So, this one's been going on for a while now and this is my second time trying it out. I like the world that's been created here. The characters are alright, nothing super believable, but you can kinda get in their shoes. Especially with games or VN's like this story is what matters and I've always liked vampires myself and this version of them is good. Like I actually want to see the story unfold. Which is rare for anything on this site.
My biggest complaint, or two I guess, being the size of the game compared to length, and the gratuitous spelling, grammar, and formatting issues. And it keeps compounding it seems. What I mean is There are complete sections where you're talking to someone, and the name and character portrait are completely wrong. Like when Frank is mumbling about dripping and they have the Skald guy pop up as if he's there. And it happens intermittently up until that WHOLE conversation. And the size. It's split up into three parts (at the time of writing) that are all at least 3Gb and NONE of the parts are long enough to warrant it.
And I know EXACTLY what it is. Completely uncompressed images. It's ridiculous. I could understand if there was a lot of detail, but there are scenes with large flat planes with a bump map, or just the same boring flipped DAZ rooms that don't need the images to be 50MB each. And If you look at the scenes more than not at all there's some wonky stuff going on. Every time they're at Sharon's desk, look at the picture frame and the bad texture on the desk and tell me, "Yeah, that's a quality finished product." I get self inflicted deadlines and the growing hivemind of fans but still.
TL;DR Good story, Spellcheck and grammar needs to be reviewed, compress the images a little bit and no one will notice.