Seeking Recommendations for you


May 7, 2020
Hi , this Thread is not a about me trying to find a game to play, rather my favorites for everyone.
Lot of times I found myself in a situation I wanted to play something, but I did not even knew what.

So I decided to do this, I will always write what was great about the game, What is important to me is the sexual side of the game, story and everything else are great bonuses, I never really cared about the type of art used in a game
(However I personaly never enjoyed only textbased games without any art, be it porn gifs or anything else)

I apologize for any spelling mistakes, this thread is my way to Help those Who just do not know what to play anymore.
I do not mean to insult anyone, nor do I consider myself an expert on XXX games, everything writen here is based on several years of my experience playing hundreds of games, and that is all, I never really created a game.
This thread may be a little unusual, and I hope it will be of use to some of you.

Also for making this easier for you use F3 to search all the posts, just put the tag you are interested in, and you can easily find game with what you are looking for.

Sites that I use to get these games

THIS SITE its a great place and it has a lot to offer (you can download all types of games)
(great site you can find a lot of games here, its for a hentai games there so no text based games here) site is for textbased games, and I always found some hidden gems here, there are some games made with RPG maker, Unity, Flash games or others but its a minority) I use as search engine, not to download just type what genre I want Pick a game and than search someplace else where to get it)

Here are some terms I will use, I doubt there are a lot of people unfamiliar with these, but maybe I understand them in a different way than you do, also I will use same "madeup" terms to name what the game has to offer

RPG - games created by RPG Maker and other games like it, if they have any sort of leveling, items, gear and are based on your character moving on a Map, Its a RPG for me

AC - action games, to by simple if its like Mario its a AC, having your character move in a 2D that what this means to me

VN - visual novels, these games are based on you deciding, no RPG, no jumping and platforming , just the correct path maters

Other - any games which do not belong to other categories, in the description there will be details about them, and all the usefull stuff

Akabur - this is my term for "trainer games", its after my favorite creator of this format

Corruption - contains some kind of magical, chemical or other alternation in the game, over sensitivity, having a magical slut tattoo, and so on

Moral degradation - very similar to Corruption above, but contains more of a blackmail, forced approach, if I had to say something about this it tends to be more depresing, the characted does not enjoy what you do, so thats why I have it as a different term

Body modification - ok so there can be a heavy or light, heavy is some kind of reaction or scene based modification(the fact that you have changed affects scenes, or game) light is much more common and it does not have to be less extreme, I also consider extreme body size as light, even if it is from the beginning (extreme body size means if boobs are twice as big as her head )

Restraint - one of my very favorites, in this type of games charecters get some kind of gear when they lose or during the game

Battlefuck - these are RPG an AC that contain mid battle sex animation

Losefuck - this is more of a say when there is none than say when is, but There are games where defeat does not mean scene, so if it is the case it will be mentioned, or the more often is case that not all defeats mean scene (this is my own term, and I am not aware of its previos use, so you will not find this anywere )

Femdom - female domination, not insertion but stepping, degrading, bullying , female rape, and so on

Pegging - the specific term means strapon insertion , but I consider even if its not dildo, its Futa on male for short

Sissy - any feminization or sissyfication , often has transormation genre as well

Futa - Dick girl, just to be precice in my mind this counts only if Futa is dominant, buff, Huge D and so on, just so we are clear

SceneOverload - there are some games where you are seeing the same scenes over and over and over, sometimes its gud, mostly not

Large insertions - do you know that if a horse were to fuck you Irl it would lead to life treating injuries, those with this tag do not know that, and I must say I am very happy that is the case

I will add the said games later this day and hopefully I will be adding more as time goes on, anyone is welcome to offer their favorites, but I want to ask you to try to use the terms I just decribed, it will be much easier to Help everyone find what they are looking for, Thank you all and have a good day, and great time.
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May 7, 2020
[AC] - Wolfs Dungeon
Corruption, Body modification(H), Battlefuck, Losefuck, Large insertions

One of my very favorites, this game is just great, I love this game and I have returned to it I think 4 or more times to play it again.
This game is a must play.

