Unreal Engine - Revenge [v2024-03-20] [DumbCrow]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Ok, after this new update, i can finally say few words about this game.

    I'll start from the end: the game is a solid 7/10.

    The pros: there are the basics, and they are quite solid: managing minions, development of the camp, and so on, even if a bit raw, they are well developed and solid. The gameplay is quite hard to grasp at the beginning, but once you get the first few mechanics, is quite fun to play. And the few minigames like free the minions, push back the guards and more are quite tricky but entertaining.

    But, after this, let's analyze the cons.

    Principally, all regards the developing of the camp.

    First things first: the dimension of the camp furnitures. Some are quite useless, like the hot bath, the alchemist table, and the cross. About the hot bath: i think it could be better, instead of having two different type of baths (the normal one and the hot one), that would be more functional to have an upgrade for the normal one which could give you the chance to wash more minions at same time (like 4 at same time), instead to have a bath which could consume resources to be effective. About the alchemist table: the function, right now, is quite unclear: it's for the camp leader? The minions can learn something? For now is quite a waste of space. Third, the cross and the pleasure bench: i think it could be more usefull have few more pillory, than having three different devices (pillory, bench, cross).

    Other things that should be improved or added: the possibility to buy an increase of size of the camp, because the more minions you add, the more will be the space you'll need. The trianing camp: quite useless at the moment in my opinion: the fact that you have a single minion you can train there, and you even need to buy a training dummy for a single minion as well, it's quite a waste. I hope in the next update the training camp will get an increasing size for train at least two minions at the same time. The tents for the minions are a good thing, but: or the dev increase the number of beds in each tent, or better to add an upgrade which could permit to increase the number/size of the tents. The infirmary is usefull, but could be better, instead to have another minion which certain requirements to assist the injuried, to consent the camp leader, who have already the healing perks, to provvide assistance. Will be more efficient and less vexing for the player to have to grind experience for their minions in order to unlock certain perks.

    Another last thing: that could be good, each zone conquered, to have A)different place for camp missions, and some interactions with villages/taverns/markets, like mini events for the minions as well, and an option for increase/diminish the random encounters.

    As i said, the game is solid, but quite raw, and those at the moment are the missing things i noticed most.

    7/10, with lot of progress ahead.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Most of the time girls are ugly but at least You can edit them at Demon Altar, sex animations are looking... nah... could have no sex animations at all and would not make any difference...

    Game is simple and short loop so its kinda boring rly fast...
    I played it for like 3 hours and got bored so early.

    All You can do is to buy whore, slave or demon and then put them in almost random minigame, you place girls in randomly generated locations and hope that Demon will come to fuck them... You can use stamina to lure them but its working only on "bed" and bed is pretty rare to have...

    I used to have 5 girls and was having 2 "slots" where i can put my girls for sex... so 3 of them were useless.

    From time to time girls can be attacked by demons, i was thinking that maybe i need male demon to defend my girls from idiot customers... but no... Your demon can stand on same tile that is already taken by NPC demon... and there is no way to defend girls or at least i dont know how...

    Game is saying Uncensored but unless you join their shit Discord just to get CODE to uncensore there is no way to uncensore it... and censore is like so stupid strong... naked girls censored are like 6x8 pixels big... so basicly without that code this game is unplayable... at least as hentai game.

    Well... maybe in few years if this game will be keep updated it can be something good... but for now its 2/5 max 3/5 stars...

    Well there are other similar but way better games, this game currently is just waste of time, after first 10 minutes of gameplay You already know everything that game have to offer.

