VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Rebirth [Ep.1-5 All in One] [LikesBlondes]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The only thing i could suggest is the font kinda hard to read especially when its with capital letters, story wise the game is awesome i like it it keeps u entertained the whole time. only thing i wish is that i would be faster with updates ( i understand why its slow and all).
    All in all the game rocks keep up the good work! :)
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a great game story-wise. Reminds me alot of Masquerade-Bloodlines, which I'm pretty sure is the inspiration behind the game.

    The stats system adds abit of flavor to the game, once again, reminding me of the RPG-ness of Bloodlines.

    But as an adult game, I can't really judge it as there's almost no sex-scenes. Or maybe I made bad decisions. I really can't tell because even with the walkthrough it was pretty vague.

    There's a few games like this that I rated and I'll say it for this game as well. If this wasn't an adult game it'll probably be way better. Focus on the parts that are great, and that's storytelling for a amazing vampire RPG.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Superb game from a superb dev! The character development is excellent and the story is compelling! I think it would make an excellent series of novels! Perhaps the dev has created the next Harry Potter series?
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Wooooo where to start on this beauty of a game. The models...omg the models....fucking beautiful. Sharon is by far my favorite

    The story is amazing. At the start it is kind of speedy but the pacing becomes amazing once you're turned. The story and the character building had be just stuck into the story. It had me actually debating and thinking about what I wanted to do. You don't see that often anymore.

    This a slow burner story but holy shit is it worth it. I recommend anyone and everyone try this game. The dev seems to be pretty active and I'm heading over to his patreon now to throw him my money to show my support. I really hope this game goes on for a while and the rest of the story is just as amazing as it is now.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I started this game after a friend of mine recommended it to me, and damn.
    This might just be my favorite adult fantasy/horror game on this site (also, it would go as one of my top 5 favorite games in f95)

    The story literally sucks you in (lol sorry for the pun, couldn't resist), and through the MC we learn this world of the night & all its horrors. It just feels so expansive, and enriched with so many great characters all around (though my absolute favorite character would have to be Sharon. Her personality, charm, wit, and beliefs, I'm just mesmerized by her character).

    And it was really fun discovering MC's new abilities as he continues to face difficulty and challenges (it also gets me curious as to what further new abilities he has, and will there be any chance to use more than one ability at once (and not just one at a time).

    It really is a fantastic game, that really feels like a total package; great writing, wonderful & charming characters, great environment, compelling tone.

    Can't wait to see how the story goes on with MC's journey in this world.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Found this 4 days ago and man, i love it!

    Pros :
    • The story, at first it is escalated rather quickly like all of a sudden you are a vampire. But after that i enjoy the pacing of the story.
    • Your choice does matter, it will affect what attribute you will get and if that attribute is high enough you will get an ability. If you get the ability it will affect the story so, choose wisely lad
    • The characters development is well done
    I don't have anything bad to say about this game for now.

    If you are here for fapping then this is not the game for you at least not now , so steer clear from this game before you leave a bad rating because there is not a lot of steamy scenes yet

  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Basing this short review on the fact it is clearly meant as a porngame (ep2.up8)

    Story 3/5

    Art 2/5

    Characters 2.5/5
    (Great idea for a porn protagonist btw, immortal vampire with no blodpressure so no erection...)

    Come for the horrorish/thriller plot, and don't cum for the lack of erotica.
    Lots of passion I assume from the dev, but means there's no passion left for me and others to enjoy anything noteworthy.
    Instant cliché
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall, I think the story is great. Hopefully in the future there will be some animation. One thing I would change is that have less of the vampires telling the thralls to go to bed. Keep up the good work!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    while its still early, its one of the best games/Vn out there right now,
    The renders and models are quite good, the background music does a perfect job at setting the tone of the experience, there is a good amount of different characters, each very unique, and the story in general is well crafted.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The good:
    The premise and overall story is pretty good, the art is fine and the vampire theme is not used a lot so that's also a positive.
    The bad:
    Characters are exaggerated and inconsistent, in one scene they can be wise and logical, in the next dumb and emotional and in another one dense and dissmissive. Erotic scenes are REALLY bad (the first one is fine tho). Writing is pretty crude and basic.

