Relatively short game with good depth in gameplay.
The Good
- It's an autobattler, and I love autobattlers. All the outside-of-combat mechanics are good as well. The roguelike upgrading system is not too grindy, the different management mechanics are minimal but still manages to have just enough strategizing to make it worthwhile. The difficulty of the game is perfect imo; all the "bad endings" are easy to get, but to get the "good ending" you have to retry a few times and look for different strategies.
- Minimal story and dialogue
- When you get a game with fun gameplay, you just want the story to make sense, and have the dialogue be short and sweet, which this game manages to do pretty well. Play to your strengths.
The Bad
- I see people complaining about not enough content. The game length is what it is, I don't complain about a short game when it's free. Especially since I can see how the gameplay loop gets boring after a while.
The Ugly
- There's at least
some AI CG as far as I can tell, definitely in the DLC mode. The CG in the main story is good enough that someone stupid like me can't tell if it is AI or not. So I guess it's fine.
Autobattler, with both management and roguelike mechanics baked in. The story is short, the game is short, CG is okay, it's pretty much all about the gameplay. I personally loved the gameplay, 5/5.