My overall review is very much mixed for this game.
Pros: I actually enjoyed the characters, and at least some of the story beats.
Cons: Almost everything else.
-There simply is too little sex in this game. I know lots of people in the comments on this game are saying that games don't have to have constant sex scenes and I agree, but there has to be something. Right now, in what has to be close to ten hours of text, there are three possible sex scenes. One is non-consensual, one is interrupted by a psychedelic trip and the other is OK, none with any character I think any player will feel any emotional connection with. This for a game that's been in development for three years. It would make far more sense to just dump the sex scenes altogether and make this a non-pornographic release.
To make an analogy as to why this level of content just doesn't work, imagine if, in Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy, there was an explicit scene of Aragorn having sex with a random barmaid for two minutes towards the end of the second movie. No sex before or after, the scene is short and we barely see the barmaid before it and she's not that important after. That would be weird, right? You'd recommend just cutting that out. That's what the sex scenes in this game feel like given how enormous the buffers around them are.
-Imported save system breaks around half the time. What this means is that when you finish one "episode" and make a save to import it to the next "episode," you frequently get errors. Now, you can fix most of these with patches and console commands but it is very annoying.
-Outcomes are actually dependent on stats and a lot of early stat growth is dependent on random chance. What this means is that you might get bad outcomes in episode 4 because you didn't get a stat boost, at random, from training in episode 1, around 8 hours beforehand.
-The overarching plot is not really interesting or unique. This game is basically just unlicensed Vampire: the Masquerade, to the point that if you know old V:tM rules and lore, you can guess about all the rules and social organization of vampires that you learn about in this game. And a trope in games set in V:tM is the protagonist being sired by an unknown, powerful elder for unclear purposes, getting adopted by a powerful political outsider vampire, forming a connection with that vampire and ultimately discovering that something important involving an ancient buried vampire is happening. That's...pretty much the plot of at least three V:tM branded and unlicensed games, and Rebirth as well.
Conclusion: I guess I would recommend this game if you like Vampire: the Masquerade and you use a walkthrough/mod so you don't get screwed and you know there's no sex to speak of and you are willing to wrestle with the save import system. Otherwise, I'd recommend skipping it. I mostly regret having picked it up.