Ren'Py - Abandoned - Resident X [v0.7 Public] [Red Pixel Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The art looks good. Some faces are a bit on the sketchy side but overall totally fine.
    The layout of the house is great and i somewhat like the mini puzzles around the house even tho there are very few of them yet.

    Scenes are just teasing so far. Some people think this is not enough for the amount of time its in development but since I am not paying for it I dont mind dev taking as much time as he needs.

    Only 1 star because its not possible to change MCs name. In a somewhat freeroam/sandbox setting this is a must have imo.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    As others mentioned, so will I:

    Good art
    Seems nice
    Good-ish pace of "storyline"
    Seems OK

    After a year in development there is hardly any content.
    Basically what you see in the teasers and maybe another shot or two.
    No penetration
    Only a couple of handjobs , and thigh rubs.
    If this was in the first 3-4 months of development I would had given it a 4* but after 12 months and still getting this... the 2* is actually a decent score even though this could get a 1* for being a bait.

    Regardless of the change log's saying "added scenes" , did this and did that , the "scene" is actually just a screenshot of the hero for example looking at the milf etc.

    Such a dissapointment
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3134271

    This is another entry in the Suburban Harem subgenre of porno games. In this subgenre, you're an unassuming young man of non-descript general attractiveness. You're fit, slim, and are of average abilities and intelligence. Your only immediately noteworthy trait is your large dick. You cohabitate with a doting milf type, and usually there's a bitchy older sister archetype that's simply a younger, but sluttier version of the aforementioned milf, and sometimes there's a younger sister who adores or idolizes you. Additionally you might spot a girl-next-door type, or an auntie who is a sluttier version of the milf but of a comparable age. The father is absent, either because he left or he died, and this provides a through-plot for the entire game.

    In this case, Resident X in its current state fits the bill- you are an unassuming, good-natured young man with a big dick who cohabitates with a doting milf. Your dad is dead, and in this case, he was messing with some secret society, alien stuff. There is an absent sister type, but she's hinted at and will 100% appear should this game keep being updated. There's a girl-next-door and an auntie-esque hot teacher.

    The art of the game is the high point, but I suspect it may be the reason for the snail's pace development. This game is over a year in development at the time of this review, and there's barely any content to speak of. There are a few scenes, but unfortunately it feels bereft of stuff to see compared to its peers within this subgenre.

    Gameplay wise, I will give it points for having a good quest-log, logical puzzles and a good sense of direction. I didn't have to consult an external guide to progress. It's typical Ren'Py point-and-click, inventory management gameplay, but honestly it stays in its lane and doesn't try to do crazy stuff with the limited engine. It knows what it is, and that's good.

    So, maybe check back in 6 months to a year to get more of a completed experience. If it keeps on track, it'll definitely be a 4/5.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I will be honest, I love the new refreshing type of art in this game and the overall gameplay, looking forward to see where this goes in the future, but I would love to see more customization options in for example costumes the npcs wear or similar type of player freedom of choice. P.S. Love it for now.
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    Ode Trendl

    It doesn't seem really bad, but honestly there just isn't much content to speak of. Graphics are ok, the premise is ok. But I don't really understand where the game is heading. I'd rather wait for something more before giving a better review.
  6. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1769437

    v0.4: Good art but messy execution with a pointless day system. Built in walk-through is almost required. The text is in Engrish but it's not that bad (inconsistent capitalization, occasional misspellings but overall very readable).

    This is almost two unrelated games stapled together. The first is about a guy who lives with [definitely not his mom]. [Not his sister] is away at college and [not his dad] disappeared a while back. When your not-mom asks you to grab her some clothes while she's in the shower you find a mysterious keypad in her closet for the first time and decide to investigate it which leads you into the big mystery of what happened to not-dad.

    The second has the same backstory as the first but also you've been suspended for school for beating up a nerd for perving on a teacher. Now you're trying to find ways to occupy your time and pass school. Also everyone you meet is a hot lady who you'll probably end up having sex with.

