hi all, i've a problem with a screen in my code.
the set is livingroom.
i see in livingroom m char and bs char at different time of the day.
at 10 i see m
at 11 bs
at 12 again m
ok my problem is:
i see m, i have chat with her (bs_0_10 is a random menu not properly for bs, only menu choiche no image)
then i see bs and chat with her..
now if i chat agin with m i have the problem...i see always bs! the m scree disg0 not show! only the first time!
this is my code:
the set is livingroom.
i see in livingroom m char and bs char at different time of the day.
at 10 i see m
at 11 bs
at 12 again m
ok my problem is:
i see m, i have chat with her (bs_0_10 is a random menu not properly for bs, only menu choiche no image)
then i see bs and chat with her..
now if i chat agin with m i have the problem...i see always bs! the m scree disg0 not show! only the first time!
this is my code:
screen livingbackscreen_hm1:
imagebutton auto "arrow_%s.png" xalign 0.5 yalign 1.0 focus_mask True action Call("livingroom_hm1")
screen livingbackscreen_hm2:
imagebutton auto "arrow_%s.png" xalign 0.5 yalign 1.0 focus_mask True action Call("livingroom_hm2")
label livingroom_hm1:
$whereim = "Livingroom"
show screen navroom_m
show screen daytime
call screen livingroom_hm1
screen livingroom_hm1:
zorder 0
modal True
use bgsky
add "hm1/livingroom/livingroom_hm1.png"
if (time == 10) or (time == 12) or (time == 22):
imagebutton auto "hm1/livingroom/m_livingroom_hm1_%s.png" xpos 1325 ypos 704 focus_mask True action Call("m_livingroom_hm1")
if (time == 11) or (time == 13) or (time == 18) or (time == 19):
imagebutton auto "hm1/livingroom/bs_livingroom_hm1_%s.png" xpos 1324 ypos 697 focus_mask True action Call("bs_livingroom_hm1")
label bs_livingroom_hm1:
scene bs_livingroom_hm1
show screen diag_bs_livingroom_hm1
mc "Ciao [bsname]. Posso sedermi?"
call bs_0_10
call screen livingbackscreen_hm1
screen diag_bs_livingroom_hm1:
use bgsky
add "hm1/livingroom/bs_livingroom_diag0_hm1.png"
label m_livingroom_hm1:
scene m_livingroom_hm1
show screen diag_m_livingroom_hm1
mc "Hey [mname]. Posso farti compagnia?"
call bs_0_10
call screen livingbackscreen_hm1
screen diag_m_livingroom_hm1:
use bgsky
add "hm1/livingroom/m_livingroom_diag0_hm1.png"