Its about a wolf girl, as is obvious from to name, however its not too much furry, she just has what I would call pelt gloves, and a tail.

You start , than you have to kill a Orc, you try you die, so after some time you find out you have kick attack by which he can not reach you, and you can, than there is a door, which you can not open, aaand you are stuck....
That how it went for my, I would have never found out that you need to get the key from the girl stuck in a wall, (she looks like a background), so no you stick both hand in, and pull out a 50 cm metal key...
That is the playstyle, you have to kill a enemy and they are not easy, or solve a puzzle, or both at the same time, this game is hard, but rewarding, all enemies have BattleFuck animations and LoseAnimation, all are unique.

I can only recomend this, look up a guide, or ask if you are stuck, but I highly recomend you try this one.

[AC] - Succubus Affection
BattleFuck, Losefuck

This is very unique game, it has a lot of mechanics, which I did not find anywhere else, its more about mechanics, than scenes

So you play as a young boy raised by Succubus, the games does not go crazy with sex content and it tell you a story.

Each enemy you defeat you fuck and make her your friend, she will not be hostile anymore after that, and all your friends will be walking around your safe area, like there are living there, you can fuck all of them when ever you want, and its not like one of each , nooo all of them have their own names, and all of the will be there, if you want you can only fuck Slime number 17 named Elime, all slimes has the same scenes so there is no point, but you have options, futher more all have win or defeat animations, so like you rape them or they rape you, what is better I do not really know.

Than you can choose companions, they give you bonuses(like hp regen, and other) and follow you around (they do not fight), then each of the enemy types give you their unique abilites which you can use(you use 5 at one time, thats the way you fight) Hyper Beam, check, Mimic Chest with Tentacles that suck you in and give you a good time while you are imortal for a few seconds, check, Slime trowing first and in my opinion most usefull one, right at the start, check, crafting, items, food.... a lot of mechanic just as I said.

Only the graphics are little pixely, but if you do not mind that

I recommend.

PS:there is a golem enemy type.... it has booobs, and a hole in the bra...., like thats the best titjob you are gonna get around here

[AC] - Kinky Black Hood in the Nightpark
Losefuck, Large insertions ,Corruption

OK this game is direct oposite of Succubus affection, short, one mechanic, loooot of short scenes, veery fast, ok how fast can you beat this game, I have no idea, how fast can you loose? 1 minute (and I am not even kiding you would have to try but its possible :) )

So do you know that part of a game the sneeking, where there are enemies who go there and back, and there and back, so this game is that, Thats all.

You play as small girl of a mysterios age, (I hope its in two digits)
Who dress up in bondage suit, and goes to park full of black guys, to get raped..... So thats the story, nice and simple

One of the cocks is bigger then her.... if you want to see how she can take 3, go and play, its a shord, relaxing game(if you are not trying to win... if you are ,thats a try hard, and good luck with that)

[AC] - Unbreaker
, Battlefuck, Losefuck, Large insertions, Restraint
So this game is good, no doubt about it, its quite simple you have bunch of attacks, kick and punches

Enemies and traps try to rape you, while you go and defeat bosses at the end, all of them have animations so that is great, if you are defeated, your heroine gains a new gear, LIKE FULL BONDAGE suit in which you need to crawl to escape, fun times.
Do I need to say more??

The heroion is thick, in a good way of course, and the pillory trap is my personal favorite

give it a go, Go Go Go

I will post some RPG soon, Good luck and have a good one
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May 7, 2020
[RPG] - The Moral Sword of Asagi
Corruption, Battlefuck, Losefuck, Large insertions, Restraint

This game is one of the best, if not the best game using the Restraint , I did not find anything better and I was looking from the time I finished playing this one.