    There's nothing wrong with this conceptually. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade game starts with you teaching a college course. Pandora Directive starts with a missing person's case. The problem with this game is that the missing dad alien conspiracy game and the teen sex romp don't feel related to each other at all.

    The missing not-dad part is just a series of finding keys and looking for locks or vice versa. At one point you have to brute force a puzzle (unless I missed a clue somewhere) which left me stuck as I didn't think that could possibly be the solution. Eventually this seems to dead-end although it doesn't indicate it's the end of current content so maybe X days need to pass or something. Overall I am interested to see where this story line goes.

    Meanwhile you have a journal that will just say things like "check the tree house" and if you go at the right time you meet a new girl. Then you just keep doing what the journal says to progress and eventually get some spicy scenes. I enjoyed this part less because none of it was intuitive. I was just doing what the journal told me.
    There are also some very clunky interactions here. At one point you get told to text a girl at night. You wait until night, go to your phone, and nothing. Instead you need to use your bed to get the option to text. You'll be told another character will come to your house at certain times. Is she at the front door? Nope. You have to go to your room, which causes the doorbell to ring, and THEN you can answer the door.
    My final major gripe is that this game has the same day/time system that every one of these games has and there's no reason for it other than pointless padding. These characters aren't leading vibrant, interesting lives where they move around on a fixed schedule--it's literally just you in a small bounded area most of the time. Yet you're constantly given tasks like "Y will visit on Tuesday/Thursday afternoons" or "meet Z at the pool on weekend mornings" and you'll check the calendar and it's Monday morning so better go hit skip time over and over. The game would be improved by doing away with days and just keeping the times.

    In conclusion, I am always excited for 2dcg games with good art but I would like to see more of the "point & click adventure" game and less of the "sandbox checklist" game and more crossover between the two. Also less of the specific days for events, it's just adding extra clicks to skip time.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    It's got everything I personally like. The gameplay, the art, the animation, and the charm this game has.

    I love the unique button of switching angles during Eleanor's animation scene, I hope to see more of that ! ANDD the whole Engima Journal, I hope to see more of that alien !

    Content is fair, to be honest. Let's think of all the backgrounds, and the art required to make this. Good quality art, from my experience requires time & patient.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Bonz singh

    This game is fantastic, the art and animations are superb and the characters are extremely believable. it's really good. it has what i think is probably the most important thing in an erotic game which is it feels like some horny teenager's fantasy.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Update: Dropping a star. The art is still great but after this long out less content than you'd expect, seems to still be missing text skip and other QoL features, it's not 'bad' and the art's still great it's just been slightly disappointing.

    First off the art work is great. MILFlicious. The story seemed okay so far. I might have gone four except for two issues. The first, text fast forward isn't fully activated (not on first playthrough). Since not every scene did I care enough about, it's just a quality of life feature a dev shouldn't turn off IMO since sometimes a player might just not give a shit about a scene and forcing them to read it doesn't make it better. The second, it's somewhat open world and it's find/click based. That's not bad, it's some peoples cup of tea, but it does feel grindy for the payout. While the game isn't terrible, it's a 3 (maybe 3.5, I appreciated the walkthrough PDF helping the grind some) and I hope it gets better, when I also had to sit through scenes I didn't care about, I spent more time than I wanted looking at a room clicking things all to briefly get to look at a hot naked MILF's artwork. I don't want my adult games to be a stare at a room simulator for too long.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Game is a mixed bag.

    Gameplay is unbearably repetitive filled with the fetchquest, annoying navigation tropes that the sanbox genre is plagued with. The fact that you can only sleep at night and can only change time of day at certain locations is incredibly annoying. The house layout isn't too confusing but having more hints on the doors of rooms that indicate what's on the other side would be nice.

    Story is somewhat interesting I guess? Seems kinda tropy but I can't judge it too hard.

