[REQUEST] Skull and Bones mods


New Member
Mar 23, 2023
SnB is Ubi's latest pirate game. Its female characters have a disappointing lack of customization, but I can live with it.

What I can't live with are the outfits.

Characters have a base underwear outfit that they wear if they're not wearing anything else. That's fair in a game of its kind.

However, the bra for the female character is basically a ratty, nasty bedsheet bound around their chest. And ubi forces this thing to be visible on nearly every outfit for female characters.

Imagine: male's thigh-length underclothes disappear if you put on a loincloth or something that shows a little leg.

But if your character is a woman, and you put on a shirt that might show an inch of skin below the collar bone? Better force that nasty bedsheet bra on the character. We can't have the children seeing cleavage while they swear, drink, smuggle drugs, and murder indiscriminately to steal from rich and poor sailors!

Please, someone. Is there a way to mod this game to remove the stupid bra for female characters? Or at least recolor it? I could live with white instead of "the only toilet paper we had while drifting at sea for a month" brown