Never MindNever tl
Can anyone tell me what can I do to create the work area
Build affection with them by petting,give them what they want.After the relationship reach 100,they will start having sex with you.Its pretty easy though.How many NPCs, except monstergirl, can be captured in this game ? And how ?
What happens next ? Do we have to train them and sell them or something else ?
Not really,you need to play it on there a way i can grab my save on android and put it in my pc?
i tried looking around on my file and cant seem to find it
Ops sorry,i misread.Petting ? I was aking about non monster-girls.
And by "captured", i meant "enslaved"
I dont remember,but you can buy them from Dorgana or Thief Guild.The others,i dont remember much.Thanks ! How many non monster NPC can be enslaved then ?
Go to amagal. At throne room go right to second door. Down into the library.How do you get the gift for chiyo, the alchemy set ? Having a hard time finding the guy who'll give it
Follow the guide.Finished vampire quest first,after that you can unlock Hellhound village.Same as wind spirit questhey can someone tell me where to find hellhound village and where to find and start the vampire and wind spirit quest i have finished all other quest
Use the ash you get from the previous fightHow do u defeat the challenge dungeon