VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Reconnecting [v1.0] [SuperWriter]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The Art is good, and the writing works too. What is my problem then and why does it only have 3 stars and not 5? That's because the game only has the illusion of choice. I'm pretty sure that every choice you make in the game is meaningless, and it has a walkthough too which is odd because every choice is in fact meaningless. I literally played the game choosing all of walkthrough choices, then again missing all of walkthrough choices and picking completely different choices. It led to the exact same outcomes. All of the choices give minimal differences. For example you may kiss someone or play a little grab ass based on a choice or not, but long term outcomes do not change and are unaffected by player choices. It's a Kinetic Novel that is parading itself around as a Visual Novel, and that is bullshit! There is no branching. There is just one ending. All branches return to the same tree.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    A solid game, though not the best work from SuperWriter. I'm not a fan of the MC being asian, and also the ending was a bit rushed. Although the game let's you specify the relantionship between the characters it's obviously meant to be a father daughter, which is of course what I wanted. Incest is wincest.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is fairly simple and honestly should just go the full incest text route, but if you're trying to release on Steam it makes since why you'd leave it up to the readers. The only down side to that is that Jade had built in text that Kelly is the MC's daughter so that kind of ruins anyone's playthrough of changing that relationship. The other problem is the fact that they're clearly meant to be father and daughter but she's 24 and the MC looks maybe 34-38 max. At least glimpses we see of him anyways. It would have made more sense if the dialogue had made it seem like they were long lost friends/siblings who were split up when the state took them in due to the MCs abusive father which got brought up way late in the game.

    The only other critique I have is that the ending felt a bit rushed. The MC gets Kelly pregnant and there's almost no dialogue about what she feels towards her useless husband and once the wedding happens (if you can get the trifecta) the MC just has a three-way with her and Jade on their wedding night, but at no point, a least from what I recall, was it ever discussed that she should leave Chris and just live with Jade and the MC. I was all rather odd and felt like a lot of corners were cut to get to the end.

    With that said the rest of the VN was great. Which given that this dev made one of my all time favorite VNs, Picture Perfect, isn't surprising in the least. The Animations were smooth and I never came across one error. The models are excellent and while I wish there was more interaction with other possible scenarios I can't really complain too much because what's offered here is a complete package and I hope to see more from this story and the developer. I also plan on giving some support to the dev as soon I can, because this shows a lot of promise.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I will give SuperWriter 4 stars when his lewd scenes improve. ;)

    Girls look nice, renders are above average.
    Writing, dialogue, story are all pretty solid, though the ending was not great. Why didn't Kelly dump her useless husband?

    Animations were actually decent, though sex scenes were way too short. Needed more positions and some erotic sound effects, but still, a step in the right direction.

    Bought it on Steam to support the Dev, but wish it was a bit longer. (y)
  5. 2.00 star(s)



    Decent story with good written characters, very good writing (as always).
    Kelly (the daughter) is very beautiful and nice.
    And for fans of pregnancy content - it's a golden vein, heheh.


    It's mostly a kinetic novel, your choices (except few) don't really change anything, just dialogues slightly probably.
    The ending is just unrewarding, not at all, I mean we all play the game and make choices to get some satisfying ending, right? Endings is actually the weakest part of all SuperWriter's games unfortunately so far, and this stuff especially catches the eye considering how good Dev is in writing in general, does he do it on purpose?
    Probably the ending was somewhat realistic, but unexpected and not what I was looking forward to personally (or hoped).

    In comparison with PP and Secret Summer (both I bought on steam) it's the weakest one, hence - 2 stars. This one I'm not gonna buy, just not worth it unfortunately.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Reconnecting [v1.0]
    I am a little disappointed with this game, it is not bad, but unless you have a kink for pregnant women it has no particular qualities.

    the story, besides being extremely linear and with very few choices that make a difference, does not fully exploit the emotional component and at the aimprovides an unexpected mini harem.

    On the positive side, I would only mention the aesthetics of the characters, different from the usual ones you see around.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    The story was a bit lack luster and wish the characters were a bit more interesting and was short and the cg scenes left a lot to be wished for it felt a bit disappointing in general if your bored and like the premise it might be worth your time
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Third "finished" game that I played from this dev and even if I see the appeal, I still don't know why their rating are so high.

    Pacing, story and renders are somewhat above average and if it fits your kinks, you are on for a good time.

