Seeking Reccomend to me games similar to corruption of champions 2 but slightly different


Jun 9, 2020
Basically I tried playing Corruption of Champions 2, a text based dnd style RPG. I loved the character creation, it was full eith vast choices for everything (race/gender/etc), the game was good too but didn't really fit in my taste. Too much furry, futa, content, I love a good fantasy game but this was "too fantasy" with too much diversity in terms of races etc, it appeared that the game was centered around the theme of races, like demon ladies with cocks and stuff lmao, basically to cut it short, it was not for me.
I was wondering if there are any other games with similar gameplay mechanics, high quality and freedom of choice ,but slightly more realistic, like not too much fantasy as imentioned above, like a less exotic game not centered solely on trying to get your character to engage in an H scene every minute and every encounter. Thanks in advance

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
The closest thing from a different dev is LT, but it is no better in terms of random furry shit or horniness. Then you have games that are text-based with the freedom and the customization but no sex like . For something that is H but a lot lighter on the furry stuff there's this one. And then there are a few life-sims that have no / little furry, like DoL. It even has battlefuck, or rather rape simulation mechanics. Oh, and maybe Pytfall, I forget what all it has.
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Jun 9, 2020
Thanks for the recommendations guys, since there wasn't really anything that fits my taste,
I'm learning how to make a similar game myself. crazy how some things can lead to such events in life lmao.
Let's hope I don't stop doing this, there is a lot to learn and not enough time.