Unity - Redo of a Dark Lord [v0.1.3] [Jizzcat games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    oh no what did you do to this game why would you make it look so bad it was doing great before what is this

    i had to give up in the intro because of how bad this has become it did not need this at all
    the pictures are stretched i went a bit forward and checked
    i really liked this game i even gave feedback and tried to help fix errors when i saw them but oh lord what has this become
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I was interested in the game until the rework.

    1. Rework is some crappy 2D cutout that looks like a game for a small child
    2. Movement is slow as molasses and horrible controls
    3. Audio is only some basic music

    I deleted it.. this game did not need a rework especially one that made it looks stupid and looks like something a 1st grader would play.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Honestly after trying to get back into it twice, I can't. I was pretty interested in the story of this game but after the complete and total rework, I find the gameplay itself so undesirable that I don't want to even bother replaying everything just to progress the story from where I left off.
    It's a shame, this game truly had really good story potential.

    Before the rework I would have easily given this a 4 or 4.5
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The premise may have been done to death with all those isekai and whatnot out there but I sure would like to see where this particular one ends down the line.
    The card game while backbone as it stands is fun, the artstyle is right in my alley... fucking orks is justice
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Dialogue is a delight, story is decent and the artwork is great! I don't really know what else to say about it. The game runs smoothly? The music is fine? Oh! I do really like the battle card system. It gives a nice bit of randomness causing you to strategize every turn. Usually games like these are more like 'pick a lane and stick to it'.
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3078705

    It feels terrible leaving this review on a game with monster girl content. I want to like it, but I just can't. It has a ton of potential, but it's all held back underneath a mountain of bad writing. It will be great if the Dev can fix the issues that hamper it. I hope they do so I can return and raise my review score.

    THE GOOD --
    1. The battle system is much, much better than you typically find in other H games. It's simple right now, but I think it could have a lot of depth in the future.

    2. All of the art was good, except the main characters. I especially enjoyed the goblin girl's artwork; she was the shining star and what drew me into playing in the first place.

    3. The premise of the story is interesting.

    4. The girls.

    THE BAD--
    1. The writing itself isn't good. The dialogue and inner monologue border on cringe at times. Then there's the prose itself; it's very blunt and clunky. At times it feels as if it's written in the same style as a children's book.

    2. I agree with an earlier review about the main character. He isn't interesting visually. It's hard to find him believable as a dark lord when he looks like a goof. He seems more like the "always sleepy" character you see in anime than a dark lord.

    3. I got stuck in the church and had to restart because I couldn't get out.
    I know all games have bugs, but this was a frustrating issue.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    TL/DR This title is objectively bad. There was very little I enjoyed about it. The art decent, but in an anime style. The plot was annoyingly trope. Like pick your most stereotypical evil option OR most stereotypical good option levels of trope. The card game was alright.

    ~Clean ui
    ~Combat was a cut above typical H game stuff.
    ~Some of the art for the gals was pretty good.
    ~Fun system for tracking relationships.

    ~The premise of the plot is somewhat novel I guess. Dark lord goes back in time and decides to redo things a different way b/c he is bored, but the prose was so transitionally clunky that it really whiffed making it interesting.
    ~Think of the most basic evil / good things a character could do- those are your choices on the choice menu
    ~Rape shouldn't be lauded
    ~The MC looks ridiculous. He looks like "Cloud" crossed with "Geralt" but 5% as badass as either of them. Like a bargain bin knock-off version.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Enjoy playing as the bad and making "difficult" decisions? Yeah you're gonna be the BBG in the beginning, but will you stay that way? It's good, art is good, but needs more for scenes in between the lewd, for story building. but still, it's nice. Hope to see this grow. Now, while I say that, I do not hope to see our MC suddenly get rekt by literally anyone threatening (or otherwise). for "story progression" it'll happen I'm sure, but had to say it. It's got some serious potential people.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The art and design which has went into this novel is excellent to say the least. With the aspect of storytelling and the development of relationships between characters... it really brings out the lust within when you play!
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Gameplay: A very simple card game, with as of .0.0.2 4 possible cards; Deal low damage, debuff and 2 buff cards. The enemies action on their turn is listed above them. This makes it very easy to counter them.

    Writing: Solid, no major typos. On the .0.0.2 version, choices lead to scene and dialogue changes. However, the final decision of this .0.0.2 will likely lead to plot changes.

    Art: Very passable, the details of the anatomy aren’t exact, but such small details won’t bring the game down to much

    Audio: Sounds fine, most likely royalty free