Some harsh comments and reviews from other users about this game urged me to balance the scale a bit.
In terms of technical implementation and proficiency, yes, it is not that great -
please read to the end.
The game's concept in being kinda sandboxy has no real meaningful impact at this point and room navigation is disorienting (at least the first few times you have to interact with it) because of the multiple different and incoherent points of view/perspectives while traversing the map.
It begs the question of 'why is this a thing in the game at all', but it really doesn't matter that much.
Just click your way across the map from scene to scene and you are good, it is not a huge time sink or waste. Also, there is no grind whatsoever - the dev is not disrespecting your time, atleast with the current initial release.
The graphical capabilities are definitely outdated. At this point I can not really say how limiting a factor this is going to be in terms of representing 'the action', but for now the dev manages quite well to visualize his intent.
Design wise the characters look hot - female, and silly/ugly - male, a common trope.
Female bodies are of the stacked variety, meaning fat, round tits and asses accompanied by thin waists with wide hips, which I personally quite like.
Their faces are pleasing to the eye and conventionally beautiful, showing innocence combined with makeup and sensual features like big lips - attractive.
Lighting issues sometimes creep in and coloration of the eyes becomes a bit freaky looking, whatever.
Someone posted a screenshot showing some blocky looking feet, this didn't take me out of the experience and in my opinion can be overlooked.
These graphical issues often even vary and the dev doesn't make them to obvious and succeeds (imo) in covering them up by directing your gaze through pov shots and his camera work. One exception to this: please dev always make the butts look perfect

This game has animations, they feel and look like there is some actual weight to the characters, as opposed to how animations can sometimes look "floaty".
I would suggest a little bit more deceleration and acceleration at the right times, to give a better feeling and understanding of flesh friction/collision/penetration and the physical force used.
Overall the outdated graphics should only be a deal breaker to people who skip text and thus do not partake in the eroticism and setting provided by the characters and the interactions with one another in their environment and circumstances.
So, next let me talk about the scenes and why you should bother with this game.
The story is about control, power disparity and sexual corruption in an extreme scenario.
You, the MC, are an experienced, capable, self-determined, self-reliant and seemingly tough guy in a harsh post-apocalyptical world.
They, the LIs, are inexperienced, somewhat book educated but probably with no trained critical thinking skills - very maluable, innocent and ripe women.
You reconnect with them after a long period of 6 or so years of separation and find them still leading isolated lives in the sheltered, selfsufficent bunker, you left them in. Now they are fully grown and physically developed, maybe even somewhat guided by you in this aspect.
The hole in their understanding of social/sexual norms, that had formed at this point, needs to be filled ...
This game at heart is a 'Trainer', where the dev can present us with opportunities to influence the behaviour, personalities, appearance and actions of the LIs, all the while with them showing gratefulness for being "educated" and protected by their "daddy".
All of this sets up the opportunities for the player to instill in them a twisted framework of sexual appetites and debauchery - fun!
I will not spoil the current content and just say, the dev has shown glimpses of what could be seen as great moral degeneracy and him being a man of culture. This of course is just the first impression based off of the first release.
The game builds up erotisicm and heat quite well. The 3 women are always vulnerably ignorant and the MC is getting his mind constantly sidetracked to bonertown, because of the abundance of shapely flesh mounds in front of him, wherever he goes.
The writing to convey the scenes is alright and there is dialogue during all kinds of interactions, not to short either, which is good.
Grammar and wordiness of the dev is sufficient, only sometimes you get the sense: maybe he uses specific phrases, that don't translate all that well between languages.
The writing concerning the overarching plot/world building/rationalities, well... it is there... maybe it is going to get better, but eitherway this game is foremost a porngame - no game/story with porn.
Lastly I want to mention what the dev said regarding development time and regular updates. This still has to be shown true, but it was said (if I am not mistaken): there is going to be something like a weekly update schedule, with extensive content in each.
This statement is also the reason why we consumers should reflect a bit more, before reflexively trashing something like 'renderquality'.
It is sadly common place that game devs whose games land on this site, have unreasonable long development cycles - I understand why (even disregarding something like milking donors), but I don't wannt to accept this as the only feasible way of doing things.
Maybe(!) this dev can somehow present an alternative to the status quo.. we have to wait and see.
People who are looking for a captivating plot and character intrigue will rate this 1/5
People who are cgi fetishists and like animation go faster/slower buttons will rate this 1/5
People who are slightly autistic and/or show OCD like tendencies by overanalyzing and picking apart everything, disregarding prevailing limiting factors rate this 1/5
I like it and want more and am rating this 5/5
My opin.. rating was formed and influenced by hopeful-excitement.
There is a lot of room for improvements, a lot of them don't really matter to what is at the heart of it.
Do I wish it to be a little bit less lacking in the graphical, UI-related and game-systems department, sure.
Do I wish to hinder further progress and make the dev question his every decision, no!
I would like for the dev to explain again and in more detail, how we can support the game going forward. This point still is a bit unclear to me.
Also, I hope his expectations don't clash too much with reality or that he just appreciates people like me, who honor the shared depravity and keeps it coming.