Okay, Real Life Sunbay.
Honestly, I don't understand what's happening. Why does a developer with 999 years of experience produce something so crappy? Let's go in order. It's been several years since I first looked at this, and as an honest person who's not afraid to call out nonsense, even if I turn out to be wrong, I admit it. But this is a dumpster fire. The project has more problems than on the loading screen. I don't understand what's wrong with it. Almost every aspect of the project is bad, from the female character to the male character, from flying cars to no cars at all. Then there's a bicycle that floats like a boat in a storm. Come on, guys, it's like GTA with porn, a sensation, what many are waiting for. Wow. But it's terrible, a complete mess. What's here? Nothing. I don't understand the point of this project at all. Let's pretend everything is okay because nothing is okay. As I understand, this is the "sinking in the swamp" section. This project is not moving in any direction. Sorry, it's moving backward. Each update brings us only chaos and empty promises that materialize into unplayable versions with a bunch of problems, like drone flying and collecting cans because you're tired. I'm tired too, tired of trying to find something good where it simply doesn't exist. It's not there. Are you ready to give it a 5 because of a beautiful character? No way. I wanted to see GTA, but it's not there. Eternal swamp and a bunch of problems, from a dull gameplay that can't keep you interested, to playing OSU or figuring out how to change characters. The number of bugs hasn't decreased, and with the content, who knows what's going on (I'm not talking about adult content, but about the lack of any meaningful content).
When can I finally rob a bank and fly a helicopter?