I just played the latest version (0.2.1) from the beginning..
First, the bad ...
The game is buggy and occasionally shuts down for no reason I can detect. Save frequently!
Some grinding is necessary, so you can level up for important fights. However, I've seen a lot worse.
Now, the good ...
The developer obviously has both an inclination and a talent for storytelling. Yes, there's sex, but this is incidental to the plot which managed to hold my interest a lot better than most other offerings. There is a steady build-up to what I imagine will be some interesting sexual activity in coming updates.
The main plot is sequential and a walkthrough should be unnecessary if you're paying attention.
2D graphics are good -- an interesting compromise between cartoons and art, biased towards art.
I haven't tried cheating.
At the moment, this is a good piece of work and well worth keeping an eye on.