This review is up to Day 4 of the game. The game is pretty bad so far and doesn't have many interesting things going on. It is quite bare even for a game this short.
1. The render quality is quite nice. I wouldn't say it's exceptional by any means but the renders are still of a good quality. The character designs look quite nice and overall, the renders of the characters and environment are good, despite some ones looking weird or not up to par.
1. The way the story is presented isn't that great. It's presented in a flashback sense / past tense. The MC looks back on the previous day and pretty much recaps what happens. This style just doesn't feel right with how it is written and I think the story could've been better if it was written in present tense instead of having the unnecessary flashbacks.
2. The dialogue is quite weird. I think this point goes with the previous point of the cons. The dialogue just doesn't feel natural. It feels awkward and out of place and like it doesn't flow properly. The scenes just aren't immersive and the dialogue just doesn't sit well with me.
3. There isn't really much of a story, development of characters or even personality to the characters. Now, I know it's only Day 3 and there will likely be many more opportunities for this to improve, but really, even at Day 3 the characters should really have some personality. The story is basically - My neice is here. She's hot. I want to fuck her. The characters are very flat and one dimensional and aren't very well established as they could be improved a lot.
UPDATE: Ok, so the game got even worse. Wife is basically trying to cockblock you too and the game is just going in such a weird direction. You're a creepy uncle perv pining for your niece with literally no story, or at least a story that is very underwhelming and is not enjoyable. I had hopes the dev might be able to turn this around, but I think it's at the point of no return now.
At this current point, I don't recommend the game. I probably won't play any future updates unless I hear something drastic changes and hopefully it does because the game could have potential but it's completely wasted.