    This is not a good porn game, not a good story driven game and not the good mix of both.
    For a porn game it have too few scenes and most of them are just bad, for the story driven game the writing is too crude and there is not enough effort put into keeping characters consistent. I really tried to like this game, but I just couldn't ignore its flaws.
    It's like a D class horror, i have liked quite a few of them, but only when i looked at them as parodies, if i could do the same for this game it would be 4/5 rating.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good adult visual novel.
    Not made for a quick fap.
    Entertaining story.
    I actually read 90% of the dialogue, because I was genuinely interested in most of the plot.
    Hope to see more of this game soon, and I will return in 2-3 updates, for another playthrough.
    Took about 3-4 hours total from start to finish as of ep 2 up 7.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an AVN but not fapping material! best description i can make!

    My kind of game where sex happens organically and since the characters are dead ...

    great story if you enjoy rpg style games or mistery games with rpg elements is more like it!
  13. F
    2.00 star(s)


    I'm writing this review purely on a pragmatic basis. The game is in development for 1,5 years and barely has 4 hours of content. Other than 1 mediocre sex scene it has no sex (Although it has some sexy scenes). Story has been great but as I said it's too short and not what I expect from a game in F95 Zone. So if you want to play a game with good story with a bit of saucy stuff, this is a game for you. But if you're here (like me) for another purpose it just isn't worth it.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Nudity is not a big part of this game, and neither is player choice. The setting is interesting and the plot could end up being very good, and has been intriguing so far, but there's not enough of it (less than 5 hours on my playtime) to judge it.

    I took one star away mainly for lacking choices in certain situations and, in turn, for sometimes dumb MC (the beginning when he chooses to tell his BFF, I understand it would be a lot of work or change the plot, but I'd rather not have told in my playthrough - but I had no choice).
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    An adult VN with limited RPG elements (select which type of powers and stats your character has, but only a couple places to use them so far).

    This is a vampire game, heavy on lore and plot but surprisingly low on sex, mostly limited to sexy situations, flirting, and nudity.

    There are some morality choices that have minor impact but feel like they could become more important.

    Graphics are ok.

    Some of the plot is driven by characters being dumb, but overall it's interesting.

    One of the strengths is the consistent update schedule. It's great to check in and see what happened next in the story. Updates aren't too large or small ... perfect for a quick bite ... (sorry)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I must admit I came into this game somewhat skeptical about whether I would enjoy it, and found myself pleasantly surprised. This is now one of my favourite VN games. Sure, it is still early days, but there is a potentially rich world to enjoy, and I am a big fan of the writing, mood and setting so far.

    It is a bit of a slow burn, and if you are looking for instant gratification, this is probably not the game for you. But, if like me you are looking for a deep world to explore, with a good story, and great characters, this might be the game for you.

    I eagerly anticipate the next release!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a masterpiece for those who enjoy a good narrative and don't mind if the game has little sex content. The graphics are fine, not superb.
    And if you're a fan of vampire stories, then this is for you. And if you're familiar with the tabletop RPG Vampire The Masquerade then you can't miss this.
    I'm making a point of giving this 5 stars, even if it would be a 4 if I'd choose to get a point for not being superb graphics and no animations because not only the story is very good and very well told, it's also one of those unappreciated games with few patrons that deserve a lot better.

    EDIT: 6 months later it's nice to see that the game is getting more attention on Patreon. But the releases are on the very low side, content-wise. In these six months the dev released about 3 or 4 hours of content, tops. Most likely around 2 hours.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    not so much porn at the moment, more a work of art. the story is great and by the end you want more.
    i started with no expectations nor did i read anything beforehand, and left with an addiction, i would explain the story but its better to jump in blind and enjoy the ride.
    to the dev all i can say is keep up the amazing work on such a rare kind of story.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Just finished part 1 and 2 and eagerly waiting for the next update!

    1- great plot and story. The story is very addictive which keeps you playing and playing for hours even not much sex scenes.
    2- Renders and models are good, the enviroment rooms, cities or the throne room are fine as well but they could have been the best by adding more vast areas.
    3- the choices are poor because not much of variety where in most of the scenes we cannot choose to do what we want I hope the dev works on it and give us more choices to control the game.

    Overall it is an addictive game with addictive plots.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent story. Not a fap fest, but very engrossing. Many game theory questions and an active set of discussions, which are almost as enjoyable as the game itself. Author has excellent renders, beyond excellent story. If you like vampires this is a must play!