Seeking recommendations of the best games


New Member
Feb 16, 2023
All good people. I want you to recommend the best H games.

I have played these:


As you can see, many of them have a female protagonist, blackmail and very good graphics. Do you know of any other games like this?


New Member
Feb 16, 2023
Thanks brother. I'm going to try Fashion Business and Good Girl Gone Bad. Any other good ones, let me know.


Active Member
Apr 9, 2021
"Best Games" is kinda vague as everyone will have their own preferences. It would be easier to make suggestions if we know what you like/dislike about the games you've played. Do you enjoy pure Visual Novels or do you want something with some gameplay? Are there any themes that you prefer or would like to avoid?

If you really don't know and are just looking for anything and/or everything then you can always browse the Latest Updates page sorted by weighted ratings. The highest/most rated games will be at the top which means that many people have played and enjoyed them.


New Member
Feb 16, 2023
"Mejores juegos" es un poco vago ya que cada uno tendrá sus propias preferencias. Sería más fácil hacer sugerencias si supiéramos lo que te gusta y lo que no te gusta de los juegos a los que has jugado. ¿Disfrutas de las novelas visuales puras o quieres algo con algo de jugabilidad? ¿Hay algún tema que prefieras o te gustaría evitar?

Si realmente no lo sabe y solo está buscando algo y/o todo, siempre puede navegar por la página de Últimas actualizaciones ordenadas por calificaciones ponderadas. Los juegos mejor valorados estarán en la parte superior, lo que significa que muchas personas los han jugado y disfrutado.
For some reason I put the games I've played. As I said, many have a female protagonist, blackmail and very good graphics. But that link was very helpful to me. Thank you.