Tool - Ren'Py - Renpy Real-Time translator (Only 8.0+)---Updated(0.2)

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    ⎰ ↜ ✰ BAD 75 ✰ ↜ ⎱

    I finally had time to try out this translation tool

    I must say that it is very well done and has no delay even with big games

    outstanding work, well done and even the translation flows like a classic translation


    By now, whenever we talk about translations on f95 we know that there is always the hand of the master.

  2. 5.00 star(s)


    It is a very practical application, very easy to use and gives excellent and immediate results. It allows anyone to enjoy renpy games in their native language, opening up the experience to everyone. The author is very technical and makes the best machine translation programs for games I've seen, even if there are people who hate them.

    És una aplicació molt pràctica, molt fàcil d'utilitzar i que dona uns resultats excel·lents i inmediats. Permet a qualsevol persona poder gaudir dels jocs renpy en el seu idioma natal, obrint l'experència a tothom. L'autor domina molt la tècnica i fa els millors programes de traducció automàtica de jocs que he vist, encara que a hi ha gent que els hi molesta.

    Mae'n gymhwysiad ymarferol iawn, yn hawdd iawn i'w ddefnyddio ac yn rhoi canlyniadau rhagorol ac uniongyrchol. Mae'n caniatáu i unrhyw un fwynhau gemau renpy yn eu hiaith frodorol, gan agor y profiad i bawb. Mae'r awdur yn dechnegol iawn ac yn gwneud y rhaglenni cyfieithu peirianyddol gorau ar gyfer gemau rydw i wedi'u gweld, hyd yn oed os oes yna bobl sy'n eu casáu.

    Me encantaría recomendar el programa traductor para juegos Renpy de Paloslios para la página F95zone. Su capacidad para traducir de manera eficiente y precisa los juegos Renpy a múltiples idiomas es impresionante. Además, es fácil de usar y ofrece resultados al momento, cosa que lo hace una herramienta valiosa para los usuarios. Si buscas una forma eficaz de traducir juegos Renpy a tu idioma preferido, definitivamente recomiendo usar el programa traductor de Paloslios en F95zone.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Paloslios has developed an excellent translation tool that is intuitive and therefore very easy to use. All you have to do is run the program and enter three variables; indicate whether you are translating for the first time or not, the original language of the game and your own language. After pressing "Enter" the magic happens and in a few seconds the game is translated. In two words: AWE-SOME

    Paloslios ha desarrollado una herramienta de traducción excelente, intuitiva y por tanto muy fácil de utilizar. Sólo hay que ejecutar el programa e introducir tres variables; indicar si es la primera vez que lo traduces o no, el idioma original del juego y tu propio idioma. Tras pulsar "Intro" se produce la magia y en muy pocos segundos el juego está traducido. En dos palabras: IM-PRESIONANTE.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not a big fan of real-time translations, I prefer to translate them, it still remains a great alternative for those who don't want to waste too much time and have fun. :)

    Remarkable the passion and time you put into designing your tools. Thank you for sharing again. Sei il Migliore !

    To all the critics and perfectionists I just say wake up, the only way to get a "handmade translation" is <---- :FacePalm:
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    To begin, sorry for my English. It is not a language that I am fluent in (this is what you give me when I use your programs, comprehension of the language.) Since I have known you, I have only been able to enjoy your great work as it has made it easier for me to understand RenPy games. Your contributions represent enormous advances in terms of translations while you surprise us with new techniques or translation methods. Congratulations, thank you and keep it up for a long time.

    Hasteko, nire ingelesa ia hutsa da. Ez da menperatzen dudan hizkuntza bat (hori ematen didazu zure programak erabiltzen ditudanean, hizkuntzaren ulermena). Ezagutzen zaitudanetik, zure lan bikainaz gozatu ahal izan dut, RenPy jokoak ulertzea erraztu didalako. Zure ekarpenek aurrerapen izugarriak suposatzen dituzte itzulpenei dagokienez, eta, aldi berean, teknika edo itzulpen metodo berriekin harritzen gaituzte. Zorionak, eskerrik asko eta segi horrela.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A great application that allows you to easily and quickly enjoy the vn in another language. Using it is so simple that no one can say that they don't use it because they don't know how. Every time you get better with translation applications, it's an honor to have you here. Congratulations.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This tool is very good for real-time translations. especially for those who don't have a pc. and also. for those who find it difficult to translate. This tool is very good for real-time translations. especially for those who don't have a pc. and also. for those who find it difficult to translate. guys only for versions 8.0 and up. works well