Ren'Py - Abandoned - Resolute [v0.3] [PanzerGames]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Reviewing v0.3(there will be spoilers)

    I'll be brief, the game is boring, uninspired and mediocre all around, so if the game is so average, why a rating lower than 3stars?

    Let's see:

    - MC's personality manages to be both a seasoned pervert AND an innocent man-child while also bragging being a good fighter, in his presentation insists that he is getting good at school but soon as he is at school we learn that his grades are going down. Nothing aside "Be good at fighting" is consistent, also being good at fighting should give him enough confidence but he doesn't show it(or have it at all), he is more shy than an introvert during a school-presentation. He is simultaneously treated like the perfect man on earth while also being the end of every joke made by the other characters, it's not consistent.

    - The other characters are just bipolar, like i mentioned they go from idolizing MC for the mere fact that he exists to mock him non-stop, tease him and ridicule him like it's a sport and they want to earn a gold medal for it.

    - First time i ever stumble upon this issue: A couple scenes are in the wrong order, what i mean? One of the early scenes shows Olivia and Alice in their cheerleader outfits celebrating that they got in the team, BUT much later at home, Olivia confesses to MC that she and Alice want to join the what? That already happened!

    -This one is nitpicky: the game has Camilla(the introduction girl, i'm already unsure about her name) explaining how the sandbox works but in V0.3's changelog it's stated that the sandbox got removed completely, so why keeping such message?

    - Now to least important issue: The graphic is just mediocre, the quality is barely basic HS2, MC looks like a 12 years old kid (fair, male models are not that easy to make, even more when you want to make them original and cool) but for example Michelle(MC's mom) has her eyes too close to her nose, and the nose-bridge too deep in her face (like half of it looks like it's lodged inside her skull) while her forehead (and the hairstyle doesn't help) looks as big as her face.

    - I won't comment on the whole Alice in love with Olivia, you can see it from 10 miles that it's the classic "love-triangle drama that will end up in a threesome" nor i won't comment on the slow burn, but it's overall annoying because the characters won't stop teasing MC (and the players basically...with nothing that really arouses our interest i dare to say)

    Ultimately i wish the dev good luck, he will need a lot of it if he wants to be successful with a game in such a messy situation, i recommend to find a proofreader and take pause to play his own game every once in a while(or at least before working on a new update and before releasing it with the new content, and to be critical about his own creation, it helps to figure out issues and other possible errors)
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The mechanics of the game seem to be a little clunky so that it takes a while to make progress with any of the characters and/or story elements. (I was thinking of joking that the player is the one who has to be resolute to keep at the game.) The story is a fairly common trope: family head does some thing stupid that leaves the family in debt--how can the MC earn enough to save the family. That said, the models are cute, and the relationships do develop, if slowly.