Identify Real Porn Deprived extreme fetish/kink school Female Protagonist

Jun 19, 2021
I'm searching after a real porn school game. Where the family moves into a special new school, where everyone at that school let's out their deprived extreme dark kinks and fetishes, I just don't remember what the game title was.
the protagonist Is a female, I remember that you could make her a total scat queen, eating it and kissing with a obese women with white coat.

And I also remember that the mom had to learn to accept that her daughter (us) is into masochism, female domination by a black women, if the player so chooses that.
if anyone knows the game I am talking about, I would be happy if you helped out.

And just to clarify, I am not after any sort of hentai/cartoon game, its real porn with real life people I am after