Ok to make it absolutely clear....
"Requesting **/banned content = INSTANT BAN"
** is real life stuff i.e. real children
Banned content is rule 7 stuff etc. i.e. loli / shota.
I know of no comics or games that contain ** but IF they do exist then YES, VERY MUCH YES instant ban and I hope they also get reported to the authorities.
BUT it is not limited to comics / games, ANY form = instant ban
None, NO due diligence, if someone asks for ** they don't get or deserve "due" anything, instant ban and again hopefully reported to the authorities.
This is why I said I don't think you understand the context or meaning...
Next time it might be better to ask rather than comparing the site to NK and implying the rules might be unfair.
Well, I assumed that "**" stands for "child pornography", meaning something like "any visual depiction of a minor engaging in sexual activity." If "**" is restricted to "real life stuff" that changes a lot.
I also don't know of any comics or games that contain "**" as defined by you, but as you wisely pointed out, they might exist. And if they do, we're back to square one: "What level of due diligence [in checking if the work contains **] is required?"
Here are some examples that I hope are non-controversial:
1) comics or games from the dark web – these should not be requested for various reasons;
2) comics or games from respected publishers – these should be safe to request for various reasons.
But what about things in between? For instance, comics or games published by smaller creators, where the available information does not indicate the presence of ** content? In such cases, I believe it would be unfair to impose an instant ban on someone for requesting the game or comic in question.
Of course, if "**" is strictly limited to "real life stuff", such situations are less likely to occur, but they remain a possibility.