Identify Remembering a Farm/Breeding game


Mar 27, 2018
There was a game a while back that was a farming/breeding game where you had a fairly open world to explore and find various monsters (male and female.) You could breed them together on the farm and mix species together. I believe it was a 3d game. You could upgrade and expand your farm with various buildings. Each new type of monster used its own building, so before you could obtain one you had to build its "house." There were racial traits for each speicies you could breed together to make better versions of them. I remember it feeling almost like pokemon where you would travel to different areas and each area had its own unique monsters to grab. There was a snow/mountain peak area with giants, a forest area with neko like creatures. To unlock different areas I believe you had to do quests to get to some of them.

This game is at least a couple years old at this point but I would appreciate any help in finding it. (I don't think it had the word farm nor breed(ing) in it so that has made things difficult for me finding it.)