    But the real problem with all those games and the reason why I rate this below average and put finished in quotation marks is that this dev doesn't know how to end a story. There is no payoff, no real closure, not even some cliffhanger or anything. You get to the end of some random scene and boom, "the end".

    So if you don't mind some good story with mediocre ending, try this out. Otherwise, there are better games that really completed here.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Just finished the game. Came off with a pleasant experience.

    By no means is the game perfect, but that is a bit of a hard ask in the first place. No game is going to be perfect for everyone. But this one comes close to being one for me. Full Disclaimer, I'm not a close incest fan, so the only reason I was able to get through the game was thanks to how you can mold the releation between the MC and Kelley.

    Won't go into details about "why" or "why I didn't" like anything but I'd say the game has a gentle pacing and the writing gets the well meaning thought across. Without turning into some social message or rebel speech, the subject instead is approached with love and care. All in all though, it does well as a good read with balancing erotic elements.

    I'd quip here however the reasons why I took away the last star. The erotic scenes are short and leave a bit to be desired. Especially since the game is story heavy so you have to go through some hefty dialogue before you're greeted with one. The characters also, though interesting, feel underused and outside of focus on MC and Kelley, their existence seems like a passing note. Furthermore, the pregnancy phase feels like it kicks in a bit too early. I barely started getting comfortable with the new relation but immediately had to switch gears and start dealing pregnancy in the mix. Nothing deal breaker, but it did jerk my thought pattern abruptly.

    Overall though, it's a well done piece. Kudos to SuperWriter on this one. Even as someone who is not a fan of incest genre, I didn't feel weirded out with the way it was written. 4/5
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2368932

    I'm no animation hardliner, I have no problem enjoying games without them, but Lord have mercy on us all now that SuperWriter's games have animations. And they're excellent animations too!

    This is a fairly short game and it does away with a lot of the slower filler content everywhere it can, essential buildup only. That also means it skips ahead in time a lot, and we don't really get repeat sex scenes. More like one scene per "era" in the relationship. I think it works really well and delivers a satisfying and engaging story in a nice bite-sized package. It is also really well written and just plain HOT.

    Really can't recommend this one enough, especially if you're a daughter and/or impregnation lover!
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Straightforward dad daughter vanilla game. I wish the equation with the MC's fiance was explored more and the sex scenes were more dynamic. Ends rather abruptly without an epilogue but there aren't many threads in the story anyway. Renders are okay and I like the daughter's design.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game! Likeable character, beautiful renders, compelling story. What more do you need? I have become a Superwriter fan! I can't wait to see what he comes up with next. Each of his stories is different enough from the last. Please don't stop any time soon!
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Digital Pimp

    This is such a sexy game and has likable leads. But for all of those positives, it's one in which the sexy moments are a sadly too few and far between. I think I only counted three "intimate" moments- -- and those were both short and in dire need of animations...
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an intimate exploration of the sexual relationship between a father and his adult daughter, with his fiancee and her husband as the only relevant side characters. Through timeskips, we have a story developing at a realistic pace for the characters, without needing to bore the audience.

    Pregnancy is very well handled: It happens early enough that we actually get to experience the swollen belly (and feet!), putting together the crib for the baby, getting the ultrasounds, etc.

    There is cheating, but to me, the protagonist remains likable (and Kelly, the daughter, is a sweetheart anyway). Only her husband is a bit of an asshole, but that may be needed to make cuckholding him not feel bad anyway.

    Having played 0.04, I'm really looking forward to see where this goes.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Let's go quickly first the game is not only the male protagonist we also control the girl and she does not have it as a label that irritates me it takes me out of the immersion then we have no animations and if no type of accumulation the sex comes quickly the truth is all very mediocre .
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Lamia Hera

    Another amazing work from the dev. Pregnancy in early of the game development always make me excited to play and looking forward of the game development. The graphic probably similar to the dev previous game but i belive the dev will improve it for the better like he always do before. Looking forward for the mc and his daughter to raise the child or children together.

  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Rather enjoying this game so far. So far it gives me everything I want for pregnancy and I'm looking forward to the future updates. I gave it 4/5 just because of the lack of sounds or music. Great game otherwise.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Very cute story. Super writer knows their way around a story and this one is no exception. A little sad that this will also be a short story but that also means we will get a conclusion quicker than expected.

    l look forward to the next games that will be longer.