Well, I know it is just the first version and it's early, but I will probably not be playing this after this and frankly, this should be only 3 stars, but the dev has really put a lot of work into this .
Let me just say, the quality of the renders are really well done. The Dev has put a ton of work into this and it shows. Really nice models and settings. Everything seems really well thought out and again, it is easy to see how much work has gone into this.
There are, IMO, several issues.
What is with all the sideways and angled camera angles? It was distracting and I found myself turning my head to have to look and appreciate the images. I guess it's a style choice like JJ Abrams Lens Flares or something, and I think I would have been okay with a little of it, but there is way too much and it took me out of the story.
As I mentioned, the render quality is top notch,. The problem I have is with the scene blocking. Everyone's face is turned from the camera at a sharp angle. And I mean Everyone. It's weird. Plus, look at their eyes. All of them are looking at things out of the corners of their eyes. 90% of the scenes are that way. It's crazy distracting and it makes it seem like they all have something to hide.
Can't stand him. What a brooding little bitch.
Anyway, the dev is clearly talented and they have certainly set themselves up for a lot of work. The proposed detail and multifaceted paths are going to be challenging but if they can pull it off, it should be really great.
I really love the concept and I hope this continues to grow and improve as the project progresses.
EDIT: Update for Version .06
The dev really went all in on the sideways looks and odd scene blocking. I guess it's a style they want to stick with, but nothing to see here. Knocking this down from 4 stars to 3.