Updated Review, Update 9
I don't know if I can get behind this game as much as before. It's good at the beginning before the characters start having proper sex, but after a while it gets boring. Like, my favorite model is Maddie but I'm bored with her personality. She's just accepting of anything the MC says. There was an interesting part of the beginning when the MC was a savior of sorts from her rude Aunt, but it's kind of just solved so there is no more interesting content between them. It's just a threesome with the Nurse... again...
I do like how you can have revenge on your stepsisters. It's interesting that you can also forgive them. The issue that hit me the hardest was the Incest. The aunt... her scenes were awful. There was no pacing. No taboo. No interesting reason. Nothing. She just offers you a massage and blowjob... then you have sex with her if you have the extras pack. It's so soulless, what's the point of them being related?
Luckily, I still really like the renders even though they aren't the best. I like them stylistically. They are very shiny, almost doll like. But it's good for me. I want to get revenge on the Stepmother. I hope it's more satisfying than the blood related aunt :/
It looses 1 star. 4 out of 5.
Original Review Below
Revenga Version 0.5
Having just finished this update, I'm a bit disappointed. I like the characters, and the MC, but we really just moved on from exposition to sex scene, to exposition, chill scene, sex scene, and more sex, then sex scene. While this isn't in itself bad, they are batches of 2 girls each. The first has the MC with Aunt's 2 friends. Good enough, but no real substance. The last one is the bit with Maddie and the maid, I forgot her name, and it's a good little threesome. Then it's over before much happens.
I mentioned before that updates were too short, well this is definitely what I meant. 1 day of content without much progression. I know there is a dark plot with Enrique coming up, but with just 1 day every update, I can see the plot losing steam. Maks, if you're reading this, I hope you can fix the short updates. Maybe release 2 days instead of just one. Easier said than done, I know. Still, it would help alleviate the feeling of being cut off before you truly start getting into the game.
Revenga MAIN REVIEW at Version 0.4
You know, I think I'm gonna buck the trend of negative reviews. I played this a while back and had zero complaints about it. Unless it goes into a "kidnap MC's LI's and forces them through rape/torture" I think it'll be fine.
To start, this game is very straight forward. Your dad was in a loving relationship with your mother growing up. She died in a mysterious way. The father in grief remarried a "Sociopathic Manipulating Moneygrubbing Whore" and her, alone with her equally morally corrupt daughters torture you for your entire rest of your childhood.
You start the game coming back from your educational prior commitments (Highschoo? College?) and soon your getting busy with this REALLY Hot AND nice girl on a plane. You come home to your fathers house and it turns out that it's also the nice girls aunts house.
The rest of the game is pretty good if you like it when people get their just deserts for being shitty to you. Again, very simple story, but VERY effective. You basically have family members (Aunt, Cousin) plus 3 Step later to choose from (Stepmom/2 Stepsisters), if you're into that sort of thing.
Immediately the game begins to put you in a power position. Not that shitty "you start as the passive MC that gets abused until he is strong enough to fight back" bullshit. You immediately discover deception in your Stepmother and take steps to make sure you are respected.
If you're into this sort of narrative, you'll enjoy this. There are maids to love, romances to bloom and family members to impregnate (maybe?)
Thoroughly enjoyed it. My only real complaint is that it seems too short sometimes. The models are good, especially the Stepmothers Niece. She's the one on the right in the cover image. The game makes you the "alpha" right away. The rest of the story is I assume reserved for the revenge