VN - Unity - Completed - Ravished Realms [Final] [Cupid's Ero Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a summed-up version of my full review on Steam. Feel free to check it out and join my Steam Curator page while you're at it

    Ravished Realms is an 18+ visual novel whose synopsis and art caught my attention but, to put it lightly, turned out to be the most disappointing game I played this year. The game is so short there’s no room to develop the characters. Moreover, the plot structure is almost nonexistent because the story ends right after the exposition is over. There’s no rising action, no climax (no, I’m not talking about that kind of "climax"), and no resolution.

    The gameplay is lacking even by kinetic novel standards. It misses some basic things like a menu to adjust your settings, a skip button, save/load options, and even keyboard compatibility.

    Not even the art is good. Sure, the character’s designs are good (especially Nina’s in-game character), but the real-life stock photos used as background make them stand like a sore thumb. Also, the sex scenes are very lackluster and have some basic errors. I’m not exaggerating when I say it’s the first time I see the climax part repeating itself until the scene is over.

    All in all, avoid this game at all costs. I played a fair share of extremely short visual novels, but never one that’s so devoid of content you can barely consider it a kinetic novel