Ren'Py - Completed - Raven's Quest [v1.4] [PiXel Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The game could be a lot better.

    The gameplay is alright nothing special.

    The art is okay.

    The dialogue gets repetitive quickly.

    There are some massive issues I have first, it feels like nothing matter because scenes are just repeatable and never get a new stage or something just some different dialogue and maybe a new option, but it always feels meaningless.

    Second problem is the outfits, I like the concept but it just doesn´t feel good if no character react different if you wear different clothes, it doesn´t matter if you dress normally or slutty everyone will react the same way.

    And thelast big problem, it that there are way too few sex scenes variations it gets boring very quickly, I mean why do the orc and humans look the same in sex scenes should the cock of orcs be way bigger?

    I didn´t get much enjoyment out of it, but it isn´t awful and it feels like effort went into it so try it.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6855285

    Pretty decent game, it does however get kinda boring and repetitive after a while. The art is good, I cant remember what the story is about - but it has some good lewd content that makes up for it flaws.

    Closer to a 3 than 4, but since i cant give a 3,5 stars I feel that a 4 star is more appropriate.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Fun, for a while. The art-style is good, although the scenes themselves are basically just a few jpegs, not full illustrations. Exploration is alright, and there are a few events to find. Overall, I can't really recommend it, as there are many better games that have a similar premise.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I didn't finish this one. I love Pixel's artwork but there just isn't enough of it to call this a complete game. There's a number of ways to get Raven into erotic situations but they all just show you the same reused sprites with fairly uninspired text. There's also just no real reaction from her for most things that a corruption game should have. Lose her virginity? Who cares. First anal? Yeah whatever.
    The story is also just really lazy. Raven's character origin is waking up in a cabin with no memory... that's it. And you just go exploring from there, its hard to get immersed with a blank slate.

    Play for ~10 minutes and check out the basic sprites if you really want to, but after that point you've basically seen everything.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Cute main character, and has a lot of themes which I personally enjoy. Unfortunately falls flat in the execution, with most events just recycling the same few generic sex animations. Also despite exhibitionism being a fairly big part of the game, the game doesn't really respond at all to the MC walking around naked or highly exposed.

    Combat is a waste of time, but I'm not exactly expecting in-depth battle mechanics either. Unfortunately, with this kind of game the primary reward is to get more scenes...but most of the scenes are just reused generic content. Scenes that involve other characters, like Claire, don't even have art to reflect that.

    Overall, I'm basically giving it 3 stars instead of 2 because the MC is fairly cute, and at least there are quite a few outfits (though none of them are reflected in the sex scenes either, even in ones REQUIRING SPECIFIC ONES). Having the option to walk around town covered in cum, I just think it's neat.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    2.5 stars out of 5

    its honestly just mid. like low mid. nothing good about it. and theres some bad flaws, combat is boring. u just get bigger number and drink potions. h scenes are.... ehhh... "animated" in a weird way.

    first time a h game made me go... damn its so mid. honestly... dont know why its mid, maybe its the pacing. maybe its cause the character is boring. or maybe its just the lack of anything special.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    i got a 100% in like 2 week playing casually, to be honest it is very fun, personally i love the league of legends reference on the cloathing customazation and the secret house
    i got charmed by the art and how variated are all escenes
  8. 1.00 star(s)

    Karl Speidel

    Im a bit undecided on if this game deserves a little understanding because its a old game,or atleast it says it was first added in 2018 which damn was a long time ago,time sure flies. Its been updated ever since so its not exactly a old game,victim of its time period limitatins and such I suppose.
    Anyway there are semi-decent scenes but the game is not what you'd look for:

    It tries to be a VN but also a game with all mechanics and such yet it fails at both,it was better to make it a full VN if he couldnt handle making it interactive

    HUD is very old looking and mechanically wise too,it feels clunky and unnecesarly longer

    Areas are very limited and few,there really isnt a world out there to explore,neither is there any real lore to immerse yourself in if thats your thing

    Scenes themselves gravitate between full on vanilla or a couple are unorthodox yet they arent that great eitherway,which probably is the most important part of a H game

    Dialogue and characters are shallow and boring,again if you are looking for this in a game you will be dissapointed,skipping it doesnt miss you anything.

    Quests and overall what you are supposed to do isnt so well worked out,might be that its semi-old game but even old games have better quest system.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    The art is okay. The game seems to offer a bunch of areas, but all of them barely feature the same few repetitive events.

    The gameplay itself is tedious and boring, and the lewd content is barely there, making this game both fail as an H and as a game.