So this game offers a lot of content, during each battle you can see a lot of different scenes, each defeat has a loose scene, like a long what happened to them scene, there were stuck in a wall, or trained and sold, its has heavy Bondage in it, all the way.

You have 4 characters, all girls, each have animations, and "story based scenes" on top of all the others, all have different stages of clothes, and buffs like "trained" or "horny" which give them weakness so some attacks.

On top of clothes, you have I would call it "Trained stages" so more is done to them more Bondage gear they wear, if you heal at the merchant, you get money and clothes back, but some buffs are permanet.

The story is simple, you and your friend are going on a quest, you find village assaulted by bandits, you help and discover that they took prisoners, so you go to the lair, which is a porn filming studio, to help them. I will not spoil the other stuff.

For the amount of content it has, its long, I never had to farm for EX, or collect anything to move forward, It has a map that you get, which shows you were to go, so you will not get lost.

I can not even say something bad about this game.
Its one of the few where I even remember the plot a names, and there are not many games which I enjoyed more.
If you like this kind of content, I recomend with all my hard ;)

[RPG] - Treasure Hunter Claire
Battlefuck, Losefuck, Corruption

Its a pretty standard RPG , you have a main character, she has a lewd meter, you by playing are progresing and getting more and more scenes.

Where the game gets better is graphics, there are much nicer than average, the game has a lot of characters,by doing quest for them you can unlock their scenes, and here it gets really good, so all characters have their scenes and sometimes not with you, you are just seeing what is happening to them.

There is one, she is a LEGAL loli, walks around with a teddy bear for some reason, has that I hate you personality,I mean if this was a no XXX game I would still play this, but the scene involves a paralyzing tree, goblins and an Orc (big O intended), it is great, no pain or anything, its exactly what I was there for I got it.

All the characters feel like they a propagonists on their own, You have Demon, Human male, Furry(cat girl), FFucking mage (she is a real asset), and a .... Scorpion girl.. I quess, hard to say she has a tail(in the back..),few other guys ,and the main heroin Claire, and she likes money a lot, I think she is a dragon she is like no I will not do that, but its a quest with reward....
Sailor suit for advertising your shop no prob, I need to suck my dick before the curse kills me, sounds legit to me

So after quests there are places with scenes,you can spot them like red symbols on the ground, like one lovely wall in the slums, its a great wall I like that wall, go and see for your self.

[RPG] - Eileen - The Curse of Futanari Succubus
Battlefuck, Corruption,Body modification, Large insertions

The name says it all, in the first few minutes of the game you will get your greatest friend, and becouse of his might you will fight enemies,.. into submision

Okay so what I like about this game is the futa part, you are a girl, who has a dick now and your quest is to find the Succubus lord and get rid of it, in this game you are getting alies by fucking and beating them,(its quite hard to do),there is a bunch of content for you to delwe into, Centaurs, Tentacle plants, my favorite a Milk Sucubuss (she can not even walk:sneaky: and you can tame her, I have no idea how she moves then, maybe she has a cart, or more like vagon, we will never know)

This game can be quite hard, at the start be sure to go to shop and buy a ring, YOU HAVE TO you will get stuck and lose,and the game ends in like 10 min, I finised the game after 4 hours, so to progress first think you do is start get gold, spend that gold on a ring and then you can go on, its in a very start before the transformation, the game does not tell you, or maybe it tells you but I got stuck, so I am telling just to be sure.

Taming new friends is hard, but you can finish the game alone, or just with a Milk Succ, she is so strong you will tame her no matter what, the problem is to tame you must cum, and before you will, most foes will be gone tree times, The Milk is so hard that there is no problem to cum more than a few times.

Well, I recomend this one, there is no pegging so go for that somewere else, but a great game give it a go.

If there is anyone looking for something specific, I will post daily replies with new games, if you post what you want, I will try to find a game that is what you want and post it with the rest, you need to mention what you already played.

