VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Rebirth [Ep.1-5 All in One] [LikesBlondes]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    ..... It's really good on story. But not quite for sex scenes.
    I think I've only seen two sex scenes (actual penetration) in the three episodes so far. While the third might be on the way. I was hoping for more than just a single scene per episode. There is romantic buildup or maybe non romantic if you take that path. But I want more scenes.. now, is someone can teach me how to edit these reviews, I'll gladly do that as this game continues as I'm quite confident in its potential
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely Fantastic

    I liked the uniqueness of vampires having their own structured society and not being painted as monsters.
    The story is excellent and the characters themselves have their own personality. I noticed a few minor grammar issues but, it wasn't everywhere.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished playing this. Loving the game. Not sure how I feel about the piecemeal updates, but it is what it is. I think, subconsciously, I've been waiting for a horny VtM visual novel to pop up in my travels on the internet, so I was probably always gonna love this game :sneaky:
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This game looks great and has good writing, but almost no content. Its not like it's too early in development for there to be content either, it's just a ridiculously slow burn, almost sarcastically slow. This game is like lighting a 200 foot fuse on a stick of dynamite only for it to not blow up. Lots of potential and great looking characters and interesting enough concept, but there are only 24 hours in a day and I can't spend them all waiting to see a pair of tits in an online porn game.

    tldr; 3 stars for quality and time put into this by dev, just disappointed by lack of content.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Rebirth Ep.3 v6
    This game has a very good story that follow the rules of "vampire the masquerade" (a tabletop RPG ).

    So far the plot interesting as there are a lot of vamp character with their own agenda that could swing the story in one way on another.
    I like very much that every vamp is well aware of the hierachy,the rules and the consequence of breaking them; as a fan and player of vampire the masquerade i can't emphasize enough that this is NOT a random game that uses vampire as a "cover" for the story and for such the dev deserves to be praised.

    The only criticism is that so far there have been too few "output" from the choises, but i hope and it's look like that soon there will be.

    Do not expect a sex game, this is a game with a few sex scenes. The story is king.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    The game deserves a 5 cuz well, it just does. Although I must say, despite the fact that it is a fake reality with vampires and such, it is starting to seem unrealistic at the LACK of sex MC is having. No person, or vampire can sleep naked or partially naked with multiple women every single night and be like... meh. Great story, great characters, needs a tiny bit more sex.

    Im changing this to a 1 because while it is not all about the amount of lude scenes for me, it really is the most annoying game ever where you and the girls are ALWAYS NAKED and seemingly horny... yet never have sex. Its not like other games that are a slow burn... it is more like they are all impotent and the slap in the face is the character selected to have sex with. Literally ANY OTHER CHARACTER would have been a better pick for the first person to have sex with after waiting so long. You have a connection with these other girls and the choice was just utterly stupid.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A surprisingly charming game. The render is good, the story is tight and the writing is superb. One (slightly) bad thing that I can think of is that the sex parts are definitely on the bad side. This doesn't bother though, but will disappoint if you're looking for some quick fap or into heavy kinks
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I just started it up from the beginning for the third time I think, and this is just so good!
    Too many games around here start with an idea and some renders, but this one has a solid story to begin with.
    Great renders and well fleshed out characters.
    I could play this like forever, I think.

    Thanks, Dev!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, Well written characters for the most part, but please let us do something to punish or adjust our Thralls attitude, or give her a "oh fuck" moment when she learns that she needs to be more serious. The way she acts in situations is really annoying and there's nothing that can be done about it currently (Ep3v5)

    The slow pacing and hinting of plot lines gives the feeling of a living world. Not just a self contained story full of sex with nothing ever happening in the background.

    It's very refreshing to find an AVN that's not just only about sex. It's nice to find something with a more serious and dark tone to it.

    Dialogue is well written. Very little spelling or grammatical mistakes.

    Overall, One of the best games on F95.

  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story ... easy to follow & exciting . Constanly update is good... 90% of games here take more than 4 months to write a chapter ... This game is simple to follow and and a great story ... Good on you mate ,,,
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Just saying, if you have played some Vampire The masquerade, this game it´s a must.

    And a warning. There are very few sexualy explicit content. I dont give a figg about it, as far the rest of the content goes with this amount of superb quality.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great world-building backed by excellent characters and plot.

    I don't tend to like adult VNs with fantasy elements because most writers don't establish rules properly and the world building is just a lot a exposition, but this game manages to overcome those obstacles. Unlike many similar games, Rebirth never uses exposition anywhere, only using characters interactions to establish the rules of the world.

    The character writing and dialogues are very good - the MC is charming and the jokes are funny. All the characters feel distinct and the game establishes them very well. The plot has great momentum and mystery - making sure that you never lose interest or skip scenes.

    The only con I can think of is that it doesn't have any sex scenes until the third episode. There are naked women but no sex.

    I highly recommend this game if you wan visual novels more for their story rather than the sex.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Game would be great if save transfers worked properly. Even the fix doesn't work like it should and frankly by now, this should have been fixed in the original files rather than requiring someone to download something ages later after the bug has been identified. I've tried three times to get to play episode 3 and it never works due to save transfer issues.

    It's sloppy programming to have to have a check to see if you played previous episodes rather than just let someone play and give them a reminder to play the others first. It creates issues and I've stopped supporting the game out of frustration of having to deal with stupid things like this.

