[R>Artist 2D] Paid Recruiting a 2D Artist for a company logo

Feb 26, 2022
- You will create a logo / visual identity for a company named "MC DESIGN".
It's a small real life company located in France that restores houses, flats and does various maintenance jobs : plumming / locksmithing / boilers installations / electricity etc... etc...

- I'm currently working for MC DESIGN as a locksmith. I have been asked to find an artist. My first thought was to come here because I know for a fact there are amazing artists on this website and maybe a little change from porn jobs would please you!

Looking for:
- 2D Artist who has experience. No beginners.

Employment Type:
- One time payment, on delivery. Your usual rate + extra if the work is done fast! PAYPAL ONLY (sorry russian friends... no crypto)

Work commitment:
- One off project.

Preferred method of contact:
- Thomas J. Crucifix#5927

Job Description:
- We are looking for a high quality logo. There are two conditions: first is that "MC DESIGN" must be clearly readable even from afar (police and font are your choice); second is that a Lys Flower must appear somewhere in the logo (size and color are your choice).
These are the only conditions for this job. Rest is your imagination and artistic creativity.

Additional comments:
- This is for a real life application. Your logo / visual identity will appear on clothes of employees(3), maybe on our truck and on our buisness card. The logo quality must be high enough to be identifiable on such supports.
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