Renpy Crashes - 13900k CPU Voltage


New Member
Aug 10, 2020
i got the same Issue as alot other People with the 14900k that renpy games just closes with no error.
Ive reading thu the internet since yesterday and found in another thread that Bios Update and/or Voltage increase fixed the issue. I did the Bios update and it didnt help, i also downloaded the Intel Extreme Tuning Utility, but my Problem is that i never done anything like this and i google my way thru it, but couldnt find an detailed how to- and alot of options are greyed out or have a slightly different name then sugested, for example it was asked to Increasde the Core voltage by 0.1 and in the intel tuning utlity its just grey out like on the picture. Maybe someone can help with with this probably small issue,

Thanks in advance

edit: got an B660 Chipset Motherboard, and it seems Overclocking is not possible on this, it there anything else i can do then?
also the more i watch the more i see that it has big troubles, but it always worked and just started randomly
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May 25, 2018
You could also try to reinstall windows first but if it still happens with a fresh windows, your in a tough spot cause hardware issues will only be resolved if the broken hardware is replaced..


New Member
Aug 10, 2020
yes i did this already, other people also talk about RMA. its just so weird that the processes that take alot more of the cpu power run fine all day but a simple renpy game crashes after 10 seconds


May 25, 2018
You can also try disabling C-states, tradeoff is it will increase power consumption.
Aside from this and all the things you have done, I don't think you can really do anything more.. RMA is indeed the best option.