Have a great day, looking forward to any replies
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May 7, 2020
[RPG] - Peniban Quest: Sacrifice to Domina

This game contains amazing amount of fetishes, its more of a do what ever you want with him than anythink else, when you start you need to choose what fetishes, you what to have in the game, you do that by talking to a dragon which is automatic event, that talk is long and comlicated as fuck.

From memory these fetishes are in the game : Feetplay, pegging, petplay, piss, (not sure but scat),humiliation, infantism(character wears diaper),Incest(like at the start, first scene is with his mother....) most of these are not my think I will say you that much, the start is very strange, and later in the game I was very often lost and I did not know what to do now.

Fights with enemies are everywhere, it has the random encounter mechanic so you can not avoid them, and these fight have no scenes and from what I remember, boss battles especialy are very hard.

The only think that makes it better in a fight is that you have gender abilites, like one girl has "balls crush" if you use that on a female oponent, it will do nothing, but thats about it.

Well if you are looking for more pegging content this game as far as I know is not that famous so its less propable that you played it, thats why I am including it here.

[Other] - Futa Forest

This game is very relaxing and simple, you have a hero going to the forest, where he encounters futas, you than have a dialoge option the let the fuck you, you get a scene and game over.
Thats about it, scenes are pegging but.... well they have very little to them, but its more pegging that never hurts.

[Other] - Futa Dom World
Pegging,Large insertions, Femdom

This is by far the best pegging game I have played, it has a lot of thinks I love about this, its a dating simulator.

The setting is like this, you are a guy in a futanari Empire, Futa sperm turn every guy who has unprotected sex,or a blowjob with Futagirl the into her slave, so you need to find someone who will turn you, that will happen no matter what and you are searing for someone who will treat you like a human after you are turned.

This game is just great, there is a lots of great content, even thou the game is only in version 0.5.

If you like pegging a femdom, this is a must play.
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May 7, 2020
[Akabur] - Princess Trainer
, Restraint

So trainer games have a lot of things that are universal to the type, you are someone who mostly blackmails or forces the other character to submission (there are exeptions), you are represented with a some kind of corruption meter or other mechanic and progress in that, unlocks more actions (usualy there is more than one meter)

In this game you are plaing as a gennie , from Aladin and your target is Princes Jasmine, its a alternative reality to the cartoon movies.

In game you have to make money with which princess Jasmin helps with, at the start she can just sell food, as you progress you for example make her do that without clothes... ending with the option of her working in the brothel and this is just a way to make money.

You have much more to do, rise her other meters(shame), send her to bitch school, get stronger your self, get more girls to train...

Exelent game I recomend for everyone, its a good one to start with, since it does not have the problems other games of this type have.

[Akabur] - Witch Trainer

This game is great, if you like Harry Potter waste no time and get to it.

Its from the same developer as Princess Trainer, you play as same gennie who got teleported to Hogwarts and replaced the Headmaster.

You form a great friendship with Snape and Tonks, both of the are happy to help you turn the school into your own plaything, there reasons are good, great job has been done about it, they still seem kind of the same characters which makes it Much better.

You can train Hermione, Luna, Cho, and a few more girls.

This game is famous, the are more than one mod, adding much more content, I personaly recomend playing the base game and than switch to Silver Edition, which has mods and get online updates with more content, some content has been cut from silver , it was problematic with all the mods, thats why I recomend plaing the base game first.

I recomend this game, it has some problems they are not major, but they are there, for one, some action get unlocked later becouse they need special meter, however in Princess it was diferent , here its like you have max corruption a she lets you fuck her in the ass (which is highest lvl), but she will not give you her panties, like its strange, panties are low lvl in different meter, but you can skip that all, and go to corruption, so when I played, I had that, and the game lets you do that.

Its a comon thing, there is option she will suck you of in some cutscene for a meter, that you are doing, already having max corruption, she refuses get angry as fuck and leaves.... the fact that she did that like 80 times before and she is begging you to fuck her in every dialogue....

In spite of that its a great game.

