Reliable payment methods for NSFW devs/artists outside of the US?


New Member
Mar 13, 2019
(I'm very bad at english)

I've been thinking about monetizing my work for a bit. But found out that big payment platform like Paypal/Payoneer pretty much don't allow NSFW transactions or they are being very vague about what content they actually allow. Even Patreon is very vague about what they allow and what they don't + the absolute dog shit that is theirs customer support is just not good. (and they sometime just ban ppl w/out a proper reason)

So I'm asking for devs/artists that create NSFW content to suggest some payment platform or a combo of platform to make the payment process less of a pain in the fucking ass, for artists outside of the US preferably in the S.E.A area

if you have any tips jar type site that is NSFW friendly please leave them down here to tks!
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Even Patreon is very vague about what they allow and what they don't + the absolute dog shit that is theirs customer support is just not good. (and they sometime just ban ppl w/out a proper reason)
Hmmm ?

Their are relatively clear:
However, we have zero tolerance when it comes to the glorification of sexual violence which includes bestiality, rape, and child exploitation (i.e., sexualized depiction of minors). This is true for illustrated, animated, or any other type of creations. [...] We also do not allow other fringe sexual fetish creations, such as incest, necrophilia, or fetish creations that are hard to distinguish from non-consensual sex.
[emphasis on the recent addition is mine]

I never really seen someone complain about their customer support and, if ever they banned someone without a proper reason, that person never complained enough about it for it to be known by more than a handful.
Oh, of course, there's time to time a creator who complain because (s)he have been banned. But when you dig a little bit, so far it's always creators who had banned content (mostly loli for those who complain the louder), and who refused to remove it. At the opposite, there's many example of creators who where hit, sometimes more than once, by the ban hammer, and are still on Patreon because they just removed the content that shouldn't be there.

There's actually . If you add adult comics and adult writing, it goes up to 15,575 creators, and over 30,000 creators if you count all adult categories (but not all are sexually oriented or sexually explicit). Like there's , this make at least (the count by category include those with 0 patron) 10% of the creators on Patreon doing adult content.
By example, there's almost as many , than of , and around 30% of game creator ( ) is making an adult game.
This do not really match what one would expect from a platform as bad as you describe it.