
RPGM - Completed - Revenge of the Elf 2 [Final] [ST Hot Dog King]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    This game was hard to give a rating on as it does some things remarkably well and other things, a little poorly.

    First off with good, love all the artworks for Ahse (It might be Asha, please forgive me). When you are in battle, you can use different seduction techniques to weaken your enemy and leads to sexy artwork. All organically fitting into the game. No doubt my favorite are the finishers as the buildup feels incredibly satisfying. Now the bad, this artwork appears way to often and a chore to use (Thankfully the crystals mediate this.) For the first few times you use them, they are good, but after a while, it became incredibly tedious to do a sex scene you have seen a dozen times. This could have been a little muted if the dialogue was a bit more varied, but it is the same every time.

    Next is the conquering of villages. Just like with the animations, these are incredibly satisfying at the beginning. Asha finally gets revenge for all the bad things that have happened to her and is ready to take back the crystals the human empire have stolen from tentacle forest. The resources these towns give you was also a very fun mechanic as you needed to balance resource management in your empire. Though after taking the fifth village, you have seen them all. Their wasn't enough variation between villages to be visually interesting. This was partially remedied with castles each having a unique location but more variation was needed.

    Also, the enemies in these villages was incredibly bland. Just soldiers and captains. While this makes sense from a gaming perspective as you want the sexy animation attacks to fit with each enemy, it was still boring enemies. Maybe have some wizards weak to physical attacks than sexy attacks. Don't get me wrong, the previous games also had similar enemies, but the game spiced things up by having something unique, draining the enemies seed. For the first game, you weren't just defeating another tentacle, you were farming semen. And the next game, Revenge of the Elf, you were also collecting semen and if you wish, collecting slaves. The thing that happens here is you fuel up your rage gauge to unleased your ultimate. Good, but more tedious than the other systems.

    Another problem was the challenge. I never once got defeated after a siege. It would be nice if the enemies actually did more damage and you could use healing potions outside of combat as a effective balance.

    As for story, this is where I have the most problem. Their just isn't enough of one. I wanted Ashe to conquer and have to make decisions on how will she rule. One part I really enjoyed was how Ashe would midpregnant women to act as breeders to breed her army. Though would like more story and artwork on these women. Are they abused, or does Ashe actually get to spend some time with them and get to bond over their shared experiences.

    Also, the human kingdom was incredibly boring. Not even given a name. My least favorite part had to be learning that Asha's previous friend (Maybe lover) controlled the king and no one in the entire kingdom noticed. I thought the previous game, Worm Next, it set up elves are peaceful creatures living in the forest. Only when they have help do elves become a force to be reckoned with. This was shown when Asha enlisted the help of Leeches, and when she developed a mutually beneficial relationship with the tentacles, she become powerful. Asha got access to an army (and pleasure), and the tentacles got a leader that could think, unite them, and reproduce with.

    Another point in the story that could have helped was more human character interaction. Humans are, by their nature, selfish and mistrustful of each other (and for good reason). I wanted to see Asha weaken this kingdom from internal struggle like ancient Rome. Where some kingdoms are unsatisfied with their current ruler and are open to peace talks, others are opportunists seeking to take power for themselves, like warlords, and others are corrupt where the right bribe/sex scene can give you all the intel you would need.

    Or maybe just some peasants Asha interacts with where she promises a life of pleasure in exchange for their breeding. Being well fed, a roof over you head, and almost endless pleasure would be quite a draw for peasants who are one meal away from starvation. Ashe has to use these unique tactics because humans are dangerous. They can adapt, make alliances to balance another power, and quite deceptive.