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
[AC] - Kinky Black Hood in the Nightpark
Losefuck, Large insertions ,Corruption

OK this game is direct oposite of Succubus affection, short, one mechanic, loooot of short scenes, veery fast, ok how fast can you beat this game, I have no idea, how fast can you loose? 1 minute (and I am not even kiding you would have to try but its possible :) )

So do you know that part of a game the sneeking, where there are enemies who go there and back, and there and back, so this game is that, Thats all.

You play as small girl of a mysterios age, (I hope its in two digits)
Who dress up in bondage suit, and goes to park full of black guys, to get raped..... So thats the story, nice and simple

One of the cocks is bigger then her.... if you want to see how she can take 3, go and play, its a shord, relaxing game(if you are not trying to win... if you are ,thats a try hard, and good luck with that)
Any link to this? Search on F95 brings up nothing.


May 7, 2020
Any link to this? Search on F95 brings up nothing.

here you go, sorry it took a while until I noticed
I link to the side is in the top, you can get most of games which are not here , there.

I wanna ask, are you interested in this thread? I have not posted in a while, but I was thinking I could start again


Jun 3, 2018

here you go, sorry it took a while until I noticed
I link to the side is in the top, you can get most of games which are not here , there.

I wanna ask, are you interested in this thread? I have not posted in a while, but I was thinking I could start again


Jun 3, 2018
[RPGM] - Emblem Knightess Nord ~ The Mark Of Lewdness ~ (By Ahriman)
Battlefuck, Losefuck, Corruption, Restraint

This game is obviously made by the same person who made ~The Moral Sword Of Asagi~ and it shows, same art style (much less pixelated looking though which is neither an upside nor a downside for me) you play as a pseudo magical girl and battle mostly normal humans (some are quite skilled) and try to put an end to their devilry or something and there are 4 zones that have different types of enemies (and more importantly) different ways they put you into bondage :sneaky: as a game it's quite easy and I lost not a single battle when I tried not to lose (only because I am an avid fan of RPGM combat) but the game includes ways to easily *lose* (when I say *lose* with asterisks I mean get tied up and the like so you can see the battlefuck scenes. Which are great by the way) you can even *lose* on the second fight in almost every zone (and the first for the later ones)
overall a great game with a glaring downside...
It has at least 1 major progress halting bug that if you don't know how to bypass it will leave you stuck in the first 2 regions to enjoy... normally when you beat both region 1 and 2 you get access to a scene, if you go to this cut scene-like encounter found on the map, you will get this great story (ruined by machine translation) and this pretty good sex scene (dragged out a little too long) but at the end of it the game will crash, which is fine all progress is safe and you can rewatch it at any time (you'll need to restart the game though after it crashes) but to bypass it I believe you just let the game crash once via the scene, then go back to that same character that started it on the map it will give you some options, including watching it, skipping it (I think I'm not 100% sure if I remember how I got around it if I'm incorrect ask me and I'll have found out by then since it's one of my favourite games :)
skipping it allows access to the two other regions, ALSO ANOTHER THING, when your lewdness maxes out it will level up (to a max of lvl 3) when each level is maxed, if your fully wrapped up (and some other weird triggers are fulfilled like breaking out of that bondage in some cases and then being rebondaged :/) you get 3 options for how you will try and avoid being captured (in almost all cases you will just be caught when it gets to this point, WHICH IS A GOOD THING IF YOU WANT TO SEE MORE/DIFFERENT SCENES, however if you aren't done with the current scene then just press the cancel button, X but default for English keyboards
If you guys liked this just tell me and I'll recommend a few amazing side scrollers :) (that aren't just losefuck garbage :O)


New Member
Jun 8, 2020
If you guys liked this just tell me and I'll recommend a few amazing side scrollers :) (that aren't just losefuck garbage :O)
Thank you sir for this hot bondage game ^^
And I am curious to see what sidescrollers you can recommend that aren't lose to fuck, because I am quite a fan of the genre.