    I'm only giving it 3 stars because some effort was made, even if the result wasn't worth it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing potential, mid execution.

    Yes, you get a fuckton of fetishes, yes you can play out your sexual idol fantasy, yes it's a world with some level of thought put into it, but it buckles under the weight of too few CGs, unclear mechanics, randomness and general clunkiness from trying to do too much with not enough experience.

    If Raven's quest gets a remaster, it'd be a ceritified hood classic, but even now if you're into complete sluttery and bestiality, it's recommended.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is ass yeah ima say it like it is i mean if you go on the way back machine when they tried to sell this game, like its gonna be the most game changing thing you gonna play and how they can really show their skills. I mean there is scene not even finished and like Wind Disciple, they rushed the end which there isn't even a thing that says its the end idk man .

    Art 3/5
    story 0/5
    mechanics 1/5
    Nice outfits 4/5

    boring long and weird idk how to say it but its like it could have been good but it didn't deliver it just felt empty not satisfying .
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    the overall mechanics of this game is pretty...
    i love the outfit customisation and job mechanics of the game...4-6 hours of gameplay time....loved it .
    pretty linear but solid plot.
    great fetishes.
    i hope the dev keeps adding more outfits and extend the story...
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    great game but don't expect something like CoC levels of text adventure content. several hours of content but you might get bored and quit before finishing. the best part of the game IMO is being able to mix & match the main character Raven in all the various outfits. story is linear. scenes are ok. artwork is ok. i hope to see PiXel Games' next game erosland be more fleshed out than their two previous games. there are also quite a few bugs and grammatical errors present.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    awesome game,
    one of the few, the text in which is interesting to read.
    interesting side quests that complement the story of the characters
    I miss several full-fledged endings based on the choice of the main character
  15. 3.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    The game for me personally is very middling.

    The art style is cute and the dress up mechanics are quite in-depth
    Yet the sexual scenes are just the same few images repeated over and over again with different text and the text itself (the story and characters) are decent, nothing special, but it kept me going to see more.

    The real kicker that knocks my rating down a star is the combat, its absolutely brain dead which purpose is to do nothing but waste my time. Granted, i understand that this is made with a Ren'Py game engine, but if you want to use and engine designed for VNs to make a game with gameplay, i would recommend you not to do that.

    If this was made as a simple VN or used a different engine, i could have easily given this 5/5.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is the best example of wasted potential of any H-game I've played.

    The art is PHENOMENAL, everything is generally passable, the grindiness is not as bad as others similar to it.

    BUT THERE'S LIKE ZERO H-CONTENT. What the heck?? If there were four times the CGs this would be a legendary game. As it stands, it's the best single or double fap game out there for those of us who are 2D CG only.

    Fuckin hell. Take my 5 and shove it :( :( :(

    EDIT: OKAY, I've come like 5 more times from this game and I'd like to revise my opinion. There is quite a bit more content than I thought, however again its mostly hot outfits, hot situations, and a measly parcel of (well drawn) CGs. SO FRUSTRATING. It's not even that this game wasted potential, it just didn't spend enough money to bring out its already-existing greatness. The game already exists. Just add CGs and it would be top tier. But that's not how H-game business models work, I suppose :(
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Review of v1.4 public 3/5 stars
    Great art
    Decent animation
    Lots of outfit options
    Sub/Dom scale is unique

    Not a lot of art to enjoy yet despite the length of the game
    The same few animations are reused a lot for different scenarios
    The combat doesn't really add to the experience
    No gallery to rewatch scenes
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I wish there was more variety in the actual images but the scenarios are really good. I'm also not sure if I was able to see everything since there is no gallery as far as I can tell. It seems pretty easy to miss content unless you click on literally everything multiple times and with different outfits. But overall great game. 4.5/5
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Visually, the women look great, albeit the same cannot be said about men, who, with the exception of one character at act 2, appear identical, with identical genetalia.

    It is a meme that people play these games for the story, but seriously, this game has a well-crafted story, with intermittent h-scene interactions. These interactions are sometimes key to unlocking further content to progress through the story, but some are optional, and are entirely up to the player to exploit/enjoy.

    The overall UI was a little laggy for me at times, but I've yet to encounter a game-breaking bug. From the story, to the characters, to the h-scenes, everything was just perfect.

    A seriously big thanks to the author for making this available for free.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty dope.
    Great art, plenty of fetishes (some of which hit home for me, personally), passable writing.
    Though the game does struggle quite a bit with technical issues, as in my opinion Ren'Py was not the best choice to base this game on.
    Nevertheless i enjoyed it thoroughly and would love to see the game be released to steam so that i can purchase it.