    After entering new map u can get some new options but well... these are just copy pase of current options... so its just very simple short loop...
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A very underrated and talented dev. His style is unique and I am a fan of his previous and current work. Like his previous game Cost of survival, this one is a management game with interesting concepts and mechanics. Although I preferred the setting and world elements in his previous game, this one has a lot of promise and contains fascinating things. With constant updates coming in, I'm sure this will turn out to be a master piece as well.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    El Presidente


    when first i've pick up this game, i hated it. There is no introduction and you don't know what to do or how to move, the tutorial is just a [?] hidden in the menù. After that, i started like it.
    It's a curios slave management game, the goal of your mission should be helping the demon army to destroy every castle in his way, giving "moral support" with your "slaves".
    i quote "slaves" because i found hiring prostitute is more cost-efficient.
    There are very clever mechanic like the affection tree that give bonuses as your slave/worker is treated in some way or another, making a complex interaction with them.
    But as i said, it need a lot of work in the UI and a lot of quality of life improvement like key to pass the turn.
    in the end i think it's going to be a cool project, i hope the developer will improve the idea, maybe with other creature or more stuff
  5. 3.00 star(s)



    Hey, hey guys, hold your horses with the reviews. First of all, there is not much here yet. Second, yes, this game has cute 3d models, some gameplay and overall working mechanics -but it's yet to be realised what this game is about.

    I'm not criticizing here (it's a demo, obviuosly) but the problem still stays nonetheless - I'm struggling to see what developer will be focusing on. Turn-based combat? No, it's not even combat btw, it's... I don't know what it is. Management? Maybe, but if there will be like MUCH more of things to manage then there are now - it will become tiresome. Slave girls corruption/mindbreak? Again, maybe, but for now there are no dialogs and no way of depicting said corruption. Plot? Dev says himself that he will be trying more "rogue-like" approach based on random maps. So for now - you're just... doing stuff. Usually people give stars for "potential" but I can't foresee where this is going, again "what this game is about". So, 3 stars for now.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game kept me up well past my bed time I enjoyed the feeling of directly supporting a aggrestive counqoring army well not directly controling it, the 3D grafics are above average and the gameplay loop seems balance, perhaps even fast witch is a good thing. it heavly depends on how you make cash and what you spend your starting money on. finding the fastest meta to get rich with cash and whores is fun. 10/10
    Likes: mc247
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2467102

    It's like the original Warcraft (before World of Warcraft), except with demons, humans and sex.
    It's fun!
    -More animations, perhaps a higher skill gets new animations. i.e. 'Show and Swallow' and a smile instead of being exhaused for high BJ skill.

    -More options to take care of your male camp demons (especially with a positive relation)
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Buid 2022-02-21

    The game has the same models as Cost of Survival, but the gameplay is totally different. It basically revolves around you supplying sex for a demon army that goes from one area to another destroying human castles. You have train and maintain a caravan of sex slaves. It has a laborious turn based system, satisfy the needs of the demon army and resupply them with male demons while tending to the sexual needs. The animation is repetitive, the task is basically click and wait a few dozen times. It does get boring fast. Not sure what the end purpose of it is, or if there is one.

    • Tedious tasks that you have to repeat over and over again
    • Painfully repetitive turn base system with long waiting period
    • Lots of animation, but each sex area/event only has 3. So repetitive,
    • Bad camera angles, and in some instances fixed (brothel)
    • Girls look very similar

    • Still in early stages
    • The creator has proven talent
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    First off, this is a first release and it is in no way finished. So I am grading for what I think it will be instead of what it is now.

    There is no intro just straight to the game which is somewhat complicated. The first 10 minutes or so I had no idea what was going on and bought a giant mozaik from a pole, figuring out later this was also a female slave, you need the uncensor code to see pretty much anything in the game. I still haven't found a reliable way to make your slaves loyal or at least not running away all the time or maybe it is not yet implemented yet.

    So basically you are the caravan master following the demon army and providing whores for raising morale. From time to time the army is done and you travel to a new region with new shops/opportunities and for some reason you are allowed to choose where the army is going. I did not get any of this from the games description.

    What I did not like so far is this ''mission'' of whoring in the army camp, basically you just put women in stockades and press next turn about 30 times, don't know why this is made turn based.

    I really liked the previous games of this dev and I see the potential of this game.

    What I would like to see is some sort of MC, it's kind of weird to have a cart full of slaves but nobody in charge, would also be a nice way to train slaves in early game.
    Also, would be nice to be able to pan the map with wasd/arrows and maybe end turn with spacebar.