, so nothing is really forced on you, though one small issue is that it's easy to not notice that at all and have them all off by default. (So be sure to turn them all on in preferences first, before begining the game, because more scenes are better) plus, the art and writing stle is very good.
    The voice acting isn't great, but I did enjoy it in the non sex scenes and the moaning parts. It adds to the game for sure, but it is very clear that the actors are not very experienced and may subtract from some aspects of the game in place of its usual benifit of the voice acting, such as some of the rape scenes, it sounded less sexy and more silly. I would often pause and take in the voice lines for the comedy of them, when it was not a comedic scene. It is what it is, though overall it's really not an issue, it's a great game.

    TL;DR : The above sums up the game very well without giving too much away, but basically, the games pretty damn good. I'd strongly suggest trying it out and atleast watching it, if not help out the developer speed this along, because what's there already is totally worth investing in, I'd love to see more!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    You play as a freaking dragon :ROFLMAO:
    Renders are good
    story is good
    You can make your own path :
    Kill or bring the woman back to you're lair for fun
    I have no complains about this game
    You can have a wolf people army
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Choose how mercifully or savagely you set about making allies , gathering a harem, and conquering a kingdom. Also, you're a dragon.

    Unique (commissioned) art, good voice acting, and lots of replayability.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Ok first things first you are a DRAGON thats worthy of a star by itself. Ok but now to the more important bits. The setting is nice and refreshing you are a dragon but you aren't invincible. The world is rife with mysteries for you to figure out (including yourself). The amount of options is amazing however there are some that you should logically be able to do but you can't such as taking back a waifu. The art for the game is great (the blurried images are just placeholders) and really sets the mood. However there are some game breaking bugs such as one that endlessly loops the conversation with the farm girl (Also after you rape her where does she go?) The timer system gives an air or urgency which is really orginal in a genre usually about taking your time.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Update for 4.0.2
    It's 5 stars. No question. The art has reached that point, the game play has, they're open about a decently helpful walkthrough and dev mode is now available if you just want to get the images and not grind much or at all. It's got everything and it's got it for multiple player styles.

    It's only 4 stars for one reason*, it needs a walkthrough of some kind or gallery to track what's been seen/unseen.
    Otherwise, esp. with the great new art (the old art was blurred for whatever reason), and it's always had a unique and awesome concept, this is on the cusp of 5 stars.

    *(I'm not a fan of the time crunch either but not enough I'd dock for it).
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Very early yet, so there isn't much content. Being a dragon is cool and unique, however it makes the sex scenes rapey and weird. Story and world building is interesting. Seems to revolve around a suikoden-lair building motif but that may change as the game advances. Highly recommended if you're looking for something unique, though you may want to wait for more content.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game! I love being a dragon and terrorising the populace, capturing waifus and subjugating those that prove useful. This is a concept the like of which id love to see more of out there. Truly epic!
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Has potential to be a good game. Though would be nice to see like some labels on choices like hints to what stats they affect like if they increase strength or another stat. But other than that the story so far as you progress is interesting enough. Though some choices are better than others for obvious reasons. I use to enjoy multiple choice books like this so much on my mobile devices so this is a must look into if you like those too. Wish I could find more games like this.
  16. 3.00 star(s)



    1- Unique concept to say the least. There are not many games out there where you control a dragon.
    2- To put mildly If you're into bestiality or vore content you'll be in for a treat
    3- While the story has some plotholes here and there, it's unusually strong among its peers.


    1- Voice acting is very hit or miss. I turned off.


    1- Artwork is severely lacking, it's composed of mainly placeholder art or ripped content.
    2- Buggy
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    - Unique concept (MC is a fledling dragon).
    - Rare fetishes (rape, beast, etc).
    - Very well written.
    - Good World building, makes one want to find out more.
    - Opportunity to play both good or evil.
    - Partially voiced, with good voice acting.

    - Art work isn't made for the game and doesn't match the "profile pictures" of the women, nor is it consequent with what the dragon looks like (one picture is even of a human male) and often it's cropped in a less than perfect way.
    - Some choices are strangely undoable, for instance choosing anal with the farm woman or the dragon-consort-hopeful only yields the result that it can't be done because "too tight". Really? A dragon cannot use his strenght to simply force his way in if he wanted to? The game does have plenty of rape and violent elements, so that can't be the problem.

    Hopes for the future
    - Possibility to impregnate women when fucking them vaginally with dragon spawn (or kobolds?).
    - Even more voice acting.
    - Really looking forward to next installment and chapter 3. :)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like the premise and the writing is pretty good. The voice acting, although partial, makes a big difference.

    Unfortunately, the artwork seems rather lacking.

    I'm extremely excited to see where this goes.
  19. K
    5.00 star(s)


    Really loved what this game has so far. Although I saw some comments disapproving of the character artstyle but personally I didn't mind it. In fact if the developer uses this simpler artstyle in favour of more content then I'm all for it. The voice acting varies in quality but somehow the amateurish voice acting make it hotter somehow. The only things I could request as an improvement is a mode without the time limit and a way to see your stats.
    A rare gem on this website, can't wait for future updates. 5/5 stars.

    Story/Characters: :love::love::love::love::love:
    Gameplay: :love::love::love::love:
    Sex scenes::love::love::love::love::love:
    Player agency/Alternatives::love::love::love::love::love:

    Did I cum?: Yes
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    360 Danny DeVitos Later

    I almost skipped this because the images shown didn't grip me or give me an idea of what the game was like. I gave it a go and was pleasantly surprised because the game is good. Multiple choices and it seems there will be different options in the future based on what options you choose so for example if you keep chosing options that use charm, eventually there will be dialogue choices and options effected by that. Which is great. The way the scenes are written is also good. There's also VA. There is an awful lot of potential here.

    So why not 5 stars? 2 reasons both of which will likely be fixed. The art is blurry, that art is, however, placeholder art so that will be fixed but right now does effect the game quite a lot. Likewise a lot of the art is the same position. Since the dev plans to have different art put in it's a temporary problem.

    Basically once the art is fixed I don't really see any big negatives at all. It's well made.