    The game had potential as well but there are like barely any choices, you can literally skip half the dialogue and still get the jist of the game. It might as well have just been a comic rather than a game.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    The dialogues look pretty well written at the beginning and the atmosphere is excellent so this game is quite interesting without actual sexual content. Parallels with WoD are nice.
    But starting with part 2 i began to use skip because everything became too tedious and boring, dialogues became repetitive, almost 0 new characters introduced, mc jokes are only getting worse while sharon keeps saying "he he"
    The game is almost a kinetic novel, choices are non existent because you only chose a good roll or a bad roll but never something equally interesting to make you replay with different choices
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Very well written Vampire-themed Game with great Dialogues and a captivating plot

    Rated as of Version: "Ep. 3 v2"
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    This is a game that I thoroughly enjoyed playing. It's captivating plot and realistic and often likeable characters make it a game that story and writing wise is truly great. From a story perspective alone this game is worth the download.
    Renders are above average, not what I would consider the best of the best but certainly done with care and good looking models. There are some choices in the game but mainly the game is very much story driven meaning you get choices but usually just about two per update. There is a stats system which can unlock different abilities which is a very cool feature even though up until now some of these abilities are rarely used. Considering the sexual content in this game is so far on the low end it might not be a game for everyone, however if you are one of the people who is also interested in the story behind a game then this is certainly for you.

    Gameplay: 4/5 | Renders: 4/5 | Story: 5/5 | Writing: 6/5
    GRADE: 4.7/A
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game with a beautiful renders and awesome storyline, the storyline so far is one of the best imo, i was playing episode 1 for a straight 5 hours and so drawn to the story that i forgot that this is an adult game!! so i recommended anyone to try it, its rare that an adult game can have this calibre of story.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    • As a porn game, this has an above average story but nearly non-existent sexual content, so as a porn game, it's a failure.
    • As a non-porn game, it has a below average story. If all you're getting out of this is the story, go watch a movie or read a book, and you'll get far more value and far more story in far less time.
    That's my opinion based on getting partway through the second episode. Maybe it gets better later, but even if that's the case it's not worth the time investment to get there.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Played Version: Episode 1 - 3up1

    It starts extremly promising. Like a "Vampire: The Masquerade" story.
    But it has turned into "supernatural" in no time.
    It has the "Vaginal" tag. So there is a sexscene hidden somewhere. But in my 2 playthroughs there was "No sexual content".

    The main problem the game has is that the dev didn't make a plan what he wants to archive.
    First: he make a stats system like in a roleplaying game. That stat system has never been used for anything. After the first scenes you will not be able to add any points somewhere.
    Later he discorvered: "Hey! Why make a game, when I just need to write endless texts about people that pretend to do something that will not happen?"

    Yes, the blueballing is hardcore. The MC thinks very often about Sex. But never get some. He even thinks in "my way" .. like "Hey we have a naked women in a cage in the basement.
    I could make her my slave (thrall)" or "make her my pet (doll)".
    But in the end you do nothing. Not even close. She ends up getting a very nice living room in your villa. Your thrall is a complete idiot that don't understand shit and so forth.
    Superpowers, for beeing a vamp: Nope. Other vamps have superpowers. You will never use them in an interaction. And overall, you can become invisible. This is used in exactly ONE moment, and this is the moment when you discover that you are able to do it. You will NEVER choose a power to use by youself. That makes all the "Your Clan is probatly a shitty ashtray kin" and "No I come from the noblest of noble elders, a godess herself"-Talk, wich takes huge place in the story, to nonsense. Because it doesnt matter who made you, and how many powers you inherit, if you never use them and everything you can decide in this game is:
    Shall I say "Hey Awesome!" or "Hi, Bitch" to greed certain persons. (yep thats all what the dev left to the player)

    The renders are very nice, the character models are very nice, the story starts good, then it is exciting but then it quickly turns into one of the most boring soap operas I ever saw. My descisions have no impact, they are just fake to have the illusion of decide something.

    If you here to watch nice Character Models. Thats your "game" then.
    If you here because this is a piracy porn site and you want play a game with adult content, then I have to dissapoint you. This is neither a game nor has it adult content. Its a "kinetic novel" with "no sexual content" to say it in F95 -language
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Welcome to the world of vampires. Control your monstrous impulses, enjoy your new status as an undead and, whatever you do, don't bathe in sunlight, go feral or break the Masquerade. None of the glitter-on-your-body or counting-numbers bullshit, or your money back.

    The setting is as original as vampire fictions and urban fantasy gets. In fact, you may feel something very familiar if you are a fan of White Wolf's Vampire: The Masquerade. Vampires secretly live among humans, has their own hierarchal and feudal-esque society and work to uphold the Masquerade. Vampires need to control their inner Beast to prevent going feral, stay under the radar get the point.

    You may wonder where you come in to all of this. You were a random DJ who got embraced by a bored vampire elder, and only survived because a vampire took you as her underling and student. You then got increasingly involved in local and national vampire political intrigue, started uncovering the truth behind your sire and how unique you may be among damned flesh.

    As a visual novel, it goes without saying that this game offers less agency than VTMB, but with some pretty solid writing, it's still pretty enjoyable. Seeing that things are going to get real soon enough, you may want to try it now and see if this is to your liking.
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Frim der Wel

    I really liked this game, even though I usually am a bit wary about Vampire stories. I was not terribly impressed at the start, but I started to really like it quite soon. The game does not really give much choices, which often annoys me as it forces the MC to make asinine choices; but in this case it was fine as the MC behaved as felt right anyway. (The story is maybe not terribly sophisticated as has clearly good and bad guys and identifies them pretty immediately, but at least the good guys feel good and in the given framework the MC behaves reasonably.) Art is good, I was less impressed with the music (it was too "epic" at the start when the subject matter was not yet obvious; and is not "looped" very well if that is the word, i.e., the music clearly finishes and restarts, not synchronized with the game)

    Update: I now also "played" Ch2 and Ch3 (there is actually not much to play there, it is pure VN). Unfortunately I was less happy than about Ch1; the lack of choice / agency was more of a problem here as the behavior of the characters seemed a bit less reasonable.