    Now the art. Art is amazing, especially the backgrounds and such. I love the girls' body types and how voluptuous they are. HOWEVER, their faces are just not it. Some of these gals are straight-up chopped in the face dude, they are plain ugly. So you got hot bods with not-so-hot faces.

    Sex scenes and animations are nice though.

    In conclusion, this game needs some work. The gameplay is straight up NOT fun but the sex scenes are cool.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    As of version 2.0,

    This game is fantastic, the art and animations are superb and the characters are extremely believable. I really hope this game continues to add content, as the art and writing are soooo much better than a lot of the other shyte on this site.

    I really love the landlady and teacher, and hope the Dev keeps coming up with different sexy outfits for them!
    Likes: ILW
  12. 1.00 star(s)



    *Art is ok. Most characters look like they took a few bricks in the face, a very realistic artstyle. Honestly probably the only real +.
    *It doesn't pretend to be interesting and the text is kept to a minimum.
    *Had some issues with the game failing to load assets. It didn't break everything and added some attractive black bars to the screen.
    *Only kills 30 minutes of time.
    *You punch a nerd in the face, That was cool. No idea why I did it but it was so worth it.

    There is any text in the game the text is only borderline broken English but the entire game is one giant run-on sentence because they don't use periods very much like this paragraph they don't format the text bar very well either so text is not consistently printed in the right spot that drives me up the wall oh and lets not forget the user defined words you fill in at the start which result in sentences not making any sense if you use anything other than mother and mommy because wink wink nudge nudge no incest here

    Hey wow is that a patreon I see
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    memes memer

    it's really good. it has what i think is probably the most important thing in an erotic game which is it feels like some horny teenager's fantasy.

    art style 7.5/10 - tbh when i just looked at the screenshots i thought it seemed pretty good but i wasn't so impressed (mostly that it's kinda inconsistent like some parts in certain shots look like an 8-9 while in others they're more like a 6-7) but after playing, while i still think the art style can be improved, i realize the art style's strength really shines in game. it communicates eroticism well in a way the screenshots probably kinda "flatten". anyway, the art style is deceptively better than it might seem by the screenshots. if you're reading this not sure whether to play, i'd say give it a playthrough. you'll likely be surprised.

    design choices 9/10 - character designs are fantastic on eleanor and sadie. they look and feel very much like their age while being attractive. the only design choice i kinda question is konami. i feel like with how good eleanor and sadie are, konami has to be like model-hot or something (to kinda offer something different). the "little imperfections" of sadie and eleanor add to their eroticism but konami just feels kinda average imo, like i'd rather just get back to the eleanor and sadie content in future updates. i feel like as of 0.1, i just don't really see much appeal in konami. eleanor and sadie are fantastic designs though for their personalities/story arcs.

    story/scene ideas 9/10 - this is definitely a strong point of the game. scenes are unique. they're not repetitive or bland. i guess it's just a little too early to tell but definitely great first release.

    pacing 9.5/10 - probably some of the best pacing i've seen in an erotic game. it builds up at a good pace that isn't blue-balling or tedious. there aren't huge grinds or barriers. and it doesn't feel rushed to the point where the scenes feel like they have no pressure/build up. it's very effective at creating build up quickly and cashing in on it well. as a 0.1, it feels satisfying without even having any form of penetration yet which imo is the mark of really knowing how to build up and cash in well. it doesn't feel blue-bally at all.

    overall 9/10 - it's really good.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 989013

    Game has a very good art

    Very Detailed which shows in design of the house

    A lot of potential as of version 0.1
    Not a lot of content but to be expected from ver 0.1, But it's enough to get the idea of this game.

    We can hide the interface on H which is so important to me because i like to screenshot every scene from games i play.

    It has very pleasing background music since version 0.1 which is amazing and i hope we get to see that in more games.

    I haven't encountered any bugs while playing the game.

    Not the best interface but it's unique and it works for this game.

    I would like to have a bit more saving space in the future updates.

    Overall it's 5/5 for me