
HTML - RE:Curse Origin [v0.93] [GratuitousLove]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the game and the loop.
    Really nice and well put together implementation of time loop.
    Spooky art and the foundation is there.

    Need to wait for more updates to fledge out the story and set up the next ark.
    Am in love with the whole dungeon master aspect.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The story doesnt make sense and its pretty boring to be forced to play in a linear way or have your game reset. Most of the game feels like busy work and bloat, and theres no customization.

    When the "reward" is you get to skip portions of the game, its a huge problem, lol.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    There is a fair amount of potential but could do with a little more lewd content for the amount of grinding the game already has, I'm otherwise looking forward to the next update to see what else is planned.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    it's a clicker game under the hood. If you like those, you'll find some enjoyment here. The gameplay loop is innovative and has a lot of potential, but it's limited by the lack of content, which can be quite disappointing. It can also start to seriously slow down performance-wise as you progress. I would advise making a check where if an action is fast enough, the game will just do a bulk by the second calculation or creating tasks that do the same thing, just for longer times for larger rewards. I'm being nitpicky because I genuinely like what this game is going for- but it needs a pinch of polish, maybe a bit of edge off the grind, and just more stuff to do.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    early review [0.40 The grind is like a souls game and the theres only one 18+ scene for now.

    The replay mechanic can be a great thing in the future, with different memories or something each restart. Even if you can accumulate your stats from all playthroughs, starting from the beginning is too rough, and the pay off for that grind isnt worth it imo.

    Im not telling the dev to make the grind easier, just make it more worth it
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Reviewing 0.4. There are promising elements, I like the concept, and that's unfortunately about all the good I have to say. While I don't think the rogue-lite concept is inherently flawed, the way that it's been implemented certainly is. Standing around waiting for bars to fill is not a pleasant experience, and so far it is most of the experience. The cost on slimes raising each time I summoned a slime is what ended up getting me to drop this, summoning the first was tedious, and the thought that each one after was going to be worse was enough to get me to uninstall.